Sentences with phrase «associate human presence»

Opponents argue that sharks will, after enough exposure, learn to associate human presence with the possibility of food, which can potentially increase the risk of shark attacks.
They argue that it is highly unlikely that great whites will associate human presence with food since there is a huge difference (to sharks) between the sight and smell of a research vessel floating on the surface, and a human body being in the water.

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He believes that a wider presence of self - driving technologies will reduce the risks associated with driving, as human error is responsible for more than 90 percent of all car crashes.
He was an ubiquitous presence in the school,» said Darlene Larson, an associate superintendent for human resources at District 214 who was hired by Miller as an English teacher at Buffalo Grove High when it opened.
The timing of this decline correlates with environmental changes associated with the onset of the last glacial cycle, the team reports, whereas archaeological evidence does not support the presence of large populations of humans in eastern Beringia until more than 15,000 years later.
The cells exhibited many functions associated with tumor progression; their presence within mouse tumors substantially accelerated cancer growth, and in human lung tumors, a SiglecFhigh neutrophil signature was associated with poor patient survival.
While a core microbiota of the same bacteria was present in all areas of the mock - up spacecraft, the authors noticed specific bacterial signatures for each individual area, or module, indicating that — much like in other indoor environments — microbial presence is associated with human presence as well as the type of activity that an area is used for.
«Clinicians should use as many data points as available to identify and document the presence of malnutrition... A standardized diagnostic approach will also inform the prediction of the human and financial responsibilities and costs associated with the prevention and treatment of undernutrition in this vulnerable population, and help to further ensure the provision of high - quality, cost - effective nutrition care,» the statement reads.
The presence of several mutations in four important genes for the brain's synapses can be associated to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in humans.
«We spent over five years discovering and furthering our understanding of this key pathway associated with salt sensitivity since the presence of NBCe 2, and its effect on salt excretion has never been demonstrated in the human kidney,» said Carey, of UVA's Department of Medicine.
Conclusions: The presence of CHIP in peripheral - blood cells was associated with nearly a doubling in the risk of coronary heart disease in humans and with accelerated atherosclerosis in mice.
Some of the symptoms associated with human roundworm infection are cough, shortness of breath, nausea, diarrhea, blood in stool, weight loss, fatigue, or presence of worm in vomit / stool.
Although the finding that shelter intake declined in association with the inception of the voucher program, the presence of extraneous (confounding) factors associated both with time and shelter intake can not be ruled out, including migration into and out of the county (although the human population actually increased during the study period).
This experiment showed that dogs display a behavioural preference for naturalistic DDS (matched in prosody and content) compared with ADS when presented in the presence of an associated human.
Artist Statement (Excerpt) Resurrection is not only about the process of the mix between abstract and real but also concerned with the presence of human reaction to the emotion associated with enigmatic personal experiences.
By constructing these theatrical still lifes, I can set the stage for a dream narrative using the human form to evoke emotion, establish a physical presence and render visions associated with common sleep experiences.
The paintings are rendered in the saturated and murky colors Twilley associates with analog photography and, though devoid of human figures, are filled with human presence.
Maternal presence reduces activation of the HPA axis and ANS in young rodents exposed to a stressor (51), and in humans, the presence of a supportive caregiver is associated with reduced HPA axis reactivity in young children (52).
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