Sentences with phrase «at a reasonable hour»

They need their parents to help them manage these demands and make sure they're on track to get everything done and get in bed at a reasonable hour.
Touring days begin and end at reasonable hours and include frequent stops.
Bonus: you will make it back home at a reasonable hour and will have completed your work day and workout — making for a more relaxed week night!
Eat right, drink plenty of water, and go to sleep at a reasonable hour, even while traveling.
Around that time of night I should probably be sleeping because I do have a full time job and therefore need to wake up at a reasonable hour in the morning.
That way, you won't be distracted, which means you'll be more productive, which means you can leave work at a reasonable hour.
I had to set boundaries so I started blocking time to exercise, I turned off the computer at a reasonable hour (vs. working until midnight regularly).
Over the years, she's developed a system that forces her to leave the office at a reasonable hour.
Some kids may not have trouble getting their homework done at a reasonable hour, but others will need more supervision to accomplish this.
Probably because the sun is finally starting to rise before I do and set at a reasonable hour (not 5 pm).
She doesn't push her body to extremes, she falls asleep and rises each day at a reasonable hour, but she uses her machine and she takes care of it well.
So ensure you are hitting the hay at a reasonable hour and averaging eight hours of shut - eye each night.
A child may, of course, call either parent, though at reasonable hours, frequencies, and at the cost of the parent called if it is a long distance call.
«We often set a time after which there is no screen time and in their case that helps them get to sleep at a reasonable hour,» he told the paper.
Sleep experts tell you the importance of establishing a pre-bedtime routine, and I've done just that: I get in bed at the reasonable hour of 11 or 11:30, plug in my phone, and then stare at Twitter until after midnight.
Tour days start and end at reasonable hours with frequent stops for the comfort of our guests.
The central idea behind Sweden's six - hour work day is to encourage people to put in a focused six hours of work during the day, get their tasks done, and leave at a reasonable hour in order to enjoy their evening.
It was probably via a midnight rabbit trail sort of web surfing and I probably saw something I like and then in my attempt to not forget about it yet still fall asleep at a reasonable hour I signed up, signed off, and went to bed.
I believe in windows being wide open while sun - tanned children go to sleep at a reasonable hour so that they can read under the covers with a flashlight.
Make sure to eat your Thanksgiving dinner at a reasonable hour, get that nap in, and reheat some leftovers for this one.
In short, I'm absolutely delighted to be back in Berlin and able to watch Arsenal at a reasonable hour again!
The older children get, the less likely they are to want to leap out of bed on their own at a reasonable hour.
Also, start your bedtime routine at a reasonable hour so she's not overtired, which may make it harder for her to get to sleep.
But this irregularity can make getting to sleep at a reasonable hour during the week even harder.
And I think it's just healthier for a lot of things, a lot of reasons, get what we got done in print, in the next hour or two and then leave and come back tomorrow at a reasonable hour Thursday.
As tempting as it is to stay up to watch one more episode of Stranger Things, powering down electronics and hitting the sheets at a reasonable hour is critical if you're going to beat winter tiredness and make it to the gym.
I'm ready to hit the town with Le Boo and sadly be home at a reasonable hour because the 6 am wake up call is no joke.
Another wedding for me yesterday but I was lucky enough to finish at a reasonable hour for a change, so we had friends round for dinner (well takeaway and wine to be exact!).
Ok so yesterday morning we were up at a reasonable hour of the morning and... [Read more...]
Telephone communication with the child by either parent to the residence where the child is located shall be conducted at reasonable hours, shall be of reasonable duration, and at reasonable intervals, without interference from the other parent.
Fortunately I stopped skulling Slippery Nipple shots at a reasonable hour.
Tour operators ensure each tour day starts and ends at reasonable hours with frequent stops.
Can \» t get yourself out of bed at a reasonable hour in the morning?
If possible, leaving work at a reasonable hour to spend some time with the children before they go to bed, then re-connecting to catch up at night, is fundamental in making sure that you are able to «be there» and share quality time with your children.
«We purposely set a target that's achievable, and also allows associates to turn the light off at the end of the day and go home at a reasonable hour
Our Grand Canyon tour operators conduct tour days to start and end at reasonable hours with frequent stops so that you travel at a very comfortable, unhurried pace.
Do what you can with the project you have, and leave at a reasonable hour (and that isn't like 5 pm — make an effort to stay until 8 or 9).
What's more, studies suggest that the blue light given off by our favorite devices also suppresses melatonin production, which can throw off our circadian rhythms — and ability to fall asleep at a reasonable hour — as a result.
Instead of saying, «You don't ever manage to get your homework done at a reasonable hour,» say, «I think it would be a good idea to establish a schedule for yourself so you can get your homework done earlier in the evening.»
He and his wife Melinda also implemented no screen - time during dinner and after a certain hour, which «helps them get to sleep at a reasonable hour
The final two rounds are a little easier because the leaders tee off at a reasonable hour in the eastern U.S. and finish up sometime after lunch.
That said, evenings are for family and getting to bed at a reasonable hour
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