Sentences with phrase «assigned as a variable»

They may not raise the interest rate on balances you have already accrued however, unless the card has been assigned as a variable rate interest rate from the beginning.

Not exact matches

Identify as many variables as possible that could have a material impact on the outcome for any party, and assign a value to each variable and for each party.
Unlike the common practice with other mathematical variables, a random variable can not be assigned a value; a random variable does not describe the actual outcome of a particular experiment, but rather describes the possible, as - yet - undetermined outcomes in terms of real numbers.
Tests of linear trend across increasing quintiles of intake were conducted by assigning the medians of intakes in quintiles treated as a continuous variable.
At any such point, is a random variable with Still conditioning on, consider counterfactual outcomes as varies over, averaging over the conditional distribution of given: There is a structural function interpretation for: within a school with, we can obtain potential expected output for various assigned values of the teacher input, holding constant the distribution of classroom characteristics (at the conditional distribution of given).
The analysis also took into account students» age, gender, eligibility for the free lunch program, and whether they had been assigned to a small class, as well as variables measuring the demographic composition of the student's class.
The relationship between NAEP performance and the grades citizens assign their schools could easily be driven by other variables, such as the prosperity level of the state, that influence student achievement levels and could also influence school grades.
Instead, we used the ratings assigned to teachers on a joint (effective teaching and culturally responsive pedagogy) teacher accomplishment scale to classify teachers into three levels of accomplishment (most, moderately, and least); these levels were used as predictor variables to explain variations in the instructional practices used by teachers (Table 15).
As a result, policies that assign students to schools according to socioeconomic variables can also increase racial diversity.
As usual, I agonized over it for days, coming up with and assigning values to the variables and use - cases that I developed that I wanted to bound the purchase.
By assigning percentages to these variables, BookLamp is able to make solid recommendations on readers» likes and dislikes, as well as allow the readers to request recommendations based on books that are similar to a specific title or author.
Even if we could assign a certain fraction of warming over the past century or so to natural variation, we still would face very large uncertainty in aerosol influences... and modelers would continue to use those vastly uncertain aerosol influences as as a «free» variable to «tune» the models.
Using the «rule - of - thumb» method to calculate value, bean counters assign a variable (also known as a multiple).
• Shifts are variable, as many call centers operate 24 hours a day; managers may be assigned a day shift or an overnight shift.
Based on past work, 17,18 responses were assigned a score (0 for never or not in the past year, 1 for event occurred once, 2 for twice, 4 for 3 — 5 times, 8 for 6 — 10 times, 15 for 11 — 20 times, and 25 for > 20 times), and we created a dichotomous variable considering domain scores in the top 10th percentile as high risk for maltreatment.
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