Sentences with phrase «at a financial disadvantage»

Also, while both of them have enjoyed periodic fundraising boosts off debate performances or unexpected wins, they continue to be at a financial disadvantage (Romney and his allies outspent Santorum and his allies by about 2 - 1 in Michigan and by 12 - 1 in Arizona).
With the party already at a financial disadvantage compared to Labour and the Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats are likely to face real difficulties in getting their message across to voters — especially when attention is paid to the two main parties and emerging forces such as UKIP and the Greens.
The so - called «regular» Senate Democrats entered this election cycle at a financial disadvantage, trailing the Republicans by several million dollars, though — for the first time in years — they were debt free.
With only eleven days to election day, distantly trailing de Blasio in opinion polls and at a financial disadvantage Malliotakis desperately needs both press attention and public interest.
But if your death would put someone at a financial disadvantage, coverage is a very good idea.
Many renters are left at a financial disadvantage because they have no means to replace their items.
Combine this with the high cost of living and you'll be at a financial disadvantage unfortunately.
The loss of income facing many children after divorce puts them at a financial disadvantage that has a pervasive effect on the rest of their lives.

Not exact matches

Too many college students are relying on large student loans to get through school, and this puts them at a huge financial disadvantage when they graduate.
«Whether a self - styled seat - of - the - pants day trader or the kind of investor who intends to buy and hold forever, you're operating at a distinct disadvantage if you lack the skills to break a company down into its financial nuts and bolts.
Tough shows even the most naïve reader how difficult it is to grapple with the question of how to take an entire community of mostly disadvantaged children and mostly undereducated parents without financial resources and transform them — or at least the children as they grow — into fully functioning members of the middle class.
Trump entered the homestretch of the campaign at a pronounced financial disadvantage to Clinton, according to figures his team released, and far below the self - funding goal he set for himself earlier in the race.
It would also help to bridge the gender gap that puts so many women at a disadvantage when it comes to financial planning.»
The purpose of this Fund is to assist in providing the financial resources required to mount an effective legal defense for Dean and Adam Skelos in recognition that a central strategy of the prosecution is to place the Skelos family in severe financial hardship and thereby put them at a strategic disadvantage in the courtroom.
The Ventura County pastor was at a substantial financial disadvantage to Democrat Jacqui Irwin, a Thousand Oaks councilwoman and two - time mayor.
Starting at such a financial disadvantage, Topinka (or whoever winds up as the GOP nominee) will need millions of dollars in support from the Republican Governors Association, which has a number of other more pressing priorities in 2006.
Director general Richard Lambert said: «A headline - grabbing tax on bankers» bonuses may have populist appeal, but the government needs to take care not to put the UK's financial services sector at a comparative disadvantage internationally.»
It isn't just a lack of financial capital that puts many working - class students and faculty at a disadvantage; they lack social and cultural capital as well.
Later in their careers, working - class scholars are often at a disadvantage because they can't afford to take financial risks.
Washington — Although the nation's proprietary schools — which prepare young people for a wide variety of skilled jobs — enroll a higher proportion of disadvantaged students than do other sectors of the postsecondary - education system, a lower proportion of the schools» students receive financial aid than do students at private colleges and universities.
But the shift has widened the divide between disadvantaged students who, whether for financial or geographical reasons, can't plug into online resources at home.
But such a consortium would be at a distinct financial disadvantage — both PARCC and Smarter Balanced received federal Race to the Top dollars to design their tests.
As the push towards accountability reconstructs what is valued in parent - school relations, low income parents are likely to be at a disadvantage as they are less able to take time away from work or provide the requisite financial support.
Because charter schools receive less in public funding than other public schools, it forces them to make difficult choices on how to spend their scarce dollars — and because many charter schools don't receive facilities funding, they also pay for their own buildings, which puts them at a significant financial disadvantage.
If you weren't paying close attention to events in the financial world last year and now feel at a disadvantage at dinner parties, The End of Wall Street will help.
The Sam's Club Mastercard has no signup bonus, which puts it at a disadvantage against most cards issued by larger financial institutions.
While this hefty price tag (which can increase by 10 percent every five years) may have put some graduates at a disadvantage financially, there are many resources available to help effectively manage scholastic debts while setting oneself up for future financial success.
«These businesses are in a structurally disadvantaged position, given the challenging rate environment and marketplace,» Sanjiv Yajnik, president of financial services at Capital One, said in a memo to employees.
Chapters include determining if your household is truly ready for the time, financial and daily exercise and care commitment... what children are capable of being responsible for at various ages... weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each species.
Give to LASALLE and you will provide financial assistance to students from disadvantaged families who might otherwise not be able to pursue their passion in art, design, media, and performance through a strong grounding in contemporary arts training at LASALLE.
Service providers with greater capacity and other financial resources to leverage are typically in a better position to win support, placing smaller CBOs at a disadvantage.
Aside from the annoyance of reinforcing tired gender stereotypes, such advertising puts people at a real financial disadvantage, if they can not resist it.
The arbitrator was highly critical of the conduct of the Respondent in the arbitration, stating that the Claimant was at a clear financial disadvantage and was faced with no alternative but to seek third party funding because the Respondent:
The financial power imbalance between an accident victim and an insurer places the accident victim at a significant disadvantage which is heightened in circumstances where even if they incur the expense to obtain appropriate medical records and reports, and are successful, they are not entitled to any reimbursement for the cost of those records and reports, which can often exceed the amount in dispute.
This potential disadvantage of a life insurance policy really depends on how much money the total estate is worth and what financial situation you and your beneficiaries are in at the time of your death.
At first glance this would disadvantage the victim's insurer because they make a payout but receive no increased financial benefit, whereas the at - fault party's insurer will benefit from increased premiumAt first glance this would disadvantage the victim's insurer because they make a payout but receive no increased financial benefit, whereas the at - fault party's insurer will benefit from increased premiumat - fault party's insurer will benefit from increased premiums.
Even if you attempt to replace your belongings, this could put you at an extreme financial disadvantage, because you will likely have to spend your savings or retirement funds in order to do so.
Masters, who spoke during the event as well, detailed how public blockchain's structure - at least ethereum and certain others - has a disadvantage to global financial institutions, and as such, spurred the creation of the DAML language.
People in the most disadvantaged areas also reported financial barriers to seeing a range of medical professions at rates that were higher than those living in the least disadvantaged areas
Financial institutions have speculated that to be able to afford the SPL packages, companies might cut down on enhancements they currently offer as part of maternity leave packages, which could put mothers who do not want to take SPL at a disadvantage.
Another workshop which looked at the issues faced by disproportionate numbers of Aboriginal children in out - of - home care said the poorer financial and other support provided to kinship carers compared to foster carers in Victoria disadvantaged Aboriginal children and families.
But when we look at all people who live in single parent households, we find a larger number of people with pre-existing financial, health, or emotional disadvantages than we find in the married - couple population.
Benchmarks for COMMUNITY LEGAL CENTRES by 1 July 2017 — at least 90 % of TOTAL REPRESENTATION SERVICES are delivered to people experiencing financial disadvantage
Benchmarks for LEGAL AID COMMISSIONS by 1 July 2015 — at least 95 % of REPRESENTATION SERVICES are delivered to people experiencing financial disadvantage
The collaborative family law process is progressive because it allows couples to obtain the positive advantages of legal, financial, psychological and personal assistance in sorting out the complexities of their divorce, while at the same time focusing on issue resolution and family growth while completely avoiding the harmful disadvantages of the adversarial litigation process.
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