Sentences with phrase «asks about the mechanism»

Your question asks about the mechanism of money inflation - not price inflation.

Not exact matches

Moreover, mechanism and purpose (teleology) are not mutually exclusive categories in looking at either the behavior of a man or the evolution of the universe; we need to ask about both the mechanics of a process and its purpose.
Before you make the final decision about which of these products you will choose, you should ask yourself two questions: «Is the mechanism is simple enough for me to set it up and handle it?»
I ask him if it's true what they say about the brutal efficiency of the SNP by - election machine, which is sold as some insanely robust targeting mechanism.
When Gotham Gazette asked de Blasio about the new budget mechanism that gives Cuomo additional power and any concerns for New York City he may have, particularly about federal cuts trickling down to the city, the mayor said he wasn't completely familiar with the provision, but from what he did know, he wasn't sure why it was needed.
All offer time for research, but because their funding mechanisms differ, it pays to ask a lot of questions about how residents are supported financially and whether research fellowships are offered with admittance to the residency or must be applied for separately.
In particular, NSF is thinking about asking Congress for special hiring authority, a mechanism that would allow the agency to bring in senior scientists at salaries above what they can typically offer federal workers.
During his years as an assistant professor of chemistry at University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Dietze asked fundamental questions about mechanisms of basic organic chemical reactions, questions he recounted in a recent telephone interview: «How does A go to B?
There is much confusion about how your metabolism, hormones and appetite mechanisms are affected when you're dieting, so this was really one of the most important questions anyone could have asked.
I was not asking about multiple mechanisms.
First, ask your healthcare provider their opinion and then do your own independent research to learn more about the mechanism of action and potential side effects.
Ask about the review mechanisms (how they will handle the feedback, regression, and change - requests).
If your car is older and does not have the «glow in the dark» trunk release, ask your automobile dealership about getting your vehicle retrofitted with a trunk release mechanism.
However, every single manufacturer consulted said virtually the same thing when asked about maintenance; keep them clean, and keep hair out of joints, lift mechanisms and motors.
The eleven artists in Politicizing Space critique and subvert these purportedly aesthetic and artistic gestures by reinterpreting the symbolic mechanisms of control and asking the age - old question about the balance of power between art object and viewer.
Your guests would have us believe that sceptics contest the claim that «global warming is happening», whereas the question that most sceptics of climate science ask is about the role of feedback mechanisms that are believed to amplify the global warming effect — a subject on which there is far less consensus that your guests will admit.
But now, researchers and practitioners are starting to ask how they can help address L&D, and many are confused, particularly about how L&D mechanisms might be distinct from existing approaches to adapt to climate change, and manage disaster risk.
The proposed rule asked for comments about trading and called out the Northeast's Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative as a potential example of regional collaboration in rule compliance but did not specify allowance trading mechanisms.
In the questionnaire, experts were asked for a pairwise comparison of tipping elements in terms of (i) their sensitivity to global mean temperature increase and (ii) the uncertainty about the underlying physical mechanisms.
Just to be clear about what I'm asking: Do thermals rising into the troposphere and stratosphere and expanding there due to lower air pressure qualify as the «expansion mechanism» in this model?
The public will be asked to give input about the following: circumstances in which police services can ask a citizen for information, expected rights of any such citizen, how to enhance training and «accountability mechanisms».
We're going to build a fact - checking mechanism so users can ask for facts about particular numbers.
When asked about the accuracy of these markets, Towns paraphrased a quote from former UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill, revealing a cautious optimism for how the mechanism could be used in the crypto community:
Accordingly, they asked a series of questions about potential mechanisms for entrenching a guarantee of non-discrimination through constitutional means.
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