Sentences with phrase «at abortion clinics»

It came into very clear focus when my church was protesting at an abortion clinic.
So, too, does the scene in which, following a horrendous experience at an abortion clinic, they embrace on a bus and acknowledge that they're in love.
Working at an abortion clinic Maddie reveals the motivations of the staff providing the service, protestors who think the choice shouldn't exist and women facing the hardest decision of their lives.
How can a «Good Christian» gun down a doctor at an abortion clinic because the doctor went against their ideals and that's a grey fuzzy area but when a follower of Islam kills someone when outraged about their own beliefs, it's pure evil?
People trespassing at abortion clinics, killing abortion doctors, passing unconst!tutional laws forcing their religion on others, blocking efforts to reverse those laws.
Why should not the choice be made by the person most directly concerned rather than by the self - righteous busybodies who torment unhappy women at abortion clinics?
Yet another example is that of nonviolent protestors at abortion clinics who defy unjust restrictions of their freedom of speech in order to plead the case for the unborn to women contemplating abortion.
And I am an ally of those in prayer at abortion clinics — I've been actively pro-life for fifteen years.
The mother at the abortion clinic never has an opportunity to see her child alive when she realises, «I made a mistake.»
I 100 % agree that there are women and staff at abortion clinics that need to hear about the love and forgiveness of Jesus, but for myself, I could never work at one.
It was a dizzying fall for a politician who put himself at the fore of the #MeToo movement and had cast himself as a defender of women ever since he worked at an abortion clinic at 17.
KATHRYN * was on the brink of booking an appointment at the abortion clinic.
It would also comply with the complex sets of Louisiana laws targeted at abortion clinics — laws that govern minutiae like procedure room size — so doctors could perform terminations.
But Conservative Republicans opposed the bill because of wording that would prevent the discharge in bankruptcy of debts of people who perpetrate violence at abortion clinics and other public facilities.
I am not opposed in any way to nonviolent protests at abortion clinics.
HB2 stipulates that doctors working at abortion clinics must have permission to admit people at a hospital within 50 kilometres of the clinic, and that all clinics meet the same building standards as outpatient surgery centres.
Responding to my assertion that twenty - something evangelicals are more interested in championing adoption and taking in single moms than protesting at abortion clinics, pastor and blogger Daniel Darlingwrote:
Then agian, you're just like the rest of the believers here who would sound just as shocked by a protester at an abortion clinic thinking «anti-abortionist at an abortion clinic!
Bachmann has protested at abortion clinics.
According to City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, protests at abortion clinics, «have become increasingly divisive and disruptive.»
No one checks in at an abortion clinic.
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