Sentences with phrase «asking roommates»

While asking roommates, friends and landlords is a good way to get some ideas, you will also want to use Internet resources to make comparisons.
Mihalic says he then had to ask his roommates for their rent a few days early so he could meet his mortgage payment three days later.
You could also join a study group or ask your roommate to keep you accountable about finishing work and getting to class.
But this time, I decided to ask my roommate to be the syrup - pour - er which was SO much easier!
Morgan asked his roommate to not bring any of his food allergens into their dorm room.
If I forget to bring shampoo to the hospital, I'm not being FORCED to not shower — I just need to send someone to run out and buy some for me, or ask my roommate to borrow hers.
Instead of looking up the definition of a word in the book I was reading, I asked my roommate if she knew.
I asked my roommate, Blake, a couple of days ago.
asked my roommate, a graduate of a New Mexico prep school.
That's why you don't just ask your roommate to write your essay; you hire one of the best writing teams available on the market.
If you ask my roommates from college how they would describe me at that time, they would share with you the following picture: «Ritche would be sitting at his desk in his bathrobe with a glass of Glenlivet 18 Scotch in one hand and a laptop in the other hand with a phone glued to his ear».
I thought about asking my roommate, but he doesn't have any more money than I do.
And they ask roommates to write out living agreements in writing to address potential points of tension like sleep schedule and guests.
You could also ask your roommates to chip in.

Not exact matches

When I asked her and another girlfriend if they'd like to test it out with me that night, my friend acted like she didn't hear me while my roommate hesitantly said she'd consider letting her work phone sleep there.
One of the funniest examples is when Adichie's American roommate asked to listen to some of her «tribal music» and was disappointed when Adichie produced her favorite Mariah Carey album!
About a week before I found out that I was pregnant with my first child, one of my college roommates and best friends asked me to be the maid of honor in her wedding.
About a week before I found out that I was pregnant with my first child, one of my college roommates and best friends asked me to be the maid of...
An extra safeguard would be to ask students who apply for university housing if they have any allergies; students who might be allergic to smoke could be assigned roommates who don't smudge.
You can lash out at your roommate, extend the «you're number one» finger on the freeway or slow down and ask yourself a tough question: Does this anger God?
But my roommate has this nasty habit of asking embarrassing questions.»
There was a period when my roommate would ask me on a weekly basis what desserts would be around that week.
When I asked what he was doing, he told me it was for one of those roommates — apparently she «couldn't» eat things with bones currently in them.
Even my roommate who turns her nose at «healthy food» kept asking what smelled so wonderful.
Quick question... my roommate liked them but was asking if there was a way to make them sweeter.
And for the record, my roommate ate it for dinner, loved it, and then asked two hours later if it had meat in it.
My roommate asked me a question for which i didn't know the answer, and it was fairly embarrassing for a sports writer: «What even is UMBC?»
His road roommate was Ray Oyler, who asked McLain at the All - Star break if he could win 30 games.
And we'll say to high school students, if you can tell your roommate, to turn down the music, you're going to learn how to ask for a raise some day; because it really all comes down to the muscles that we all use, the skills that we need to express ourselves, to advocate for ourselves; and relationships can be the place where we learn how to do that.
His roommate has been extremely supportive, and we couldn't have asked for a nicer young man to share a dorm room.
«A mother who asks for formula because she wants to head over to the mall may get a different answer» She was totally my roommate for my last baby!
Then... he asked his ex-girlfriend's roommate what she WAS DOING THAT NIGHT!
Next, my old roommate Brad Terrell found a most amazing piece of video today, in which a reporter interruputed a scripted political parrot and asked real questions.
President Steven Aiello asked him to do something about Andrew Ball, who was the younger Aiello's roommate at the time.
My brother's roommate and some of his friends were going to Taormina, Sicily, for spring break and asked me to go with them.
But small acts of kindness, (like when a roommate cleans out the fridge without being asked) make your daily life easier.
If asking family members or roommates to complete tasks is like pulling teeth, consider posting a chore list on the fridge and incentivizing the completion of specific tasks.
Ask any of my roommates.
I'll ask my social media roommates.
There's no amount of preparation or years lived with roommates that will prepare you for the moment when you round the corner to see the person you love so much, the sweet man who brought you Chipotle on his way home from the office without even asking, pooping with the door open... watching YouTube videos.
So while the $ 1000 in Lulu and Georgia goodies went primarily toward styling Amellia's bedroom, we asked the big city roommates if they'd share the full home tour with our readers.
My roommate has asked for an envelope bag for her birthday and this one looks perfect!
I have a lot of friends who ask me who takes my photos (roommates, co-workers, parents, literally everyone) and how I get them to look the way that they do.
After that, it then asks for the kind of relationship you want i.e. friendship, love, sex, or roommates.
She asks about Dodge's roommate, and «that guy she was always with,» the one who seemed to make her so happy.
And last is the rarely seen, Count Orlok - style vampire Petyr (Ben Fransham), who at over 8,000 years old can hardly be asked to contribute to roommate meetings.
I try to find out everything I can about the author using a questionnaire that even asks about fraternities or sorority membership, roommates in college, and other tidbits about them personally and about the book itself.
The interview goes on, including asking if Grey is gay (yes, that is one of the questions the dear roommate has prepped for Ana to ask).
Ana Steele is about to graduate from college when her roommate asks her to fill in at an interview with the very, very rich Christian Grey for the college paper.
A disclaimer in front of the first episode warns that it contains graphic language and content that «may not be suitable for all audiences,» but the photography is really good, and I laughed out loud at John Goodman's first scene, where he wakes up one of his roommates — played by Bill Murray — to ask him about the police cars and television news cameras that are swarming outside their apartment.
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