Sentences with phrase «associated debt»

For example, following an emotionally painful financial experience people will associate debt with pain.
People often associate the debt consolidation term with a loan to consolidate debts.
The other assets have an appraised value of $ 4.2 million with $ 5.9 million in associated debt.
However the collective value of personal assets outside these first three pillars, including home equity, other real estate, unregistered savings and family businesses for all Canadian households was $ 4 trillion, once you subtracted associated debt.
This Westgeest & Associates debt calculator can show you how to speed up your debt repayment, save hundreds, even thousands in interest, and shave years off your loan.
The project land is appraised at $ 35.6 million while it has $ 10.3 million of associated debt.
It's easy for consumers to become bogged down with press associating all debt as being almost world - endingly - bad.
Most people associate debt with being bad, and are afraid of debt, but there is good debt and there is bad debt; leverage is good debt and there's real power in having leverage for your investment properties.
It is owned by a Living Revocable Trust, with no associated debt.
We listed our creditors and associated debts, by amount, smallest to largest.
The main cryptocurrency doesn't have enough market cap, it is a quite compartmental market, it's deleveraged and lacks any associated debt.
You've just finished your four - year science degree, with all the associated debts, and you're considering your options.
The agreement should designate which spouse takes what property and any associated debt.
TVS Members have the ability to add names and associated debt to the TVS database and to the Major Credit Bureaus via the TVS Affiliate that is a Collection Agency.
Since the transaction is priced as corporate credit, the company typically pays a low interest rate — a floating rate based on the firm's creditworthiness — without having to add the real estate asset or associated debt to its balance sheet.
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