Sentences with phrase «assessment of the public finances»

The Office for Budget Responsibility will issue independent assessments of the public finances: this is an institution specifically intended to improve long - term financial planning, and which will help not only this Government but future governments to remain on the fiscal straight and narrow.
The first secretary attacked shadow chancellor George Osborne's own assessment of the public finances, calling his Mais lecture «longer on assertion than specific proposals».
That is despite last week's Autumn Statement giving a gloomy assessment of the public finances over the next five years, with growth and tax receipts downgraded for the rest of this Parliament.

Not exact matches

Beginning in 2003, the Division of Corporate Finance too often has issued no - action letters omitting shareholder proposals that ask management to undertake a risk assessment or review the financial implications of an array of environmental, community, public health and human rights concerns and issues.
From 1990 to 2005, he was Director Fiscal Policy Division Department of Finance, responsible for overall preparation of the federal budget; preparation and assessment of medium - and long - term projections of federal revenues and expenses and implications for fiscal policy; analysis of fiscal conditions at both the federal and provincial levels; evaluation of various budget proposals; preparation of monthly Fiscal Monitor; with the Office of the Comptroller General (OCG), assessing and evaluating accounting standards proposed by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of the CICA and recommending changes in government accounting policies; with the OCG, responsible for implementation of accrual accounting for the federal budget and the government's financial statements.
In a submission to the House of Lords Constitution Committee's inquiry into the passage of legislation through Parliament, the CIOT proposes: · The Finance Bill Public Bill Committee takes oral evidence from tax experts and others; · More effective liaison between select committees and the Finance Bill committee; · Increasing the resources available to Parliament for scrutinising tax matters; · Using technology to make it easier for those outside Parliament to comment on Bills, e.g. an online facility to input comments by clause numbers, so MPs can see who says what against each clause; · Asking the Office of Tax Simplification to publish simplification assessments of new tax proposals.
That financial study and actuarial projection entailed an assessment of the cost involved in providing public healthcare and financing same over a ten year period.
Ravitch, an architect of previous solutions to public financing emergencies, was upbeat in his assessment of whether municipalities can pull through this time around.
The firm's head of sovereign ratings, David Riley, said: «Fitch's preliminary assessment of today's Budget is that it sets out an ambitious deficit reduction path that, if delivered upon, will materially strengthen confidence in UK public finances and its «AAA» status.»
2015 promises to be a pivotal year for several major reforms in public education, including the continuing rollout of the Common Core State Standards, the state's new school financing and accountability system, and the administration of the online Smarter Balanced assessments.
The public accounts committee published its assessment of academy trust finances and the regulations in place to prevent malpractice just before Easter.
Bernal hopes that by listening to what teachers have to say and pursuing needed changes to school finance law and assessment, the state could be a better friend to public education instead of continual adversary in the eyes of educators.
Determining whether any new funding policy hurts any child will be the basis for our assessment of the legislature's upcoming action on public school finance.
We expect more than 1,400 education leaders to attend, including superintendents; assistant superintendents; directors of special education, finance, pupil personnel, food service, communications, curriculum and assessment; principals; assistant principals; counselors; and other public education leaders who play a key role in shaping education policy and preparing our students for college and careers in today's world.
It suggests three major changes: 1) project and policy preparation need to reflect higher risks, where vulnerability assessments and greater use of climate scenario modelling are combined with a better understanding of interconnections between smallholder farming and wider landscapes; 2) this deeper appreciation of interconnected risks should drive a major scaling up of successful «multiple - benefit» approaches to sustainable agricultural intensification by smallholder farmers; 3) climate change and fiscal austerity are reshaping the architecture of public international development finance.
«The PM has asked the Ministry of Justice to preside and co-ordinate with other relevant ministries and institutions, including the State Bank of Việt Nam, Ministry of Information and Communications, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of Finance, to scrutinise the current legal framework, provide a comprehensive assessment and propose suitable solutions and revisions in the framework to the Government.»
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