Sentences with phrase «at a predictable rate»

Children without disabilities reach developmental milestones at predictable rates.
You can earn cash back with your purchases, and do so at a predictable rate.
When payments do go through as planned, you generally expect your balance to decrease at a predictable rate.
In fact, changes due to mutations in the mitochondrial DNA over time can be used to distinguish groups and also to estimate the amount of time that has passed since two individuals shared a common ancestor, as these mutations occur at predictable rates.
The Value Of The Fund Will Increase Over Time — When you put aside funds in advance, the death benefit will increase at a predictable rate of growth, just like a savings account.
«This BIP proposes replacing the fixed one - megabyte maximum block size with a maximum size that grows over time at a predictable rate
«The older an organism's remains are, the less beta radiation it emits because its C - 14 is steadily dwindling at a predictable rate
A tree can be said to have a definite position in time and space, and a rock dropped from a window will fall at a predictable rate to a predictable spot on the ground.
When a beam of electrons or positrons flies through a gas, they scatter off the gas particles at predictable rates.
For instance, in 2015, National Institute of Standards and Technology chemist Shin Muramoto found that ridges on a fingerprint release a substance known as palmitic acid at a predictable rate, allowing investigators to determine when prints were laid down and whether they're temporally relevant to a crime.
Since the beating of these cilia slows at a predictable rate, forensic teams should be able to estimate time of death more accurately.
Unlike traditional classrooms where all students follow the same lesson plan and progress at predictable rates, in special education classrooms you should be prepared to work individually with students, some of whom will progress faster than others.
Some valves have rotate mechanisms to ensure they rotate at a predictable rate.
Favorable Economics: Sunshine is free, which means solar offers reliable energy at a predictable rate for decades.
The code was designed to unlock a finite amount of Bitcoin units at a predictable rate.
He simply could not understand how fossils could be dated and was just positive that man ate all the dinosaurs, and no matter how hard I tried to explain how sediment layers build up at consistent rates, how radio carbon decays at a predictable rate, how fossils form and why we know this, nothing I told him could convince him that T - rexs did not run the earth in the «time of Adam and Eve».
This process occurs at a predictable rate, which allows physicians and forensics specialists to estimate the age of a bruise based on its color.
Knowing these sharks were born in the Atomic Age, and assuming the animals grew at a predictable rate, the scientists calculated ages for the remaining sharks based on size.
A stable carbon price, which increases at a predictable rate every year, makes long - term investments in carbon efficiency sensible and relatively risk - free.
By calibrating what scientists call the molecular clock — the hypothesis that mutation occurs at a predictable rate — to the panda separation 12 million years ago, one group of researchers suggests the polar bear's appearance as a species is a relatively recent phenomenon.
What's more, recent work has shown that DNA breaks down at a predictable rate.
The scientists nailed down the Arizona rocks» ages by analyzing interspersed volcanic ash layers containing radioisotopes that decay at a predictable rate.
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