Sentences with phrase «associate estrone»

Typically we associate estrone with menopause, not the the fertile years of a woman's life.

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2 - OH E1, a Phase I metabolite of estrone, has weak estrogenic activity and is associated with protection against prostate cancer.
(1) The 2 / 16α ratio: a decrease in this ratio of the estrone metabolites, 2 - hydroxyestrone and 16α - hydroxyestrone, is associated with an increased risk of breast and cervical cancer.
16α - OH E1, also a Phase I estrone metabolite, is an estrogen agonist, stimulates cell mitosis and proliferation, and is associated with increased risk of prostate cancer.
However, 16α - OH estrone is also involved in bone building, so very low levels indicate increased risk for osteopenia / osteoporosis in men as well as women.29303132333435 Confirming this, a positive family history of osteoporosis has been found to be associated with preferential metabolism of estrogen through the inactive 2 - OH pathway.36
Elevated levels of estrone in obese women is associated with higher risk of breast cancer.
Estradiol and estrone are found in both men and women, with estriol only being associated with pregnancy.
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