Sentences with phrase «at a higher intensity means»

While exercising at a lower intensity will allow you to burn a greater proportion of calories from fat, working out at a higher intensity means that you're burning more calories overall.

Not exact matches

I mean look at the players attitude also in high intensity match again Liverpool, they were simply jogging like it is a training ground session.
«Chaparral always burns at high intensity, but the mean size of chaparral fires has been growing,» Safford said.
The discovery means solar cell manufacturers can create stacked solar cells that can handle high - intensity solar energies without losing voltage at the connecting junctions, potentially improving conversion efficiency.
This discovery means that solar cell manufacturers can now create stacked cells that can handle these high - intensity solar energies without losing voltage at the connecting junctions, thus potentially improving conversion efficiency.
It could mean teenagers could significantly reduce the risk to their health by exercising at a high - intensity for three blocks of half an hour each week, including rest time.
Steady - state cardiovascular training — such as a 45 - minute jog performed at about 55 to 65 per cent of maximum heart rate — causes the body to opt for a higher percentage of fat for fuel and its lower intensity means it can be performed over an extended period of time.
If working out six times for 30 minutes means you spend longer working at high intensity, a shorter workout will out - perform a longer one.
This means you have to gradually increase the load, do more reps, and work out at a higher intensity.
Short, high - intensity workouts help condition your metabolism to work faster, meaning that you'll be burning more fat and constantly building muscle even when you're not working out — and at an incredible rate when you are.
If you're moderately active, meaning you exercise around 30 - 60 minutes per day at a moderate to high intensity, the number of calories you burn through exercise will be around 15 - 30 % above your resting metabolic rate.3 You'll learn how to estimate the calorie needs of people with higher energy expenditures in a moment.
Metabolic training by definition means training at a high intensity using multi-joint training circuits that if done correctly will melt away fat & produce toned lean muscle development.
For example, improving your anaerobic capacity means that you are able to train at a higher intensity for a longer period of time.
I would like for you to know that being fit doesn't mean you always have to be on a diet or working out at high intensity all the time.
This means that you can train at a higher intensity, more frequently.
So, just because you are pregnant, doesn't mean you need to avoid the high intensity exercise classes at SWEAT.
So, any downturn in your aerobic speed (at a heart rate below your aerobic threshold) is a direct indicator that your aerobic base is either fatigued or in decline, meaning that your body is at the moment that much less capable of absorbing the stresses of high - intensity training.
You can add this to most activities, it means adding in intervals where you work at high intensity.
It allows us to work at higher intensities more often throughout the year, but it also means we deload every three weeks.
(Not to mention that the muscles we're talking about are generally speaking a lot weaker than the surrounding muscles, which means that they have to run at a higher intensity, relatively, to be able to keep up).
If we look at the adaptations that follow strength training or weight training, we can see that strength training with higher intensities (above 85 % of the 1RM) will improve the rate of recruitment, which means more motor units are activated and can contract more forcefully.
If we look at the neurological demands and the demands on the energy system of power training, we can see that Power training (if done correctly) has a high demand on the nervous system and primarily uses the Phosphagen system or ATP - CP system (if you want to know more about energy systems, this article from Breaking Muscle explains it well) which means you need complete rest between your sets to give the neuromuscular system and energy system sufficient rest to reproduce efforts at a high intensity.
Hate to say it, but we weren't meant to aerobicize at the chronic and sustained high intensities that so many people choose to do these days.
I myself have quite a hybrid workout routine (although the overwhelming majority of my training is at MAF), which means that I do have a couple of high - intensity workouts a week.
The problem with training the aerobic system at a high intensity is that this typically means too much stress for the body to handle.
I am still doing high intensity resistance training 3 times a week with usually 2 - 3 weight lifting sessions and 2 cardio sessions, meaning I am at the gym 6 times a week.
A higher VO2 max also means that you can exercise at greater intensities for longer periods of time.
«Since the AR4, there is some new limited direct evidence for an anthropogenic influence on extreme precipitation, including a formal detection and attribution study and indirect evidence that extreme precipitation would be expected to have increased given the evidence of anthropogenic influence on various aspects of the global hydrological cycle and high confidence that the intensity of extreme precipitation events will increase with warming, at a rate well exceeding that of the mean precipitation..
Alina Popescu, Co-Managing Partner of Maravela Asociații, held a presentation about essential aspects concerning State aid, an essential means of financing in view of investment development, taking into consideration that the area of Braşov benefits from a 50 % State aid intensity during 2014 - 2020 (highest rate in Romania, according to the regional map approved at the EU level, seen that other areas benefit from rates ranging from 10 % to 50 %).
The iPad Pro screen also includes Apple's ProMotion technology, which has two main benefits: double the maximum refresh rate (up to 120 Hz), and adaptive refresh rates, which means that when watching 24 fps video, the display refreshes at 24 Hz to conserve energy, while it can ramp up to 120 Hz when scrolling through a web page or playing a high - intensity game.
Other scales in the MCS measured unusual thoughts or perceptual experiences that, although more prevalent in children with neurodevelopmental disorders and those who later develop adult psychiatric illness, are nonetheless common in child populations25: a majority of children (52.2 %) responded «Certainly True» to at least one of the nine PLE items, and the high mean total scores on Perceptual Sensitivity indicated that most children also reported sensitivity to slight, low - intensity stimulation in the environment.
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