Sentences with phrase «aspect of one's culture»

, humans invented agriculture, civilization, and other aspects of culture such as art, music, poetry, politics, education, and science.
Having a healthy, positive relationship with your spouse is one of the most important aspects of our culture and our being.
The show's diverse artists are «deeply engaged with vital aspects of our culture today and believe in art's capacity to engage social discourse,» it said.
She works in video, photo - text, installation, sculpture, and performance, and writes on aspects of culture.
Using the positive aspects of the culture will ease the pain and stress, and can even make it an exciting process!
One result was that the religious aspect of that culture also went into decline.
Introduce the person you're dating to new aspects of your culture, heritage or religion gradually, and with sensitivity.
This activity invites students to identify aspects of culture that influence our own behavior and sometimes make it difficult to understand the behavior of other people.
For example, your real world story might include diverse personas who highlight certain aspects of their culture.
One defining aspect of the culture, in my opinion, is that we allow ourselves the space and time to think.
This natural national religion which is emerging out of American culture expresses the most characteristic ethical and spiritual aspects of that culture.
The principles involved in such a dialogue apply as well to other aspects of culture besides science.
I enjoy both the social and sexual aspects of the culture of my partner and to learn as much as I can about it.
These guidelines provide actions that will help schools improve aspects of their culture and climate.
The series is a knock on video games and draws from many of the more popular aspects of the culture.
Many artists now practice the art, incorporating aspects of their cultures into their works.
Rather, ideas about science are influenced by other aspects of culture.
One important aspect of this culture that's been greatly influenced by this technology and social media is humor.
I'm teaching my students the writing process by bringing in different aspects of their culture to help them understand the material or curriculum.
There is a tendency to criticize religious faith whenever it reflects aspects of the culture in which it is expressed, as if for religious faith to be genuine it must also be culturally aseptic.
As you mention, they attempted to destroy many aspects of the culture of the peoples they encountered in the New World.
The term can equally be applied at micro and macro levels: the interconnectivity of neurons at a micro level or at a macro level, the interconnectivity of aspects of culture within society.
in the sense of Christians feeling at war with aspects of the culture.16 However, as my analysis of fundamentalism suggests.
Benjamin Franklin's ideas of frugality and prudence when it came to saving and investing inspired the name of our firm back in 1947, and his valuable wisdom has continued to shape other aspects of the culture here at Franklin Templeton Investments, including our commitment to Corporate Citizenship.
Somehow the church will have to repent of its own scramble for quantitative success so that it will be capable of exposing the dog - eat - dog aspects of our culture for what they are — sick.
I certainly think there is a distinction that can be made between «Christ against culture,» by which Niebuhr means Christ separated from aspects of culture, and «Christ against culture.»
Artwork in several formats — including photography, film, installation and paintings — outlines various aspects of culture, history and everyday life in a multifacetted metropolis and in a country with European and oriental influences.
She offers a glimpse into aspects of her culture and...
«deeply engaged with vital aspects of our culture today and believe in art's capacity to engage social discourse.»
And I think that this just goes along with the negative aspect of our culture which is feeding off of this extremism wave.
Similar to how learning the likes and dislikes of a potential new hire provides insight into someone's preferences, asking about the culture at their previous workplace gives us insight into how that company operates and what aspects of that culture attracted them to our opening.
At my startup, Code School, we call this companywide policy of deliberate self - improvement «betterment,» and it has become a central aspect of our culture.
It also involves shoring up the weak aspects of the culture and simultaneously fixing the broken parts — changing the culture.
«And while the key aspects of a culture can't be overlooked, they're easily overlooked if you're talking about the Facebook 15 — it's very easy to talk about the things that are sexy and noticeable.»
Peterson has emerged as a divisive figure in both academia and pop - culture, and whilst he certainly has many antagonists, the popularity of the interview video seems to show that he also has a large number of supporters, many of whom are uncomfortable with the relativist media and grateful to find someone who is at least challenging this poisonous aspect of our culture.
Our study is a reminder that alternative worldviews based on religious convictions can be an important resource for engaging with difficult issues and for challenging aspects of a culture that so many of us accept without question.
We always need to ask what general culture or sub-culture we are talking about and further what specific aspect of that culture is our matter of concern.
Soon enough we won't think twice about aspects of the culture here, but for now we're trying to embrace and take note of all the «craziness» we see.
This means that, much like kombucha and sourdough, it requires oxygen for the yeast aspect of the culture to thrive.
More than 50 trees decorated by members of Chicago's many ethnic communities show off the unique aspects of each culture, while the Grand Tree pulls out all the stops with 30,000 lights and 1,000 ornaments.
Humor will be esteemed as the most universal aspect of culture.
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