Sentences with phrase «aspects of the disease»

All diets work, because they all address a different aspect of the disease.
When you or a loved one is diagnosed with an illness cancer or diabetes, the financial aspects of the disease can be daunting.
Because the causal aspects of the disease are not clearly defined, research to find causes remains paramount to help improve treatments.
In 1999, Ashworth was appointed the first director of the ICR's Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Centre, which is now internationally recognized, with more than 120 scientists and researchers working on aspects of the disease ranging from basic molecular and cellular biology through to translational research and clinical trials.
After «When I found FAA and heard about the biochemical aspect of this disease, I found my first ray of hope in years.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 46 people in the state have died from the virus this season, and 526 have been affected by the neurological aspects of the disease that can lead to paralysis.
Design patient - focussed learning such as tutorials with follow - up checklists to make sure patients successfully use assistive devices back at home, or infographics to help them understand critical aspects of a disease or health risk associated with their care.
In a commentary published in the September 18, 2014 of Nature, he wrote, «Non-European populations are harmed because they are not studied as intensely, and clues that could reveal new aspects of disease biology are missed.
This well - researched, clearly written title covers many aspects of this disease without sensationalizing its dangers and is particularly up - to - date when discussing the recent epidemic, the economic circumstances that may have led to the outbreak, and the overblown response of worldwide media.
Although mouse models of Huntington's exist, it is difficult for researchers to study certain aspects of the disease.
«In the case of Usher syndrome, combining both approaches to ultimately treat both the blinding and hearing aspects of disease is very compelling, and something we hope to work toward.»
«What we saw in this trial was not just the physical aspects of the disease clearing up, but people on the new drug also reporting a marked improvement in their quality of life as they felt more confident and suffered less from itching - far more than in the other two groups.»
«If we can understand why and how viral infection causes bacteria to colonize privileged sites like the middle ear, we will better know what aspects of disease to focus on with preventive or therapeutic treatments,» says Swords.
As for the clinical aspects of the disease, they are precisely those that were exhibited some 10,000 miles away in New Haven, Connecticut, by Grace Lopat, absent of course the components attributable to diabetes.
But a few of the single cases are instructive because they illustrate some of the most dramatic aspects of the disease.
Given that the gene variants for diabetes may remain elusive for a while, Tuomilehto has concentrated on the environmental aspects of the disease.
This finding demonstrated that the iPSC model recapitulates a critical aspect of the disease as it occurs in patients.
Our conversion process should model late - onset aspects of the disease using neurons derived from patients with the condition.»
«The innovative approach taken by Dr Aprile and his colleagues tackles the issue of developing drugs for Alzheimer's disease from a new angle, by using advanced computer techniques to design drugs that specifically block a crucial aspect of the disease process.
These results suggest that the serotoninergic system may be not involved in the pathogenesis of depressive symptoms in AD patients, and it may be involved in other aspects of disease pathophysiology like cognitive symptoms and psychosis.
We used 20 - month - old line 85 APPswe / PS1ΔE9 transgenic AD mice (huAPP / PS1) to examine the effect of J147 on the physiological, behavioral and pathological aspects of the disease when administered late in the course of the disease.
In a Buck Institute study, Gordon Lithgow, Ph.D., found that Thioflavin T (aka ThT or Basic Yellow 1), a dye used in labs to detect damaged proteins in Alzheimer's, extended life span in healthy nematode worms by more than 50 percent and slowed Alzheimer's in worms bred to mimic aspects of the disease.
There is currently no cure for TSC and the symptoms associated with the brain are some of the hardest aspects of the disease to treat.
Collections and registries like this help researchers and physicians better understand genetic and molecular aspects of disease and how they relate to patients» clinical outcomes — first steps to identifying possible new treatments.
It helps to explain aspects of these diseases, which have flummoxed geneticists for a while.
Water is needed to transport all the nutrients, hormones and even wastes through our bodies, so it's important to avoid dehydration, an often overlooked aspect of disease.
Those patients with liver disease or gallbladder conditions already should not begin adding artichokes to their diet because they can exacerbate certain negative aspects of the disease.
A similar term, pathologic, also refers to laboratory findings of functional and structural aspects of the disease.
Many shelters are not able to treat dogs with this condition and have to euthanize due to the contagious aspect of the disease, but The Animal League has a unique medical division where they can isolate and treat ailing puppies and dogs.
Because of this, it is often the immunosuppressive aspect of the disease that prompts the first vet visit.
With support from a Duke / NC State Translational Research Grant from the Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute, Eward and colleague Jonathan Fogle, a veterinary immunologist at NC State, are working to improve those odds for people and their pets by capitalizing on aspects of the disease that are unique to canines.
«Our finding that tumor cells secrete these three distinct nanoparticles, that then target cells in different organs reflects this important aspect of the disease
Newcomer's Packet is a set of many pieces of literature, including the pamphlet «Understanding Food Addiction and Why Abstinence is Necessary» that describes the biochemical aspects of the disease, in simple terms.
The olive oil study also focused mainly on the neurological aspects of the disease, as implied by the name of its major funding source, the Wanda Simone Endowment for Neuroscience.
Working with the C. difficile team at the Institute, I infected mice with C. difficile, to allow us to recreate and study many aspects of the disease; including its persistence and transmission in humans.
Neuropsychologist Reiner Sprengelmeyer of Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, recently investigated this aspect of the disease by asking patients to identify the changing emotions expressed by a face on a computer screen.
The Illinois team, led by veterinary clinical medicine professor Dr. Matt Allender and his colleagues at the Illinois Natural History Survey, are targeting every aspect of the disease — its epidemiology, how it grows, how it is transmitted, how to treat it, and even which disinfectants work or don't work against the primary fungus associated with the disease, Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola.
The impact of this treatment on all the aspects of the disease is not yet known, but it significantly increased stem cell activity,» explained Karl Fernandes.
Dealing with cancer begins with the search for helpful, timely, and accurate information on all aspects of the disease.
Grants are awarded on the basis of the scientific merit of the proposed research and the relevance of the research to understanding aspects of the disease that lead to improved treatments, prevention strategies, and diagnoses of the program disease.
Overall, these findings indicate that both 110 and 240 CAG repeat R6 / 2 mice may serve as useful models for the study of Huntington's disease and may reflect different aspects of the disease.
As an oral small molecule with broad exposure, RG7916 has the potential to impact every aspect of this disease and provide hope to many patients.»
«As an oral agent that targets all tissues and organs in the body, RG7916 has the potential to impact all aspects of the disease.
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