Sentences with phrase «assumptions about my beliefs»

2) You admit that you made assumptions about her beliefs and stated them as fact.
If he wants to refute me, he is going to have to learn what I believe, rather than just quote verses, call names, and make (incorrect) assumptions about my beliefs.
Prime... You choose to be ignorant of who and what I am, and you choose to make all sorts of erroneous assumptions about my beliefs and background.
Are you quoting yourself, or are you asking me to substantiate your assumptions about my beliefs?
One Democratic party source close to the administration told the New Statesman: «Your assumptions about the beliefs of Obama's foreign policy team are correct - there are concerns about Cameron among top members of the team.»
You made an incorrect assumption about my belief.

Not exact matches

Contrary to the received wisdom that self - interest is in our DNA (a belief that's led to no end of faulty assumptions about how homo economicus will respond in any given situation), Benkler adopts the research suggesting that altruism is passed down both culturally and genetically.
I mean the basic framework and assumptions we use to talk about the practice and profession of management, our underlying beliefs about what corporate leaders and managers are trying to achieve, and how they go about achieving it.
This retrospective summarizes key models that make psychology - based assumptions about: individual preferences; individual beliefs; and, the process by which individuals make decisions.
This press release contains forward - looking statements that are based on management's current expectations, assumptions and beliefs about its business, financial performance, operating results, the industry in which it operates and other future events.
Now, if you want to talk about religious theory, that's a different definition, as religious theory is based on belief and assumption and written statements that can not be verified or proven without having faith and belief.
One observation I've noticed about this discussion is that atheists are just as capable of making sweeping generalizations and faulty assumptions about Christian belief methodologies as Christians are of atheists.
I'd like to think that I know what I'm talking about, although I need to be vigilant about policing my assumptions and «beliefs».
But such characterizations are misguided and one can not help assuming that it is, at least to a large extent, a consequence of mistaken assumptions about the nature of authentic religious belief.
So don't take my comment as an attack on y our beliefs, or as an assumption about what you believe.
Have you ever made assumptions about how someone arrived at their beliefs only to be proven wrong?
I hadn't realised till I read your post today how many assumptions I have about the crucifixion story that hang on a belief that Jesus could have stopped his own abuse.
Leonie Caldecott writes in a style and with assumptions that make her offerings interesting and acceptable to people who have been brought up to believe in a market - place idea of religion, that it's «all about choice» and that we need to evaluate belief - systems in the light of our own knowledge and skills, or what we imagine to be our own knowledge and skills.
Whereas Orthodoxy made belief (doxa) its starting point, and Reform Judaism put ethical monotheism atop its theological pedestal, Conservative Judaism's worldview emanated from a specific assumption about the social nature of Judaism.
Our faith generally also includes some assumptions (or «primary beliefs») about the metaphysical nature of the universe.
- John R. can come back and respond, however, I'm willing to bet that one of the things that he would suggest is which you seemed to have totally missed given your posting is... to friggin «think» about your unquestioned beliefs and assumptions that you have regarding your religious beliefs that have been passed on to you from other people.
The teacher's approach to such problems might start from three assumptions: (a) the teacher should be concerned with how science fits into the larger framework of life, and the student should raise questions about the meaning of what he studies and its relation to other fields; (b) controversial questions can be treated, not in a spirit of indoctrination, but with an emphasis on asking questions and helping students think through assumptions and implications; an effort should be made to present viewpoints other than one's own as fairly as possible, respecting the integrity of the student by avoiding undue imposition of the lecturer's beliefs; (c) presuppositions inevitably enter the classroom presentation of many subjects, so that a viewpoint frankly and explicitly recognized may be less dangerous than one which is hidden and assumed not to exist.
I've also started listening to NPR's Invisibilia about the unseen or unconscious forces that shape us like our ideas, assumptions, beliefs, and emotions.
We make no assumptions about others» spirituality, beliefs or opinions.
But I assume that my convictions about the importance of explaining hardcore common sense beliefs rather than explaining them away may be the most distinctive part of my assumptions.
This SOCIETY was created to educate people about theory, belief, ideology, hope, assumption, and truth.
