Sentences with phrase «asshole if»

Braff's an asshole — but call him an accidental asshole if you like.
«When I was in law school, the first thing they told me is that a lawyer is an asshole if he tried to defend himself,» Mr. Rangel said.

Not exact matches

If you're a totally uncooperative asshole, you're going to get it both ways.»
«Ballmer can be the biggest asshole on the planet,» says a source close to Nokia's CEO, «so if it was the right thing to do, Elop would have shoved the partnership back in Ballmer's face.»
Like, if I think Don's an asshole...»
If you feel like holding murderous assholes to count; stop buying foreign supplied gas from the middle east.
If someone's Christian faith makes them into a complete asshole... they aren't doing it right!!
If I was having this discussion with someone on Youtube, I would now be calling you an asshole; but, we try to be more civilized than that here.
And what the Chinese government is doing is no worse than what several theocracies around the world are doing and what assholes like Rick Santorum would do in the USA if given the chance — none of which is supported by atheists.
Jeff, if there is an afterlife, my best hope for it is that I don't have to spend it in the company of assholes like you.
In ours, if someone tells me to «fuck off asshole» I don't feel that he has offered me an invitation to converse or consider, merely to know that I am not worth their time for conversation and understanding.
If it wouldn't have been for one asshole standing in the rain outside the front door looking to get his merch signed as we were leaving for dinner, it may very well have been the perfect tasting (so far)!
Please don't go here if you're going to be a loud tourist asshole, as you are walking into the people who live heres» home.
If you have made it this far, I'm sure a few of you are like «did this asshole make me read all this about a play that only gained four stupid yards?»
If someone is an asshole, then you should be an asshole too?
If, as Nepp hypothesizes in his post, the agent advised him not to do this deal but also didn't suggest some other alternative (bank loan, Franco's cash - advance company, a loan from the agent), the agent is the bigger asshole.
If I didn't spend half my night rocking a newborn baby to sleep I'd go back, turn up the brightness, and carefully count the deaths shot by shot, but I'm not putting in that kind of effort for the assholes who made the White Walkers in the first place.
It looked as if the future was very bright for the young Mr. Oliver, but it turns out fate can be a real asshole.
who was it that told that story about how if everybody you meet during the day is an asshole, then it's almost certainly actually you who is the asshole?
I would much rather look like an asshole who prematurely talked about death penalties if it meant MSU wasn't doing the things it looks like they're doing because that would mean fewer victims and less trauma.
If there was ever any doubt, the fact that he wasn't there to support his team during the playoffs can only mean one of two things: Either it isn't his team anymore, so he doesn't care, or he's a complete asshole, so he... doesn't care.
If the ufc wants him to be a star then whats better than for him to destroy an asshole who is close to a title fight
barca for life more like asshole for life, if your team are so great what the fuck you doing talking shite on our blog all the time?
Ultimately, I think a lack of experience in rejection disadvantages women, who tend to react one of two ways if a date, or planned date, goes awry — either «he's an asshole» or she takes it personally.
If there was a point where he thought shooting a half a dozen flaming - rockets - o - pain out of his asshole was a good idea, then any teen is capable of it.
Life is fair like that — if you are a smug asshole about anything, it usually comes back at you three-fold.
It would be great if you could stop hiding behind the Bible to justify being a huge asshole about it, though.
NO CELL PHONE RULE: Put your electronics down and really listen to your kids even if they're being assholes.
I really think that the hospital lactation support is kind of behind the point — if you have to get back to waiting tables three weeks after the birth, and your asshole manager fired the last girl who asked for a pumping break, what would you feed your baby?
If I were to write a post on why my family used CIO, and Dr. Sears (sorry, «Dr» Sears Picked it up and said I was a terrible mother blah blah blah, I would absolutely think he was an asshole (wait, too late, I already think he's an asshole).
If you run into assholes all day long, * you're * the asshole.
(Ok I'm actually cracking up at the absurdity of my example as I write this comment, just FYI) I also want to live in a society where if Dr. Sears feels he needs to comment on my parenting he's allowed to do so, because otherwise, as has been pointed out, how will anyone find out he's an asshole?
Sometimes if the kid is an asshole, it's genetic.
T, I think that if your wee little asshole - in - training is fine with everything else — responsive to you, babbling, all the other stuff — then she's just a slow crawler.
I suppose, I too would be terrorists if I can't vote and some corrupt assholes just take every money I earned to build palaces and harem.
I guess people say I always look pissed, but I'm one if the nicest, most polite guys around, but can turn into an asshole on a dime.
But I guess that's karma — if you're an asshole, assholey things come back to you.
For instance, if Vicki Vale had just been sitting at lunch some asshole, he wouldn't have shown up as a jealous lover.
And I wouldn't mind that concept, if the film at least had a story to go along with it, instead of segments (or skits) of humans acting like selfish, reactionary assholes.
You're even a bigger asshole than me, and if you don't know it then you're an even bigger asshole than THAT.
As asshole stepfather Trent, Carell opens the film by rating Duncan as 3 out of 10, and if this isn't enough to turn the viewer against him, there's plenty more to come.
You need to make sure that audiences can connect or relate to the characters even if they are assholes.
(I do appreciate Showman for casting Fred Lehne as Snooty Father - In - Law, because if you want to instantly communicate «asshole» to the audience, you hire Fred Lehne.)
As if you needed any proof that was a terrible f*cking plan from the beginning, here come these two assholes to prove just how easy it was.
This made me think of the kind of world we'd live in if fewer asshole geniuses were given a hall pass.
If you are not familiar with why he's a f-cking asshole, click here.
As the day turns to another night of binge - drinking, Tyler (and we) aren't sure if this group of friends are just having a good time, or truly are dangerous assholes.
If you need reminding of why, you just need to look at his impeccable change of gear from adorable doofus Andy Dwyer in «Parks» to obnoxious asshole in «Engagement» to sweet but sad and broken ball player in «Moneyball.»
This is where the A.V. Club again reminds readers that if your boss thinks it's okay to scream at you, no matter the reason, then your boss is an asshole.
Seriously, if you love movies, and aren't following Assholes Watching Movies already, you are missing out!
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