Sentences with phrase «asking for feedback»

Get in the habit of asking for feedback as soon as you finish projects.
If you are a leader at your firm, you can encourage a diversity friendly culture by modelling your adaptive behaviours (for example, asking for feedback from «quiet» meeting participants) for others to see.
You may still be able to capture testimonials from these clients by asking them for their feedback.
We're always thinking about things like that and always asking for feedback and looking at everything and examining if it's working right, and it's a little bit because it has grown so much it's not the same within, I mean year to year even more often.
It really comes down to listening to the clients and asking for feedback.
There's nothing wrong about asking for feedback.
My brief 2011 post asking for feedback on what people pay for Westlaw or Lexis generates lots of traffic still, no doubt driven by people searching for the answer to the very question I asked.
The ABA is asking for feedback on regulating such providers, but don't look for that to be a solution any time soon.
They're asking for feedback on the idea, so if you have input, please visit their site and give your two cents.
The X-Prize foundation has been asking for feedback about their next steps toward private spaceflight.
We can also work to make what is invisible visible by challenging assumptions and asking for feedback.
You know it's coming your way, so rather than coming in bright - eyed and bushy - tailed (or as a friend once labeled me, a prissy - ass optimist) only to get slaughtered by questions about the holes in your idea, be proactive by asking for feedback.
Update 3: Asking you for feedback on what kind of Stretch Goals you would like to see and a big thank you.
Bandai Namco has put out a survey for people that purchased Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 and is asking for feedback on the title.
«As Marriott developed the app and tested mobile check - in, we engaged customers, asking for their feedback to perfect the experience and learn what mattered most to them,» said Paul Cahill, senior vice president of brand management for Marriott Hotels.
It introduces techniques to develop associates, including maintaining or enhancing employee self - esteem, focusing on specific behaviors and outcomes, using rewards and consequences to reinforce behavior, listening effectively, asking for feedback, and setting goals and follow - up dates.
Right now, the Department of Education is asking for feedback on what will become the law of the land for defrauded student loan borrowers.
The CFPB is asking for feedback on «private education loans and related consumer financial products and services that are...
Asking for feedback on the design is much more effective than doing a «reveal» of the final cover.
In his opinion, you are better off asking for feedback from your next - door neighbour, who may even critique your work for FREE!
A cover design process is a great thing to invite your readers into, by asking for their feedback and recommendations.
But because, as you point out, asking for feedback is a big ask, I suggest that authors wait until they've completed first drafts before showing their manuscripts to anyone.
You can «test» out your book cover by asking for feedback from your writer's group, family, friends, co-workers, etc..
I only sent personal emails every now and then to these folks asking for feedback: «Hey, I'm writing this book, it's on a topic I'm really passionate about because of my background and I'd really love your feedback».
It's been quite a process, but Thomas & Mercer has kept me thoroughly involved, asking for feedback and approval every step of the way.
From these advanced readers, you're not asking for feedback for yourself.
It started with a member asking for feedback about the fees a publisher was going to charge him.
And by sharing updates or asking for feedback on your book while you write, you stimulate curiosity and a sense of personal investment in your audience.
Along with the forums, the district is asking for feedback through online surveys.
Maybe there is hope in their asking for feedback.
The email address provided by you at registration, or as updated, may also be used by or its Provider Partners to contact you for any reason, including: (1) your account status, (2) notification of the availability of new content or features of the site, (3) participation in user surveys, asking for feedback on the website and (4) notifying you of existing or prospective products and services offered by us or our advertisers and partners.
Besides asking for feedback and suggestions for future articles, the annual survey also encourages readers to share how they're using our articles videos, podcasts and infographics in their role as an educator.
Talking to students and asking for their feedback is important in creating a space that students are supposed to utilize.
Review your own P.E. lessons by asking for feedback from your students!
Melissa Techman, the librarian at Broadus Wood Elementary, empowers her students» voices by asking for feedback on the work, look, and usability of the library, and she uses social media for connecting students across the district to foster that discussion.
Asking for feedback from students is one of the scariest things a teacher can do.
We need to communicate when we're taking a risk, asking for feedback, sharing any data that we gather, and then visibly self - assessing and reflecting on the results.
This is the essence of how projects should be developed; by asking for feedback of people with sufficient local and professional expertise, and avoiding all patronising «know - all» opinions that may lead to counter-productivity.
Neal spent the better part of her first year meeting with everyone she could on a listening tour, asking for feedback and ideas for how to make the district better.
Students can take the lead by asking for feedback on a Google doc throughout the writing process.
Since i don't get many replies i'm asking for feedback.
«Bigger girls in bikinis are not asking for your feedback
Some people have simple questions that only require 1 - 3 sessions such as asking for feedback on their dating profile, while other people have deeper issues and benefit from more support such as getting over an ex, low self - confidence, or limited opportunities to meet potential partners.
The logo has been a topic of heated debate in our homes and around our dinner tables (thanks, we don't remember asking for your feedback on our parenting style).
Proactively asking for feedback from your supervisor is a great way to demonstrate that you're constantly looking for ways to grow and improve.
After asking for your feedback and listening to all your request, I'm excited to announce I'll be taking on holiday wear while pregnant this year!
I suppose I only want for you to continue growing as I can definitely relate to you now — as I once could relate to Carly — and I hope you don't get stuck in a rut with blogging, as it seems she has... but that you're asking for our feedback alone tells me that I'll continue to enjoy reading!
I love your content and love that you're asking for feedback and input from us.
Gosh, I don't feel brave asking for feedback.
It's the same for our professional job seeker — they will always be in the process of preparing a CV or completing an application, preparing for interviews or following them up by asking for feedback.
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