Sentences with phrase «at a high level of intensity»

Training with weights, or at a high level of intensity with any other medium, forces you to adapt to fatigue.
If you teach your body to shift -(gradually) to a fat burning at higher levels of intensity common digestive issues and the need to fuel during exercise are reduced.
Rather, «interest» is «importance» taken at a certain level of purposefulness, and «unity» is the ideal purposefulness seeks at its highest level of intensity.
Anaerobic fitness describes your ability to work at a high level of intensity while minimizing the build up of lactic acid — the stuff that makes your muscles burn.
Then, along came Antonio Paoli, Dominic D'Agostino, and others who showed a similar phenomenon in gymnasts, a population that routinely exercises at higher levels of intensity (Paoli et al., 2012).
When the desensitization process is performed incorrectly and the dog is exposed to the trigger at a high level of intensity, the opposite may take place which is sensitization.
It spans from having a few of the symptoms, infrequently, at a low level of intensity, to a more moderate level with symptoms most of the time at a moderate level of intensity and then to be dramatically present in terms of number of symptoms at the highest level of intensity.
At the highest level of intensity the subject's sense of importance may be dominated by its purpose.
Meanwhile, at a higher level of intensity, more carbohydrate will be utilised relative to fat, as carbohydrates are an easier source of energy for your body to tap into.
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