Sentences with phrase «associated with food colorings»

Immunologist Aristo Vojdani, PhD, outlines the various health risks and disorders associated with food colorings in one of his many published papers, and in his upcoming book, When Food Turns Against You.

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That is why certain products are perceived more appropriate when displayed in certain colors, for example, breakfast foods and soap (functional products) were best received in green and yellow, the color combination most strongly associated with economical and cleanliness (functional benefits).
He said that every oricha is associated with various numbers, foods, colors, etc..
They said the food colorings have been associated with hyperactivity in children, allergies, migraine, and perhaps cancer, ABC News reported.
But when researchers injected Anas platyrhynchos ducklings at 4, 9, or 14 weeks old with red blood cells from sheep to simulate a parasitic infection, the birds — as adults — explored new items in their environment and approached small orange toys, a color they typically avoid because they seem to associate it with toxic food.
Some synesthetes associate musical notes with distinct colors, for example, or foods with shapes (as in «pointy» flavored chicken)[ScienceNOW, 24 March 2005].
Or, it could sauce be just an environmental reason, where a certain culture associates spicy food with masculinity, or maybe even the color of the condiment.
Exposure to food and food components, including artificial food colors and preservatives, may be associated with adverse behaviors, not necessarily related to hyperactivity, in certain susceptible children with ADHD and other problem behaviors, and possibly in susceptible children from the general population.
Each color - coded section outlines a different system, with information about the body parts, physiological activities, core issues and foods associated with each.
The health risks associated with artificial colors in food include, hyperactivity in children, allergic reactions and cancer.
Hinostroza, on my left, said he sees — literally sees — colors associated with the foods he eats.
Three - dimensional re-creations in colored resin and other mediums of a few dozen food and consumer products, along with the actual bottles and containers associated with the original goods, cover a 72 - by -54-inch wood panel, making up a composition titled Baby Muscle.
His works often call into question issues of police violence and authoritarianism exercised against youth and communities of color, as well as highlight vernacular language, architecture, and food culture associated with the urban lexicon.
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