In that letter, I told that preacher (not MacArthur) that our differences in belief aren't so much about who is interpreting which verse correctly, but it is about the underlying assumptions that we carry in.
De Waal Malefijt maintains that myth and ritual are intimately associated, not because either is derived from the other, but because both are based on particular beliefs about the cosmic order.27 A ritual presupposes a world - view, a set of assumptions within which the ritual makes sense.
You HAVE to realize that your beliefs are based on dubious psychological assumptions about the nature of a child's psyche, and on top of that, they contradict themselves often.
Bledsoe is a Professor of African American studies and the paper is in part of cross-cultural comparison of the bedrock assumptions that underlie beliefs about childbirth.
Invisibilia (Latin for all the invisible things) is about the invisible forces that control human behavior - ideas, beliefs, assumptions and emotions.
The Conservative belief that a referendum on Europe is a vote winner (see Grant Shapps at 2.44 pm, for example) is based on the assumption that people care about the issue.
With keen insight, a skilled ear, sensitivity, and compassion, she has engaged her TEP colleagues in thinking about how their purposes for teaching and learning and the beliefs and assumptions that frame those purposes influence their efforts to support all students» learning,» says Lecturer Vicki Jacobs, faculty director of TEP.
Just how the two candidates» early schooling informs their assumptions and beliefs about education reform is hard to know, but their stories provide an interesting window through which to view their policy beliefs (see sidebar).
«Widespread sexual harassment, bullying, and relationship violence in schools is a reflection of unhealthy assumptions and beliefs about gender, consent, power, and relationships,» Finn says.
Using arts - based pedagogies or arts - inquires goes beyond singing the times - tables or watching a topical DVD, it is about framing learning experiences to connect the cognitive with the emotive, to critically examine assumptions, understandings and beliefs, to view things from different perspectives, and create a space for experimentation where alternative views can be explored.
This begins, she says, by examining your own values and beliefs, as well as your assumptions about the role of parents in their child's education.
Sometimes these take the form of conscious beliefs about the nature of human beings.More often they are assumptions seldom articulated but ever present in her daily work.
«Coaching heavy occurs when coaches ask thought - provoking questions, uncover assumptions, and engage teachers in dialogue about their beliefs and goals rather than focusing only on teacher knowledge and skills.
• A Teaching Autobiography which helps the novice teacher to understand their assumptions about teaching and learning and to clarify the values and beliefs they bring to the classroom.
There is, of course, a long - standing contrast between the assumption that people in the past were fundamentally just like us and the belief that they made different assumptions about the world and cared about different things.
Step back to gain an empowered perspective about the root cause and the behaviors, assumptions, and beliefs that got you where you are.
But this says more about the inherent and problematic assumptions and beliefs of the industry than it does about the games themselves.
avafoperates with a hedonistic spirit, and engages in frequent collaborations with musicians, designers, dancers and other artists, challenging conventional assumptions about authorship and the role of the artist's persona in society and the contemporary art world with their core beliefs as foundation: «share, generosity, contaminate, be contaminated, devour, be devoured, travel, and spread».
They prefigure Blinky Palermo's Stoffbilder paintings, begun in Germany in 1966, and raise questions about the assumptions of painting that would come to the fore in the following decade in the West: the relationship between support, frame, and picture plan; the notion of surface flatness; the implication of readymade, found, or commercial form; and the belief of artist as creator.
I agree, they should evaluate something... I am not as sanguine as Ray though about how a mismatch «insight» would be employed in the science when the belief remains that the underlying assumptions remain robust enough coupled with the scientist as advocate model you support.
What is it about this particular value, belief, or assumption that makes it align with sustainability?
We're asking ourselves, and the groups we work with, «What assumptions, beliefs or values do people hold about the system in question?»
The idea here is that a single scientific hypothesis does not by itself carry any implications about what we should expect to observe in nature; rather, we can derive empirical consequences from an hypothesis only when it is conjoined with many other beliefs and hypotheses, including background assumptions about the world, beliefs about how measuring instruments operate, further hypotheses about the interactions between objects in the original hypothesis» field of study and the surrounding environment, etc..
I don't have «beliefs and assumptions» about gravity.
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