Sentences with phrase «associated baby smells»

Involve him in fun activities while the baby is around making the baby and associated baby smells less of a threat to him.

Not exact matches

Give the kitty some fuss while you have baby lotion or powder on your hands, so they recognize the smell and associate it with happy times
It's important to note that your baby will always associate touch and smell with nursing.
The smell will reach him on a subconscious level and help your baby to associate the comfortable world of sleep with his dad's smell.
Plenty of parents like using baby detergent, though, not out of necessity but because it has a classic smell associated with snuggling a tiny human.
Your let down response can be associated with sight (a photo of baby), a smell (baby's onesie), a sound (baby's cry) or the sense of touch (baby against your skin).
If you're breastfeeding, your baby will associate you with food and will smell your milk when you try to settle them down.
Your newborn baby knows that smell and associates it with comfort, food, and safety.
Simply put; your baby associates sleep with being held and the smell of you.
Before the due date, start wearing baby powders and lotions to help your dog associate these smells with a familiar and safe human (that's you!)
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