Sentences with phrase «at ghetto»

The set up for this piece at the Ghetto Biennale works as a site - specific installation.
Édouard Glissant's 1961 play Monsieur Toussaint reimagined as a slam battle, swerving between Haitian Creole and French (for a performance at the Ghetto Biennale)
Our friends at Ghetto Rescue Foundation will be volunteering to help check in dog owners and make everyone feel welcome.
Like I could have found the same style at the ghetto - girl store for $ 25, tops.
«I have no criminal record,» writes Ryan Herring at The Ghetto Monk, «however I have had numerous run - ins with the police, none of which my actions provoked.

Not exact matches

RELEVANT sat down with Brandtson's John Sayre at Cornerstone Florida to talk about trusting God to provide and tearing down the fence around the ghetto.
I agonize at the extraordinary waste of human potential which the despair of ghetto America represents.
For the families in this desolate ghetto, one of Cairo's poorest, a visit from this chubby woman in a traditional Islamic head scarf means they will not have to go to sleep on an empty stomach - at least, not tonight.
A sociologist like William Julius Wilson can underline the importance of economic factors, pointing to the precipitous decline in manufacturing, and at the same time write frankly about the destructive influence of ghetto culture which lacks a viable middle class that once served as a «social buffer.
He said the pessimist in him mocked his receipt of a degree in law when «law is ever more a hollow word, resonant but empty, in a world increasingly dominated by force, by violence, by fraud, by injustice, by avarice — in a word, by egoism»; when civil law permits «the progressive and rapid increase of oppressed people who continue being swept toward ghettos, without work, without health, without instruction, without diversion and, not rarely, without God»; when under so - called international law «more than two - thirds of humanity (exist) in situations of misery, of hunger, of subhuman life»; and when agrarian law or spatial law permits «today's powerful landowners to continue to live at the cost of misery for unhappy pariahs»; and whereby «modern technology achieves marvels from the earth with an ever - reduced number of rural workers (while) those not needed in the fields live sublives in depressing slums on the outskirts of nearly all the large cities.»
In short, anyone who appreciates the rapid change in historical circumstances and does not flee from this into a ghetto; anyone who knows that there is and always has been a mutable, human law of the Church, and that this kind of change has always been practised; anyone, moreover, who reflects that the Church not only has the right but the duty of shaping its canon law in accordance with changes in the times, will not be surprised at the change in many legal regulations which he is living through at the present time, but will recognize and accept this as a sign of the vitality of the Church and its pastoral care.
Then there was the «Americanist» crisis at the beginning of the twentieth century when, in the view of many, Rome's hostility to key ideas and institutions of the American experiment forced Catholicism into a countercultural ghetto.
These make people try to safeguard their culture in ghetto type relationships and structures, and / or to evolve new cultural mixes that may at first seem merely hybrid, but in the longer term could bring about new patterns of relationships.
The same tax - dodging religion whose medæval dogma kept their parents from responsibly using contraception to avoid filling the ghettoes with unwanted, unsupervised, uneducated kids at the least crushing our national economy with welfare burdens and often slaughtering innocents with gun violence gets credit for a happy ending?
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law.
The first part of this sentence is the Barthian key to postliberal theology; the second part underscores the determination to avoid the charge often leveled at postliberals — of wanting to take up residence in a ghetto of «intratextuality» and rely on «revelational positivism.»
But the person who insists she is a Catholic, but finds the Trinity «patriarchal and oppressive», Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross «just so bloodthirsty», lesbian and homosexual relationships «a lifestyle to be celebrated», and the Pope «a ridiculous figure»......... such a person's contribution to dialogue lacks integrity and meaning Pro's And Con's Of The Ghetto Culture Of course, the reasons for wanting to emphasise one's Catholicism are pretty obvious: it gives status, enlarges one's importance, and is, at present, very fashionable.
Ancient cities, Weber notes, were socially structured by a separation between those who made a claim of descent from the founding clans (patricians) and those who could make no such claim (plebeians), a separation often spatially represented by the isolation of plebeians either at the foot of the sacred hill of the polis or in ghettos clustered at the walls.
The ghetto - ization that David would overcome is individual: each of us sealed - in and naturally antagonistic at base (fundament).
At this level contact is needed not only with secular futuristic institutes and universities but also with local churches, with ecumenical and denominational headquarters, with the ghettos, the marketplaces, and wherever new ideas, values, styles of life, and socially effective forces are coming into being.
It feels sometimes like it would be simpler to live in a Christian ghetto, to shut the door, build a fence, keep the big, bad, scary world at bay, especially when it comes to my tinies.
Natural law is the bridge, so to speak, for Jews who want to leave the ghetto without becoming so assimilated that they abandon their religion: «What a natural law perspective does for Jews at this level is to enable them to make rights claims, but without having to adopt the type of all «embracing secularism that is antithetical to the covenantal basis of traditional Jewish life and thought.»
