Sentences with phrase «at all levels of society»

Changing the way people borrow and repay money is the kind of thing that can make waves at every level of society.
These would include very personal problems, others at the level of society, and still others that are global.
If you're angry about abortion, euthanasia and the death penalty, you'll be motivated to support a culture of life at every level of society.
Yet the report «prizes financial responsibility at levels of society», and promotes self - administered pensions.
So far I have been unable to find any evidence in my research of that inclination being serious at any level of society or government.
Please consider making a gift today and help us train more Climate Reality Leaders to inspire action around the world and expand clean energy solutions at every level of society.
It feels good knowing that I will be contributing to the essential educational work that The Vegan Society carries out at all levels of society after I am no longer here.
Because a satisfactory response to AGW will require near ideal decision making from all organizations at all levels of society, from families to governments and multinationals, starting now; we don't necessarily have to «contribute here».
Desmond locates in Herodotus a similar understanding, although at the level of society.
«Thus an environmentally enlightened development process necessarily demands a new culture, which will be: egalitarian, with reduced disparities between rich and poor and power equally shared by men and women; resource - sharing; participatory; frugal, when compared to the current consumption patterns of the rich; humble, with a respect for the multiplicity of the world's cultures and lifestyles; and, it will aim at greater self - reliance at all levels of society
Greed has been accepted at all levels of society and the portrayal of cruelty is considered an acceptable form of entertainment.
If churches want to foster human flourishing, they must work hard to address, uncover and deconstruct all forms of racism at all levels of society.
It is the opinion of many people in this country at all levels of the society that one who calls upon God has a wisdom lacking in those who view life only from a worldly perspective.
But he voiced a message and a complaint which found an immediate and extraordinary response at every level of society, from that of the deepest spiritual experience to that of the most practical economic and political realities.
In the East, it was widespread at every level of society, since the earlier era.
On the surface Mubarak's Egypt appeared stable, but writers, artists, and musicians revealed the reality of the pressure cooker beneath: no one at any level of society could advance because of the pervasive, government - led corruption, and the iron fist of the state forbad any dissent.
Widespread adoption of human - tracking devices should never be embraced without serious and prolonged discussion at all levels of society.
They hold full time jobs, Rattata run amok in the subway, Timburr are employed to build houses, and pokémon and humans work closely together at all levels of society.
Kirby Dick's devastating documentary about the U.S. Military's systemically endorsed sexual abuses against its own soldiers, puts yet another puzzle - piece in America's horrific reality as a country submerged in endemic corruption and anarchy at every level of society.
It will make you cheer all right, provided you believe what the Trumpists do not: that newspapers have the duty to hold governments accountable, and women have the right to make decisions at every level of society.
Education World: Your book, High School Hazing: When Rites Become Wrongs, discusses the causes and consequences of hazing at all levels of society.
Empowering Providing all students with the knowledge and skills they need to take responsibility for their lives, to address life's challenges, to function successfully at all levels of society, and to be creators of knowledge.
We can also enact change at all levels of our society from the local level (no kill, spay and neuter, and trap - neuter - release programs, anyone?)
They have such power and such general support at all levels of society that it is ultimately fruitless to try and remove them from power by either direct or indirect confrontation.
As security breaches become more common at all levels of society — from the presidential to the personal — the Lunsford Academy continues to introduce students to the growing field of cybersecurity and cyber risk management.
Energy is consumed at all levels of society in every country of the world.
NCRC works with thousands of individuals across the globe to help resolve conflicts at all levels of society, through our unique and effective training programs.
Women were educated (in fact, people at all levels of society were writing letters), and women also played musical instruments, as portrayed in Young Woman Seated at a Virginal and also in paintings by Gerrit Dou and Aert van der Neer.
Taking practical steps to reduce your daily footprint is important, but if we're going to truly solve the crisis, we need to effect change at all levels of society and shift from dirty fossil fuels to clean energy.
Meanwhile, neither Cuomo nor Clinton seemed to notice that real family structures, at all levels of society, were crumbling without so much as a whisper of moral concern, much less a government program, from the Democratic party.
At all levels of society, infant carriers were used in Medieval and Early Modern Europe.
«One dare say that today it is members of the bench that have fallen into disgrace; but if we are to be candid to ourselves, we should all admit that the canker has eaten deep and wide into the social fabric of our society and at all levels of society.
«OpenPDS is one of the key enabling technologies for the digital society, because it allows users to control their data and at the same time open up its potential both at the economic level and at the level of society,» says Dirk Helbing, a professor of sociology at ETH Zurich.
The aim is to stimulate ethical reflection on normative aspects of relevant developments in the clinic and the lab, in order to contribute to adequate guidance, both in the clinic and at the level of society.
Formally, this program has been completed and finished, but at the level of society has been growing awareness of the importance of living in harmony, and they internalize in everyday life.
There is a coming «dark ages» of information excess accompanied by a «new stupidity,» that most people still have a hard time fathoming, but I swear I'm seeing it at every level of our society.
And Francis» flock is big — 1.2 billion strong — but he's hoping to prompt people of all creeds, at all levels of society, to join in the battle against climate change.
Consumer giants like Unilever and Marks & Spencer have promised to source materials from states and regions that slash deforestation, but slowing deforestation requires buy - in at every level of society.
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