Sentences with phrase «assets someone acquired»

One of the biggest issues in any divorce is the division of assets acquired during the marriage.
Though laws vary by state, separate property typically includes assets acquired by gift, inheritance or before marriage.
Generally, the court does not have authority to divide a spouse's separate property, which includes assets acquired before the marriage or by gift or inheritance.
They could include assets acquired after separation using community funds and obligations incurred after separation to preserve community assets.
The premium, as so measured paid over an adjusted book value of the net assets acquired, is deemed to be purchase goodwill.
Be sure assets you acquired through the divorce such as vehicles, homes and property and all bank accounts are titled in your name only.
In community property states, the property is usually divided equally with the exception of assets acquired prior to the marriage classified as separate property by the court.
Most qualified insurance representatives will generally recommend that anyone with sizable assets acquire an umbrella policy.
Only assets acquired during the marriage are up for grabs.
The division of the marital assets acquired during a marriage, including marital debts according to what the court feels is fair under the circumstances.
For many couples, the family home is the single biggest asset acquired during marriage.
This deduction applies to both new and used assets acquired by the taxpayer.
How will assets acquired during the marriage be divided during the Separation including rental property, financial and retirement accounts, vehicles, insurance, property, debts, and business or corporate interests.
Most qualified insurance representatives will generally recommend that anyone with sizable assets acquire an umbrella policy.
The adjustments relate primarily to non-cash amortization of intangible assets acquired in business combinations.
The adjustments related primarily to non-cash amortization of intangible assets acquired in business combinations.
If you live in a community property state — Arizona, California, Louisiana, New Mexico, Nevada, Idaho, Texas, Washington or Wisconsin — assets and debts you acquire during your marriage belong equally to both spouses, except in certain narrow circumstances, such as assets acquired by inheritance or gift that you kept separate from your marital assets.
Put together with the North Sea assets acquired from Shell last year in a $ US3 billion deal, Santos» portfolio would catapult Harbour — managed by private equity giant EIG Global Energy Partners — to a size roughly on a par with Woodside Petroleum or British - listed Dana Gas.
The cost of acquisition for the long - term capital asset acquired on or before 31st of January, 2018 will be the actual cost.
This case highlights key issues with regards to relationship breakdowns: unjust enrichment, effect of assets acquired after breakdown, and differences between the division of assets in a common law relationship and a marriage.
The last in, first out, or LIFO accounting method assumes that sellable assets acquired most recently were sold first.
The cost of acquisitions in respect of the long term capital asset acquired by the assessee before the 1st day of February, 2018, shall be deemed to be the higher of; a) the actual cost of acquisition of such asset (and) b) the lower of --
China Nuclear wants to float assets acquired for $ 2.3 bln from disgraced 1MDB.
The Chinese conglomerate could float sports assets acquired in haste, including a sports marketer and a triathlon organiser, Reuters says.
The equipment finance and leasing assets acquired are fully aligned with CWB's balanced growth strategy, and the acquisition supports continued progress toward strategic objectives for industry and geographic diversification.
It's important here to highlight we really can't blame the new CEO / team for these losses: a) they're attributable to legacy assets acquired before they arrived (e.g. the original $ 30 mio Arcapita loan was a ludicrous over-commitment for a bank of EIIB's size), and b) I suspect a fire - sale of these assets might ultimately have produced similar losses.
Assets acquired pre-marriage (with the possible exception of the family home / furniture, detailed above)
Representing lenders and purchasers in the purchase and sale of loans and REO assets acquired by note sales, foreclosures or deeds in lieu of foreclosure
However, you may be brought up short if the other side files a FLA action for dissolution or legal separation, and then asks the family court to exercise jurisdiction over the jointly titled assets acquired before marriage.
A well - crafted prenuptial agreement can be the best way to safeguard premarital assets, and to specify how assets acquired in the future will be distributed.
Marital property means assets acquired by either spouse during a marriage as well as separate property brought into a marriage and converted into marital property.
Additionally, the commingling of pre-marital assets with joint assets acquired during the marriage may effectively transform an otherwise pre-marital asset into a marital asset subject to distribution.
Community property states, such as Arizona, view assets acquired during a marital relationship as equally shared between spouses.
Marital property subject to division may include real estate, bank accounts, pension funds, savings and other assets acquired from the wedding date forward.
Acadia, whose 9 million - square - foot portfolio of properties is mostly in the Northeast, is also paying $ 4 million in preferred operating partnership units for Klaff's management business, which handles 10 million square feet including 90 former Service Merchandise stores, 35 Levitz Home Furnishings stores acquired in a sale - leaseback transaction and 2 million square feet of retail assets acquired by Klaff.
A Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) estimates the fair value of certain tangible and financial assets acquired in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) Topic 805, Business Combinations...
In 1999, a new method of calculating Capital Gains Tax (CGT) was introduced in Australia, with assets acquired after its commencement taxed on the basis of time held and type of taxpayer.
The overall weighted - average life of the identified intangible assets acquired in the purchase of mSpoke was 3.7 years.
However, with later marriages, the failure of so many marriages, so many second (or third) marriages, prior children and assets acquired prior to marriage, prenups have become more and more relevant.
Although California is a community property state — meaning that marital assets acquired during the marriage are split evenly between spouses — there are nuances to the general law that can affect whether a court will divide certain property or allow one party to retain sole possession.
Marital property typically includes assets acquired during the marriage and separate property belongs exclusively to one spouse.
Marital property is defined as any property obtained during the course of the marriage and does not include inheritances, gifts or assets acquired after separation.
Assets you acquired before the marriage or received by inheritance or gift while married is considered your separate property, also known as non-marital property.
Several states have «community property» laws, which say that most income earned and most assets acquired during a marriage are the equal property of both spouses, regardless of whose name is on the check or the title.
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