Sentences with phrase «at a sleepover»

She practiced her new skill on friends at sleepover parties,...
She practiced her new skill on friends at sleepover parties, and she's been dedicated to healing skin care ever since.
When asked what he would do with the franchise, Green responded: «If it was up to me, I would start the movie with some teenage girls at a sleepover in Haddonfield telling ghost stories.
The road to adulthood is riddled with separations: the first day of school, the first time at a sleepover, and even the first year of college.
Klebs» oldest son was at a sleepover at a friend's house that night, which likely saved his life as well as those of Sarah and her daughter, Caroline.
Though I felt like the nerd at sleepover camp, I made it my life's goal to meet the popular kids during my walk around the floor.
My very first mystery injury (elbow), which led to hours in hospital and excruciating pain and a perplexed doctor, was the result of «yoga» at 3 am at a sleepover in my teens.
If another kid discovers her disposable underwear at a sleepover, she can say, «Yes, I wear these because I'm a sound sleeper, and sometimes my body doesn't wake me up to use the bathroom.»
If I feed my family healthfully in general, then I can relax when they indulge at a sleepover party or have an excess of treats at the grandparents.
Read about strategies for managing bed - wetting at sleepovers and bed - wetting at camp.
I tried Zeo at a sleepover press event this past June, and the most surprising result was not the percentage of REM versus non-REM or any other sleep - cycle phenomenon but rather how little I actually slept.
The researchers took cortisol samples at three time points: the dog at the shelter, the dog at the sleepover and the dog back at the shelter.
Gunter looked at the sleepover program offered by Best Friends, where visitors can take a dog back to their hotel room for the night.
For YEARS at sleepovers with friends I'd regretfully pass on pancakes.
Take the fun to the next level and use these lapdesks at sleepovers to get all your friends in on the beauty fun.
«I first saw this when I was in fifth grade at a sleepover and it completely changed my life.
Its like reporting that someone put a friends hand in warm water at a sleepover (sic).»
But it's a sorority, too; arriving for work on a steamy day, they undress down to their bras and panties and chat like gals at a sleepover.
The drama follows five teenage girls who play a seemingly innocent game at a sleepover birthday party.
Rabbit and Robot disagree about everything on Rabbit's «To Do» list at their sleepover, including Robot's insistence for pizza toppings of nuts, bolts, and screws.
These exceptional and exuberant dogs, like yours, wind up digging, jumping, pulling at covers, and acting like an adolescent at a sleepover party.
My friends and I developed a multiplayer mode of our own design that we played exclusively at sleepovers (which were always four people.
Friday afternoon is even easier, just collect the youngest from school — the eldest is potentially at a sleepover — and lie on the couch in a semi coma.
We'll know that someone said Barry Zito's name into a mirror three times at a sleepover, and everything will be ruined.
«Oh, I was at a sleepover at a friend's house in second grade,» I answer without hesitation.
In a down - to - earth approach, Naomi talks to singles as if they're the best of friends at a sleepover, and Single Girl Blogging offers a virtual gab session about dating's toe - curling moments.
The youngest was at a sleepover party last night, so I made the eldest watch «The Breakfast Club» with me.
I too had it at sleepovers, and other random times in my childhood.
I remember when I lived in Germany, I was at a sleepover and some of the girls were horrified at how much toilet paper I used.
At sleepovers You should also assess whether your child is ready for a sleepover or an extended stay at a relative's home.
At sleepovers, your child may be nervous or not fully understand how to fall asleep on his or her own.
It didn't appear in any of the six Faces of Death films, nor do kids dare each other to watch it at sleepovers when their parents» backs are turned, fuelled by the titillation of the taboo and forbidden.
Exceptions to the rule are that Hurricane Sandy hit, or the kids are at a sleepover.
In this research young people explained how they live broadcast throughout their daily life, whether it's while doing their homework or at a sleepover.
Fenn began her career in horror when as a seventh grader she terrified her friends at sleepovers.
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