Sentences with phrase «assessment phase»

We will develop a roadmap, or treatment plan that is tailored to your needs in an initial assessment phase.
Using a data analysis performed during the initial assessment phase of the project, teachers began to focus the curriculum by writing clear goals, objectives, and activities that targeted specific learning outcomes.
Early in assessment phase, you will be asked to complete an online relationship assessment, the Gottman Relationship Checkup, to help us better understand your relationship.
Our Intensive assessment phase is designed for a comprehensive evaluation of individual and family functioning and typically runs about 8 - 12 weeks.
The six - week assessment phase includes a review of each Application for School Transformation by the NACs.
«We recommend that the next assessment phase of the I.P.C.C. (and other such assessments) broaden its perspective to include all of the human climate forcings.
Advances in data science have also given rise to powerful analytics capabilities allowing software developers to provide users with greater insight into data sets much earlier in the e-discovery process, during the early case assessment phase.
Participants will be able to describe how to use the Dissociative Experience Scale and the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule as well as to describe the principles of trauma model therapy and their uses within the history, preparation and assessment phases of EMDR.
The average total duration of investigations and operations, including the assessment phase, was 27.9 months, a five - year low.
This review should be published along with an up - to - date budget of the assessment phase prior to Main Gate and an estimated full project costs.
Liam Fox has stated that he will not publish budget allocations for the assessment phase of the renewal process and there are no plans to publish the value for money review for Trident conducted in 2010.
A careful and detailed analysis of «interests» is at the core of the assessment phase at myIDP.
The assessment phase requires determining the numbers and locations of flocks most at risk and building veterinary capabilities.
In the assessment phase, you'll work through questions you may run into while teaching your students to transcend, so you're well - prepared to take it out into the world!
Our coaches take great care in the assessment phase to ensure that our services address your specific needs and don't waste your precious time and money.
One of the most powerful aspects of effective assessment practice resides in engaging students in dialogue about their learning as a result of the information gathered during the assessment phase.
Awaiting expert insight during each assessment phase, after submitting the writings per review and final overview.
Here is what will happen during the assessment phase in the process of filing a proposal.
As we enter the assessment phase, we can learn from what has happened and move forward.
IDEA Consultants, Inc. is a new type of integrated consultancy firm, providing services in every phase of infrastructure development and environmental conservation projects, from the project planning, survey, analyses, and assessment phases, to the design, maintenance, and management phases.
Then, once you complete and pass the assessment phase, you will be asked to complete various interviews.
He is certified to use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and several Lominger leadership development tools when his clients are in the assessment phase of career transition work and he draws on his draws on his corporate and agency recruiting background when they are in the interview and negotiation phases.
Throughout the assessment phase, caseworkers may face unique challenges in responding to the varying types of child abuse and neglect or responding to families who have a recurrence of maltreatment in the home.
At this point in time, the assessment phase is winding down and it will be time for you and your partner to decide if you would like to continue working with me.
This assessment phase allows me to understand the unique strengths and needs of your specific relationship from the start of our work together, eliminating any guesswork and wasted time on your part.
At the conclusion of the assessment phase we will be able to identify your relationship's strengths and areas that need improvement before beginning the active working phase of counseling.
Children, youth, and families are key stakeholders in evaluating the effectiveness of child welfare agencies, including the assessment phase of the Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) process and the development, implementation, and evaluation of State Program Improvement Plans (PIPs).
And during the assessment phase, you're fundamentally exploring just how healthy that mind is.
The assessment phase, whilst explicit, offers a landscape for curiosity, for information gathering, for exploring priorities and for reflecting with families how future progress might develop.
Couples Therapy usually consist of an assessment phase where areas of strength and struggle in the relationship are assessed.
The purpose of this assessment phase is to gather information, look for general patterns and themes, and clarify goals and plans that will help you build a stable and satisfying relationship.
Early in the assessment phase, you will be asked to complete an online relationship assessment, the Gottman Relationship Checkup, to help us better understand your relationship.
The assessment phase typically extends into more than just the first session, but couples can expect to begin the work of repairing and rebuilding their relationship starting with their first visit.
The Strange Situation Test is characterized by an observation phase and an assessment phase.
In addition, during the assessment phase, the family defines their «family constellation» and those members are invited by the nuclear family members to participate in the structural family assessment.
This allows the couple to learn about themselves and the marriage issues so they can have clarity and confidence about the best path to take, and also incorporates the assessment phase and a taste of what Schema Therapy can do for your marriage while you discern which path to take.
The other side of the debate will contend that EMS are not as essential as they once were and therefore should be limited to the assessment phase, while the most important work lies in identifying and addressing Mode shifts and Mode adaptations.
All assessment phases of the London Child Health and Development Study received approval from the appropriate UK ethics committee, and have been performed in accordance with ethical standards that incorporate the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments.
«Once the assessment phase is over then we determine if there is reason for a criminal investigation and open a file,» he says, adding that the standard of proof required for a criminal investigation is higher than in a civil matter.
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