Sentences with phrase «associated with feeling»

If you're wondering how on earth your bedroom colour scheme could have an effect on your sleep, it could be because blue is associated with a feeling of calmness.
The results again showed that couples who were having more frequent sex were also more physically affectionate in their relationship and this in turn, was associated with feeling more positive emotions — however in this sample, we observed the association between sex and affectionate touch only for men.
One possibility is that being in a marginalized relationship is stressful — and indeed, in this study, greater relationship disapproval was associated with feeling more stress.
Though laughter is often associated with the feeling of happiness, it may not always be the case; laughter may also portray
Two things not associated with feeling attractive, hair and weight.
I'm not exaggerating when I say it's totally slimming and defining and everything else associated with feeling and looking good in ultra-skinnies.
Anxiety, and fear associated with this feeling, are also combated with ylang ylang, making it a great oil to add to your epson salt bath.
It is little wonder the peoples of the Caucasus associated it with feeling good: the drink has so many nutrients it genuinely tended to promote good health — and with that, a sense of well - being in those who drank it.
Other than that try to steer clear of scales as much as you can, as they are usually associated with a feeling of frustration.
(Slow - wave sleep, also known as deep sleep, is normally associated with feeling rested and rejuvenated.)
Growing up in a warm family environment is associated with feeling more secure in romantic relationships in your 80s, new study says.
These neuro - chemicals are associated with a feeling of euphoria and are the reason you might find yourself laughing out loud when you jump into cold water or run out in the snow without adequate clothing.
Some psychologists and parents argue kids become more well - adjusted when they have larger friend groups and can avoid negative feelings associated with feeling left out.
These endorphins tend to minimize the discomfort of exercise, block the feeling of pain, and are even associated with a feeling of euphoria.
Therefore, to the qualities already mentioned, I would add the following generic qualities: (a) an expansive quality associated with the feelings of subjectivity; (b) a retrogressive or inertial quality inherent in the conformal feature of simple causal feelings; and (c) a discordant quality present within the communal character of transmuted physical feelings.
Moreover, compassion in the Hebrew Bible is associated with the feelings that a mother has for the children of her womb.
Any of the Arsenal's legacy that has Wenger associated with feels like a sham now.
The color red can also evoke strong feels, which are associated with feelings of sensuality and love.
There's some research to suggest that the scent of a baby's head triggers the release of dopamine in some women, which is associated with feelings of pleasure.
How to Bond with Baby When Bottle Feeding For many moms, the decision to bottle - feed is not an easy one and oftentimes, is associated with feelings of guilt and sadness.
For many moms, the decision to bottle - feed is not an easy one and oftentimes, is associated with feelings of guilt and sadness.
One of your biggest discoveries was how addiction affects the D2 receptor, the protein that determines how sensitive individuals are to the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, a chemical in the brain associated with feelings of reward and pleasure.
The Disney ad stoked big responses in the orbito - frontal cortex and ventral striatum, two areas associated with feelings of reward, the parts of the brain that say, «I like that!»
Daily infusions with a chemical commonly associated with feelings of happiness were shown to increase calcium levels in the blood of Holstein cows and the milk of Jersey cows that had just given birth.
In rodents it has been shown that serotonin (a naturally - occurring chemical commonly associated with feelings of happiness) plays a role in maintaining calcium levels; based on this, a team from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, led by Dr Laura Hernandez, investigated the potential for serotonin to increase calcium levels in both the milk and blood of dairy cows.
Feelings of empathy may seem subtle and personal, but this study, which used stories of human hardship to inspire feelings of empathic care and distress, found that the brain patterns associated with these feelings are consistent and predictable across individuals.
When they were placed back into the two - compartment cage they preferred to reside in the compartment they had learned to associate with feeling high.
Although this increase is not enough to be life - threatening, such changes can be associated with feelings of anxiety, and with alterations to the hormonal system that can reduce immune responses.
10 Love Is the Drug: Dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of desire and reward, spikes in response to novel experiences, which explains why a kiss with someone new can feel so special.
If the team used a drug to block the effects of dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with feelings of enjoyment, the animals did not drink the salty water.
The «cuddle» hormone, oxytocin, has been associated with feelings of bonding, closeness, and love.
And in women it's been associated with feelings of hostility, depression, and anger, as well as higher risks of diabetes and heart disease.
Oral administration of Alpha GPC also increases the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain which is associated with feelings of wellness, libido, and motivation in life.
The Naval Chakra or svadisthana, a vital point located in the lower abdomen, is associated with the feelings of love, passion, sexuality as well as pleasure.
Also termed the «love hormone,» it's associated with feelings of intimacy and connection.
It is associated with feelings of closeness and it also gives you a higher level of anonymity than online dating.
The Emotion Thesaurus, on the other hand, catalogs 75 different emotions and possible physical, physiological / internal, and mental reactions associated with those feelings.
At least, the behaviors mimic what humans associate with feeling shame or apology.
Oxytocin is associated with our feelings of love.
While sustainability is stereotypically associated with feel - good marketing or philanthropic endeavors, viewing natural capital through the lens of risk management changes the potential value proposition for skeptical business leaders.
In other terms, the idea about irrationality of emotions was associated with feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment, and weakness in reaction to emotional experience.
Namely, they uncover evidence that certain types of dream content, such as infidelity or jealousy, are associated with feelings of reduced intimacy and greater relationship conflict on subsequent days.
Although marital satisfaction was closely associated with feelings of intense love, some people who reported low satisfaction still reported intense love for their partners.
So, in our next study, we wanted to know how this would play out in the daily lives of real couples — that is, how are a person's reasons for having sex on a particular day associated with their feelings of desire and satisfaction on that same day.
This belief is associated with feelings of insecurity, along with the development of negative representations of the self and others.
Taking each of the tetrad in turn, narcissism is associated with feelings of superiority and ego - inflation; psychopathy is linked to impulsivity and callousness; Machiavellianism is associated with manipulation and exploitation of others; and sadism is defined as the enjoyment of inflicting pain on others.
They may be associated with feelings of sadness, confusion and anger.
Depression is most often associated with feelings of sadness, but it has a number of other physical and emotional symptoms.
This analysis confirmed five of the six expected relations: (1) CERQ Self - Blame was primarily related to FEEL - KJ Self - Devaluation, r = 0.35, p < 0.001, (2) CERQ Acceptance was only related to FEEL - KJ Acceptance, r = 0.19, p = 0.009, (3) CERQ Rumination was associated primarily with FEEL - KJ Rumination, r = 0.21, p = 0.005, (4) CERQ Positive Refocusing was related mainly to FEEL - KJ Humor Enhancement, r = 0.31, p < 0.001, and (5) CERQ Refocus on Planning was mainly associated with FEEL - KJ Cognitive Problem Solving, r = 0.37, p < 0.001.
In contrast to our expectations, CERQ Putting into Perspective was not associated with FEEL - KJ Revaluation, r = 0.03, p = 0.735, but with FEEL - KJ Humor Enhancement, r = 0.15, p = 0.045, and FEEL - KJ Giving Up, r = -0.16, p = 0.031.
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