Sentences with phrase «assessing emission reduction projects»

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It also provides guidance on assessing and encouraging the reduction of projects» greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the best available appropriate technologies.
This monograph is intended to assist planners in LAC in understanding how to assess the GHG emissions reduction benefits of sustainable transport projects, policies, and strategies.
Three scenarios were developed to assess the options that states have to reduce their emissions: (1) a Baseline Scenario («business as usual») that projected emissions in 2030 without any policy changes, (2) the Primary Scenario that will achieve the 45 % reduction from 1990 levels, and (3) an Accelerated Scenario that examines options for ambitious states that want to lead the region in reducing emissions.
Carbonzero helps organizations, governments, project developers and individuals prepare for the low carbon economy by aiding them in assessing, reporting, monetizing and reducing their emissions and emission reductions.
To counteract these issues, NativeEnergy is using The Gold Standard's established carbon reduction protocol to assess, implement, monitor and verify a 10 year long project that will deliver clean water while reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
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