Sentences with phrase «assigned articles»

Maybe such people are better suited to journalism, which thrives on deadlines; or writing assigned articles, where the subject matter and the word count are predetermined.
Now is not the time to assign article topics, craft the perfect headline, or create the chapters for your ebook.
With a little bit of instruction, students can realize the educational (as well as economic and ecological) advantages of reading online versions of assigned articles.
While you're deciding if that's doom and gloom or awe and wonder, we'll be busy assigning an article on what's beyond the edge of the universe (nothing but awe and wonder).
So here's a typical situation: I'm assigning an article for one of our CBA publications on a law firm practice topic — say, business development, or extranet use, or associate retention efforts, or what have you.
Teachers assign the article reviews for their students to make them experts in the field and also to understand how capable are their students when it comes to putting their ideas into words.
Scott has also served as a reporter for the school newspaper and although another student was assigned the article about the movie King was determined to write it, demonstrating his willingness to break down barriers (like the ones in traditional publishing), he snuck into a press conference where Gary Marshall was meeting with local media.
You make a very good point Mike — the articles that sell most easily (as well as most assigned articles) are the ones that leave the writer out of the story entirely.
As Similarity Check members contribute their own published content into iThenticate's database of full - text literature, the service is open to any Crossref member who is actively publishing DOI - assigned article content.
From March 12 to March 21, teachers using Newsela assigned articles from the website about gun violence, school safety and the role of guns in America.
A few weeks ago, I assigned the article «What is Marriage?»
I decide that I will assign this article to my class.
If you have the Newsela Pro version (they offer a free trial), you can assign articles to students» online binder.
All three authors collected data, which included observational field notes of discussions during face - to - face and online classes (19 total); written reflections for each teacher related to assigned articles and book chapters (approximately 19 per teacher); email correspondence with teachers; course assignments; end - of - the - semester feedback; and transcriptions of semiformal small group interviews (teachers were divided into five groups for these interviews).
Pro users can view individual student progress, add instructions to assigned articles, assess comprehension with writing prompts, and more.
For instance, when I assigned an article or an essay to read for homework, instead of giving Keith the graphic organizer I gave the other students, I gave him one with additional clues, such as the page numbers where he could find the information he needed to fill in.
Did students read the assigned article?
Picks themes and story ideas and assigns articles to volunteers.
If you're a travel editor who wants to assign us an article, or a public relations rep in the travel industry who can offer media support for a trip, please get in touch!
After you discover another writer has written your assigned articles, you email the editor.
I learned journalism basics back in school, at Columbia, and then in a series of jobs as I climbed the profession's rungs, from copy editing to writing to assigning articles to writing books and finally to working for what remains arguably the world's best newspaper — for all its many faults.
Another assigned article called on us to recognize, explore and celebrate our bioregion, a place that defies and transcends political boundaries.
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