Sentences with phrase «at academic conferences»

This is a perfect example of how wanting to do a show is different from wanting to do a dissertation chapter, or different from presenting at academic conferences on this topic.
The postdoc is expected to publish their findings in academic journals and present their work at academic conferences and workshops.
The result of this study will be published in peer - reviewed journals or presented at academic conferences.
He also continued to write papers and submitted them for presentation at academic conferences.
When it comes to figuring out what to wear at academic conferences, even though I'm now in my fourth year of graduate school, I don't consider myself an expert.
Follow with your professional teaching experience and your publications and presentations, which includes your presentations and attendance at academic conferences.
Gender and Family in the Ivory Tower by mary ann mason, nicholas h. wolfinger, and marc goulden rutgers, 188 pages, $ 25.95 When colleagues at academic conferences marvel at the latest of my seven pregnancies, my immediate reaction — so they don't think I am the....
When colleagues at academic conferences marvel at the latest of my seven pregnancies, my immediate reaction — so they don't think I am the world's worst professor and colleague — is to tell them that I have never, ever taken standard maternity leave.
Recognising one of the science editors at an academic conference in London a couple of months later, I approached him with a story idea based on a poster at the conference.
I've had the sweet spot in mind the last few weeks while reviewing cases in which online dating was central to the therapy — its for a talk I'm giving next week at an academic conference next week titled «Dating, Mating, and Procreating in 21st Century America.»
After returning from Egypt, I went to speak at an academic conference on Islamic India.
At an academic conference not too long ago, I delivered a paper on St. Paul's view of marriage and celibacy.
Prior to the publication in eLife, Crona presented the results at an academic conference.
When Harvard University president Lawrence Summers, himself an MIT graduate in economics, suggested at an academic conference that there might be «intrinsic differences in ability» between men and women in math and science, a female MIT professor walked out.
Eisen, for one, has live - tweeted brusque criticism at academic conferences that came back to bite him.
Traditionally, knowledge has been diffused, which is defined by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research as «passive, unplanned, uncontrolled dissemination; primarily horizontal or mediated by peers (e.g. publishing in peer reviewed journals, presenting research results to peers at academic conferences); potential user needs to seek out the information» (2).
Another research team at the University of Arkansas was simultaneously evaluating the same program and presenting early findings at academic conferences, but elected to hold off on publishing their results until they could include a second year of outcome data.
At an academic conference last fall, I attended a panel made up of union heads and school - district superintendents who were supposedly doing things «right» — meaning that management and labor were coming to agreements without knock - down, drag - out fights.
Budde presented his ideas at an academic conference in 1974, but they received little notice.
Dr. Sindi contended that beginning in 2011 and carrying through to the present, Samia El - Moslimany and her mother, Ann, posted defamatory statements on a website, sent inflammatory emails to her professional colleagues and business associates, and distributed fliers containing falsehoods at academic conferences.
I've presented a paper on comparative law at an academic conference (involving US v. EU law), I did a lot of comparative politics as an undergraduate, I've had lots of dealing with international students (especially from Russia and India and E / SE Asia) who came to my father for advice on personal problems when he was director of an academic department.
At an academic conference.
Once, at an academic conference at which people began banging on, as they so often do, about what a magnificently systematic thinker Aquinas was, I lost my temper and said that whenever I heard people going on about this, I knew one thing: that they had never closely studied Aquinas's texts.
I heard the other side of this at an academic conference recently where a book editor was speaking.
While much of the discontent over Ibrahim's find played out on researchers» personal blogs and at academic conferences, last October Evers and his colleagues presented many of the criticisms in a 100 - page paper published in the online journal PeerJ.
But when she meets a fellow professor, Ben, at an academic conference and embarks on an affair in a remote mountain cabin, memories of her past in Russia slowly reveal the real reasons for her personal stagnation.
Of course you would have to work out some deal with scholarly publishers and advertise in academic journals and at academic conferences.
In particular, she began visiting super-max sites, photographing them when permitted and learning about them at academic conferences.
I talk about sex and sex research in the media, at academic conferences and in my undergraduate classes (this has led to many interesting and insightful conversations over the years).
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