Sentences with phrase «assertion of»

What does it mean to say that we must «avoid a fundamentalist assertion of the Catholic truth»?
Noun: An assertion of the truth of something, typically one that is disputed or in doubt.
Such choices are prompted by nothing other than the individual subject and his private conscience acting either on persuasive evidence or the arbitrary assertion of will.
I accept these criticisms; but I do not believe the way out is through the kind of humanism proposed by such thinkers as Erich Fromm, or the completely eroticized civilization envisioned by Herbert Marcuse, or through man's assertion of his autonomy without God as in the «Death of God» theologies.
And it accounts for the way in which the rejection of transcendence and the assertion of human mastery have shaped modern history.
It was a fabrication and brute assertion of the human will, an inert thing lying wholly within the power of the reductive intellect.
Abu Bakr declared war to the bitter end against the assertion of some of the tribes that their covenants with the Prophet were not valid after his death and that therefore they were free to shape their attitude toward the community as they saw fit.
Ministers were convinced of this argument by the further assertion of the inferiority of the Negro.
The latter were few, but Father Martin Luther and Father Johann Lang remained determined in their assertion of this position.
We fear to be frontal because we do not want to sound like silly supernaturalists; we hedge and duck and then wonder why on Easter the assertion of the resurrection is without context, and so our Easter assertion is more awkward than grace - filled.
The basic assertion of black theology is affirmed; namely, that God favors the struggle of the oppressed for liberation.
Italy could not be unified without that large block of territories in the center of the peninsula known as the Papal States, and given its hostility to the nature of the new regime and the continued assertion of temporal sovereignty it would not relinquish for decades, the papacy would not accept the legitimacy of the new state.
I have shown that the strong assertion of individual equality in America took place against the background of religious hierarchical ideas — the Christian conception of divine / human relations — and classical philosophy, as in the idea of natural law, also ultimately hierarchical.
Finally, as I have already noted, the assertion of values left open the possibility that those of any class or status might claim to embody them.
He angrily denounced the encyclical as a naked assertion of papal power exercised to prop up Humanae Vitae, Paul VI's encyclical prohibiting artificial means of birth control.
Akin to his claim for the primacy of happiness in human motivation, then, Mill offers as yet another assertion of psychological fact, another «principle of human nature,» the claim that the happiness of others is a desire of each person and an important part of each person's happiness.
Where there is moral absolute his statement can be deconstructed and reconstructed to Dacau being wrong is a fact and and assertion of such having credibility.
It is, I suppose, a defense in the same ad hominem sense in which his assertion of the centrality of happiness as an object of desire is a defense against the critic who denies the desirability of happiness.
Thus, in rightist ideology, cattle ranching is morally equivalent to slavery, which explains this bald assertion of PETA's odious «Holocaust on Your Plate Campaign»: «The leather sofa and handbag are the moral equivalent of the lampshades made from the skins of people killed in the death camps.»
This is not a positive assertion of «there is no god / gods», merely a position of non-belief, and non-acceptance of a claim.
I've never seen survey data that tests for the question of a categorical assertion of non-existence.
Professor Hartshorne believes that «there are rational grounds for theism, or the assertion of the existence of God, if the word «God» is suitably defined.
It never has been a deduction from what we know; it has ever been an assertion of what we are to believe.
It has been our contention, however, that this way of looking at things is of special interest to the Christian theologian; and now and again this has been noted in the context of some given assertion of process - thought.
Whether in his positive assertion of the one universal God, as in the fortieth chapter, or in his scorn of all competitors, whom he placed in the category of worthless idols, as in the forty fourth chapter, he «held his monotheism with all his mind,» as Sir George Adam Smith said, and treated the gods of the nations
In this assertion of the existence of an actual deity, we have the basis for the doctrines of creativity and redemption.
The development of creedal passion, making the achievement of the American creed's values a matter of intense concern, and leading to the refusal to acknowledge any limits on such efforts, set the scene for the assertion of unrealizable political hopes.
(2) Philosophy does not see that this Verfallenheit about which it speaks penetrates to the very core of man's Being This we are told is due to the arrogance and self - assertion of the philosopher.
Nevertheless, the assertion of rights is not an adequate basis for a healthy society even when it is combined with a social compact.
Truth - as - identity is not appealable beyond the assertion of identity.
The Shaffers, rather, examine different moral models of the lawyer, concluding with the ways in which a confident assertion of Christian and Jewish particularities might influence positively the practice of law in America.
The words are therefore, quite apart from the question of how far they actually apply to the character of scribal religion, an assertion of the demand for complete obedience.
But the signers overlook an important difference between evangelical empathy evoked by the biblical tradition and the assertion of a specific territorial claim based on religious Scriptures.
It should be added that the assertion of limited freedom for the creatures also involves the assertion of all the freedom in God compatible with the freedom of the creatures.
Your assertion of «confusing» seemed to come from taking peices that contradict.
In fact the invasion served a variety of U.S. purposes including the assertion of U.S. control over the Panama Canal, the diversion of attention away from El Salvador, the economic destabilization of Nicaragua and the intimidation of Nicaraguan voters prior to the election.
This claim is tantamount to an assertion of the fundamental importance of the powers of imagination.
3rd, and most probable, your assertion of having only 2 options is wrong.
«32 It goes on to paint a frightening picture of the rise in recent mass murders in Bihar and Tamilnadu, which is directly related to the emerging assertion of an authentic and resistant Dalit social, political, and cultural identity.
Haight's assertion of universal generalizations which exclude Buddhist perspectives and sensibilities is another surprising element in his Christology, which claims to be in dialogue with world religions.
My argument that a false assertion of necessity should lead to absurdities, whereas «it is necessary that something exists» leads to none, is not, I feel, done full justice to.
On the other hand, the assertion of nationhood demanded the projection of a distance from Europe... Thus, the Hindu nationalists claimed that the Vedic texts and ancient history had not only expressed India as a nation but had also displayed attributes that colonialism defined as exclusively European.6
A case can be made that, in their rejection of authoritative tradition, in their fascination with novel spiritualities and high - tech expertise, and in the assertion of a right to control their lives and deaths, the suicides of Heaven's Gate exemplify the «mainstream faith» of the Times» editorial page.
On the one hand, the Dalit and Adivasi assertion of distinctiveness and particularity becomes the inner threat to the consolidation of the Hindu nation.
Before we can explain why persons might be persuaded by Christian theism rather than, say, Romantic harmony with nature or Nietzsche's defiant assertion of the self's powers, we have to understand how any of those systems could articulate ways that persons actually live.
Thus an assertion of the right to be religiously human, which involves choosing, transforming and inhabiting the world of «my» or «our» religion in accordance with «my» or «our» changing experiences, plays an important role in forming local religious identity.
The Whiteheadian term «actual entity» is in itself an assertion of the cosmological point of view.
Such an assertion of human specialness may well contribute to a policy demeaning the environmental context over against which our «specialness» shows up by contrast.
The simple assertion of the existence of such a Presence is therefore not satisfactory for an intelligible religious view.
All judgments based on the theory of discontinuity in the tradition and on the assertion of an evolutionary priority of the «simple» over the «complex» can thus be immediately called into question as lacking foundation.
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