Sentences with phrase «aspects of human life»

You can practice your workouts in the studio or in private and can also learn how to combine writing, visual arts, dance and other aspects of human life.
There is no history of mankind, there are only many histories of all kinds of aspects of human life.
His concern was with the quality of human living, and in his eyes aspects of our human life, which appear to us of pressing importance, were of little significance.
The theologians of hope, on the other account, pushed the collective aspects of human life; they analyzed human solidarity in oppression and expressed faith in political terms.
He also contends that in light of this central aspect of human life, we can understand the saving character of the cross.
We have also seen owners try to incorporate pets into more and more aspects of their human lives — holidays, vacations, health care and more.
The power to invest in something that you truly have a passion for is a coveted aspect of human life; it provides purpose, and way to connect to the things that matter.
XUZHEN Supermarket is a multi-dimensional project with manifold layers of interpretation emphasizing on aspects of human life as these develop through the influx of overpowering information from innumerable sources.
Ordinarily, culture is sub-divided into two categories, «material culture,» referring to the physical objects people use, such as clubs, pots and pans, automobiles, and «non-material culture,» describing such non-physical aspects of human life as ideas, knowledge, language, and conduct.
Systems, which can be natural or man - made and living or nonliving, are found in many aspects of human life.
Explanations in the first category are based on unique aspects of human life history, such as intelligence, social organization, and cultural transfer that allowed the evolution of longevity [45]--[51].
I have also tried, in Parts V and VI, to show the implications of Buber's thought for various aspects of human life and to evaluate the use that others have made of his thought.
Love letters, business contracts, holiday snaps, spam, petitions, emergency bulletins, pornography, wedding announcements, TV shows, news articles, vacation plans, home movies, press releases, celebrity Web pages, home movies, secrets of every stripe, military orders, music, newsletters, confessions, congratulations — every shade and aspect of human life encoded as 1s and 0s.
Fundamental aspects of human life on Earth are changing rapidly in the twenty - first century, with profound consequences for biodiversity conservation.
Science does not explain many aspects of human life such as love, friendships, and things like that.»
This exhibition with artworks by fifteen artists from seven nations outlines aspects of human living together in densely populated urban areas, and in the rapidly growing great cities of China in particular.
Should we take religion to be in some way an innate, instinctive, or otherwise inevitable aspect of human life?
Whoever alleges that the Qur» an is the product of a particular people, or a special age, or a limited aspect of human life is a disbeliever in Islam and in God's Book.
If in Protestantism we find acceptance of sexuality as a creative and pure aspect of human life and as finding its ultimate freedom and honour in married love, where has the tradition failed?
Things springing from the divisive, troublesome and even evil aspects of human life can also lead to redemption.
The good work to date, I think, has tended to be piecemeal, focused only on narrow aspects of human life history and decision - making.
Being Intrigue and Self Determined to explore human lives has brought me a long way in understanding the different aspects of a human life.
An extended period of childhood and juvenility is a distinctive aspect of human life history.
It also made him permanently aware that religion must coexist with other aspects of human life and that its study must coexist with other disciplines.
Perhaps in either case the book can still serve, as Niebuhr himself hoped it would, as a starting point for discussing the Christian life and its relation to various aspects of human life, including institutions such as the state and the economy.
Every shade and aspect of human life encoded as 1s and 0s.
«Sexuality is a fundamental aspect of human life: it has physical, psychological, spiritual, social, economic, political and cultural dimensions.»
Their focus was instead on how they could revolutionize some aspect of human life.
Technology has touched almost every aspect of human life.
The military powers are not power realities in themselves, but they influence every aspect of the human life in a given society and in the world, for militarization of politics, economic structures, and cultural values is the pervasive phenomenon.
Hence, it is not justifiable to identify the coming of the Kingdom with human social progress, but neither is it legitimate to overlook God's demand that in every aspect of human life our world must be fashioned more nearly to his will.
In the former the knower can not be merely a detached scientific observer but must also himself participate, for it is through his participation that he discovers both the typical and the unique in the aspects of human life that he is studying.
Admittedly, in the area of religious faith and morals we have been rather slower to discard the old in favour of the new, for this is the aspect of human life in which conservatism has always been most strongly entrenched, for the very good reason that man looks to this area of life more than any other for his stability and security.
It appears rather that the Bible views the history of the Hebrew people, the life of Jesus, and the life of the Church as sharing in one continuous working of God in which every aspect of human life and its natural environment has its necessary and fruitful role to play.
It was impossible to resolve such questions, since the necessary experiments would cause unimaginable and irretrievable changes in all aspects of human life.
If a pastor is comfortable talking about all aspects of human life, this gives the people permission to discuss everything that touches their lives when they gather.
For if God really IS, then every aspect of human life ought to defer to that fact and revolve around His saving presence.
This is true of every aspect of human life; above all, perhaps, it is true of prayer as an exercise in which we engage.
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