At one time, the Christian rock scene was a cultural ghetto, frequently ridiculed and easily avoided.
Or of the outlawing of the Jews and their segregation into ghettos in the Christian Middle Ages, the ecclesiastical enforcement upon them of baptism and the attendance at sermons!
I suspect it may be due to the fact that Spalding, who has long and historic family connections in Baltimore, is somewhat less a revisionist on this matter of the «ghetto Church» than Dolan or Wills, and yet feels required to tip his historiographic hat at least modestly in that direction.
But, as Thomas Spalding himself demonstrates in The Premier See, the «ghetto Church» that produced racist parishioners also produced the priests and laity who were at the forefront of Baltimore's integration movement in the 1950s and 1960s.
According to Wills and Dolan, only in the 1960s, when American Catholicism, personified by Daniel and Philip Berrigan, broke definitively with the «ghetto Church» and its flag - waving patriotism, did it become possible to reclaim, again and at last, the «republican» heritage betrayed by John Carroll and (most of) his successors.
The fact that a denomination which had no record of previous work in Hispanic countries has had some success in meeting the needs of Hispanic immigrants to northeastern Cities may mean that, on this front at least, the RCA has been able to break out of its ghetto.
I do remember that it was Mr. B and I's first night in London and we had just spent the better half of the night at a club call the Ghetto with Michael.
His personal story — born in poverty in the South Bronx, growing up around drugs and violence, then making it out of the ghetto and winding up at Harvard — was what gave him the passion and the commitment to create the Harlem Children's Zone in the face of numerous obstacles and widespread skepticism.
With his music, Blakk Rasta readies to give back to society as he puts up his first major show dubbed «Kuchoko In The Ghetto» which is scheduled on Saturday, 3rd February, 2018 at The West Hills Mall, Kasoa (Car Park).
At 11 a.m., Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr., the commissioner of the Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment, Cynthia Lopez, filmmaker Baz Luhrmann and Ghetto Film School representatives outline plans for a worldwide casting call for online video service Netflix Inc.'s planned original series «The Get Down»; suite 41A, fourth floor, South Bronx Post House, 79 Alexander Ave., the Bronx.
At 4:15 p.m., Hochul highlights Regional Economic Development Council Investment during a tour of the Ghetto Film School Summer Program, 79 Alexander Ave., the Bronx.
Soviet propaganda that the Federal Republic was a neo-Nazi, revanchist state simply did not make sense when set beside the photograph of Brandt kneeling in December 1970 at the memorial to the victims of the Warsaw ghetto uprising of 1942.
For example, many people in Australia / Canada / Europe take offense at the idea of large tracts of muslims / minorities living on welfare in their segregated «muslim» ghettos, and call for a limitation of muslim migration and a reduction of welfare benefits.
Young aspiring filmmakers from the Ghetto Film School will be honored tonight at Lincoln Center.
A society increasingly polarized into affluent gated communities and impoverished ghettoes puts everyone's freedom, safety, and material security at risk.
Not only does Berkeley's Mission Heirloom honor that, but they take it to the next level by offering clean, Paleo, and nutrient - rich meals at their stylish restaurant in the Gourmet Ghetto.
Best of ghetto dating site at KeyOptimize Out of 4.
It's not a constant ghetto shootout like I expected it be, but rolls along nicely at a good pace.
As impersonated by the evangelically thunderous Washington — who no longer acts with other performers, he acts at them — Alonzo feels about as «street» as a Beverly Hills ghetto.
To fight back on their own terms, Antonina and Jan covertly begin working with the Resistance — and put into action plans to save lives out of what has become the Warsaw Ghetto, with Antonina putting herself and even her children at great risk.
By 1942 the Final Solution begins and the evil Nazi butcher commandant, Amon Goeth (Ralph Fiennes), does the Devil's work of ridding the ghetto Jews by either extinction or sending them to the forced labor camp at Plaszow.
One of the benefits of Schindler's wheeling and dealing was that the Jews who worked for him, at the very least, had the opportunity to get out of the Ghetto daily, allowing them the chance to barter for goods not available inside the Ghetto, no matter that it was an offence punishable by death.
Once a fugly ghetto - nerd, living in the shadow of his his handsome older brother, Jesse Sanchez's life course takes a turn in the right direction after catching a break following a hit stand - up perforamnce at a local comedy night.
To fight back on their own terms, the Żabińskis covertly begin working with the Resistance and put into action plans to save lives out of what has become the Warsaw Ghetto, with Antonina putting herself and even her children at great risk.
The film makes little sense and isn't explained in any fashion, it just happens cos it happens basically, director Cox manages to combine an Ed Wood level of sci - fi with a kind of urban punk ghetto gang theme running through it at the same time.
It's the sort of thing that makes you wish Kasdan would quit toiling away in this particular comedy ghetto and go do that long - awaited (at least by me) sequel to Zero Effect.
A sobering look at what it might very well be like to grow up lesbian in the ghetto.
Sort of a «Saturday Night Fever» set at a roller - skating rink, this coming - of - age saga about young men trying to rise up out of the ghetto is emotionally powerful and boasts impressive performances from a couple of novice actors well known in the music world.
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