Sentences with phrase «astronomers saw»

The creation of new elements generated an astounding amount of energy, erupting with powerful gamma - ray radiation, generating the GRB astronomers saw from 130 million light - years away.
That matches what the astronomers saw and, because our solar system arose from interstellar material, suggests that some of the carbon now in our bodies was once in the form of buckyballs.
Almost a decade later astronomers saw spectral features in interstellar gas that looked consistent with positively charged versions of buckyballs, and the connection was confirmed in 2015 when researchers matched those features to the spectrum of buckyballs created under spacelike conditions in the lab.
When Jupiter emerged from its annual pass behind the sun last March, amateur astronomers saw a brand - new blotch of vermilion on the solar system's largest planet, just west of the Great Red Spot, Jupiter's signature storm.
Astronomers have tracked down a star that Korean astronomers saw explode nearly 600 years ago and confirmed that it has had more outbursts since.
The astronomers saw a distinct x-ray signal from an object embedded within a dense knot of dust.
Astronomers saw one transit in 1999 for a Jupiter - size planet originally found via the wobbling of its star (ScienceNOW, 30 November 1999).
Luckily, the astronomers saw no potential hazards near the world.
These lasers help remove the twinkles in the night sky and help astronomers see stars clearer on Earth than ever before.
Oleg Kargaltsev, assistant professor of physics, George Washington University, who worked on the study on B0355 +54, said that the orientation of B0355 +54 plays a role in how astronomers see the pulsar, as well.
The question is, Which channel created the bulk of the bright ancient quasars that astronomers see?
Using the same adaptive optics principles that let astronomers see distant objects with such instruments as the Keck Telescope, researchers have created a new device for ophthalmologists to see the eye's retina at the individual cell level.
Astronomers see such sites all over the solar system, but on Earth, only Chicxulub has an intact peak ring.
This result reflects what astronomers see close to the galactic centre, where there seem to be very few lightweight stars.
Astronomers see them as steady pulses of radio energy.
These discs, rather than the hole itself, are what astronomers see.
«Astronomers see black hole raging red.»
Various theories of «modified gravity» that suggest the force weakens under certain circumstances can explain some dark matter observations — particularly the dynamics of galaxies — but struggle to account for dark matter — attributed details astronomers see in galaxy clusters and in the big bang's afterglow.
A huge explosion at the centre of our Galaxy 15 million years ago may be responsible for many features astronomers see there today.
If true, up to 100,000 GRBs could blow up in the universe for each one that astronomers see.
Astronomers see hints that two distant quasars, beacons of energy powered by matter spiraling into gigantic black holes, are wrapped in cocoons of gas the size of our Milky Way.
Astronomers see its effects throughout the cosmos — in the rotation of galaxies, in the distortion of light passing through galaxy clusters, and in simulations of the early universe, which require the presence of dark matter to form galaxies at all.
Why don't astronomers see a similar starburst in other clusters?
Gas surrounds a giant black hole in the early universe in this radio image, but astronomers see little evidence for a massive galaxy of stars.
This mirrors the pattern that astronomers see in young, full - fledged stars, he says, where astronomers see evidence that embryonic planets clear out gaps in dusty disks.
The story the computers tell is based on the «interacting stellar winds» model of planetary formation, and it corresponds startlingly well with the images astronomers see in the sky.
This happened to Pluto's moons, too — and astronomers see the same thing around other stars, where some exoplanets orbit in syncopated lockstep.
But not enough: Galaxies should have about three times as much ordinary matter as astronomers see.
«Typically, when astronomers see gaps like this in a debris disk, they suspect that a planet has cleared the path.

Not exact matches

This material almost immediately decayed into lighter elements, leading to a bright, radioactive «kilonova» astronomers could see some 85 million to 160 million light - years away from Earth.
A new antenna in Chile has been activated, and some astronomers say the new device will enable astronomers to see the universe as never before.
Few biologists, few geologists, few physicists and astronomers are creationists, they see the evidence for evolution and an old — indeed, ancient — Earth in what they work with every day.
An astronomer does not «see God» in science by finding some new and rare piece of data that proves God exists as if God were like an alien visiting from another planet, which would be a childish and materialistic understanding of what God is.
Whatever the astronomer says about the present locus of the star in the second sense, in experience it is located where it is seen.
An astronomer can calculate where a star is now in distinction from the locus at which it is seen in the night sky.
Our Bodies consist of Cellular Structures wherein are Atomic sub-stellar nebulas much like those seen by astronomers in our earth's night - time.
Astronomers assume the existing finite total of atomic nuclei is of the order 1080 but, as we have seen, the lifetime of our galaxy is assumed to be no more than 1018 sec.
A distinguished astronomer told me he was attracted to process thought but rejected it because he couldn't see how the solar system could be an organism!
Vico's fantasia abhors partial vision, and the great mathematician and astronomer Henri Poincare is on his side when he observes in his Last Essays that in questions of ethics science alone can not suffice because it «can see only one part of man, or, if you prefer, it sees everything but it sees everything from the same angle.»
There he states that when an astronomer looks through a telescope and sees a new red star burst into existence what he really sees is a star coming into being two centuries previously (PNK 85).
Also, a brief guide to the history of inheritance tax; Norway, the country where you can see everyone's tax returns; and how do I become... an astronomer?
It's actually the expanding debris from a star first seen in 1572 by astronomer Tycho Brahe.
The things astronomers want to see are faint, and they want resolution.
To learn as much as possible about distant objects, astronomers observe them with telescopes that «see» in various wavelengths.
The astronomers said that a much different PWN picture is seen in the X-ray image of another pulsar called B0355 +54, which is about 3,300 light years away from Earth.
The young Welsh astronomer realized the alien had no chance of seeing the Milky Way, let alone the universe's oodles of dimmer galaxies.
It was not until the detection of quasars, which allow astronomers to see the light emitted by matter falling into black holes, that we had evidence that they were real objects and not just mathematical curiosities predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Several hours later, a team of astronomers known as the ROTSE (Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment) collaboration, led by Carl Akerlof of the University of Michigan, reported that the visible - light counterpart of the burst was also seen in the images taken with a small, robotic telescope operated by their team, starting only 22 seconds after the burst.
Considering we are seeing this giant black hole's activity from a time when the universe was only a tenth of its present age, astronomers are puzzled about how it could've grown so big so fast.
To look back in time, astronomers need only develop instruments that can see further away.
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