Sentences with phrase «at a particular place»

You are not agreeing to anything - all the signature does is provide (really good) evidence that you and the pad were at a particular place at a particular time.
The UV index is an international standard measurement of how strong the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is at a particular place on a particular day.
I've been stopped and held at particular places in the sequences for months.
This is because this type of resume allows them to easily to see where and when you worked at a particular place and your responsibilities while you were in that place.
Second access from anywhere, in local search case, you will go at the particular place but with online sites, you have freedom to anytime and anywhere access them.
When you know something at a particular place is delicious, it's very tempting to order it every time (as I often do)!
I think it was the only vegetarian thing on the menu at the particular place I was having dinner, but that was fine, because it was awesome.
Just because a week, three months, or three years has passed doesn't mean they're at a particular place emotionally.
You don't need to present at particular place and time to meet on date.
Ultimately you reach at particular place but above are two ways to meet new gay swingers.
It is very important to serve your dog at particular place and time and do not change it unless it is not necessary.
Thanks for including the real people cruising experiences at the particular places.
This is information you can't usually find online or by asking anyone unless you truly know someone closely that works at a particular place.
tides (adj. tidal) The alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun.
From the point of view of cosmology the particularity of Abraham's summoning need be seen as no more scandalous than the fact that at an earlier time in cosmic evolution life itself came about at a particular place and as a unique event.
He argued that the gospel calls for concrete strategies growing out of real identification with the people at a particular place and time.22 In Western Europe this means affirming the freedoms already won and then extending «these democratic rights and freedoms over to economic conditions», 23 This is the programme of democratic socialism.
«Although we knew that temperature might set a maximum for body size,» Smith says, the new findings actually present a mechanism — and do so in a very detailed manner, showing «how animals responded to a particular temperature at a particular place at a particular time.»
Writing resignation letters is quite a challenging job; after all, you have worked at a particular place for some time and leaving amicably may be difficult.
There are many biblical predictions («prophecies» in bible terms) that have been fulfilled, predictions that were made hundreds of years before the event, like the fall of some empires / nations (ancient and current), a natural and supernatural sign at a particular place, a catastrophe, etc..
It saddens me to see any argueing going on over this and any other issues at this particular place.
Christians believe that Jesus is the Truth, and he is the Truth precisely as the Son incarnate as a historical person, born at a particular place and time, speaking a particular language, addressing the questions and problems of first - century Judaism.
They are localized at a particular place and restricted and linked to the people of Israel.
Um, yeah, because as soon as kids, or anyone, die from eating at a particular place (aka... there would be an investigation) do you think that the place wouldn't be shut down?
When Whitehead attacks the concept of substance in Aristotle's Categories he directs his polemic especially against the «simple location» of natural entities, according to which they exist merely at their particular places and without internal relations to one another.
The church with which we worship is not only the congregation gathered at a particular place to hear a sermon; it is also the church universal, scattered throughout the earth.
Dallas has a tendency to «visit» with players with similar draft projections when they are intending on striking at a position at a particular place (as a value), but this looks like Dallas is planning on waiting until the WR value is «right».
«These kids would be told they couldn't skate at some particular place, because they would cause damage to the property.
Sure, there were times when I had to cancel plans because of a teething baby, or because I didn't really want to nurse my child at a particular place, but by and large, breastfeeding did nothing but make my transition into motherhood more smooth and seamless.
So, while some schools do have a consistently socio - economically uplifting effect and «add value» through instruction that is more than «par for the course» for a particular student starting at a particular place, usually they don't and it is very hard to replicate the success stories.
«Instead of studying rainfall at a particular place, we try to look for the larger - scale patterns.»
Wave functions work like sound waves, except that whereas the mathematical description of a sound wave defines the motion of molecules in air at a particular place, a wave function describes the probability of finding the particle.
The CC means the horse has two copies of the DNA base cytosine at a particular place on the myostatin site.
Birdsnap, which also features birdcalls for each species, offers users numerous ways to organize species — alphabetically, by their relationship in the Tree of Life, and by the frequency with which they are sighted at a particular place and season.
The mavens (okay, a maven or two) on the home theater forums have been making some rueful «what might have been» comments, upset that a particular mastering person did not stick around at a particular place to supervise this particular Blu - ray of the Stanley Donen 1957 musical.
Some are obvious — drop a few expensive & cool items into stores at a particular place I want the player to return to because I know the items will encourage most players -LSB-...]
A simple way to make even more money without investment or without working more is to sign up for cash back apps from your iPhone that give you credit for shopping at a particular place or dining at a particular restaurant.
We drive into people's lives Share the hour And drive out again Wondering If we will ever see them again And, if we stayed longer Would the withdrawal be as intense Would the sweetness be diluted We meet by chance Connecting At a moment in time At a particular place on earth We leave Glad to have been there Because after all For that moment in time It was our favorite place on earth
If you are traveling abroad, keep the address and contact of your nation's embassy at that particular place you are going.
Post-fire management decisions must be made at a particular place and time, and studies that show clearly what action is most appropriate for that site may not be available.
Extreme weather event - An extreme weather event is an event that is rare at a particular place and time of year.
Any harm done to you was done by communications to a single «legal» person who is legally located at a particular place in a single state, so the law of the state in which your employer is located (Washington State, U.S.A.) would govern, although there would also be an argument to looking to the law of the place where the person making the statement was located when they made the statement (which, it appears, would also be Washington State in your fact pattern).
Grades don't do that, though: all they can do is measure how well you did relative to your classmates on a few 3 - hour exams taken at a particular place at a particular time.
It's fine to apply for a few positions at the same company, but people sometimes want a job at a particular place so badly that they apply for 10, 20, or even more positions.
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