Sentences with phrase «at an appropriate rate»

All of these things together will help the doctor decide if your baby is growing at an appropriate rate.
The only true way to know if your supply is low is by making sure your baby is producing the accurate number of dirty diapers and is gaining weight at an appropriate rate.
The two groups are taxed at the appropriate rate regardless of how long a shareholder has owned the fund.
It only matters that your child is progressing at an appropriate rate.
Until they are fully mature, pups need special nutrition to encourage healthy growth at an appropriate rate.
This valuable tool can help the doctor determine whether a child is growing at an appropriate rate or whether there might be problems.
This is utterly different from true discounting - which does not rely on multiples, but instead carefully traces out the likely path of future revenues, profit margins, cash flows and earnings over time, and explicitly discounts expected payouts and probable terminal values back at an appropriate rate of return.
The main disadvantage with the outdated R44 regulations was the way that child seats are sized; with i - Size, seats are sized by the child's height rather than weight, meaning that they progress to a larger size at the appropriate rate for their body, ensuring the highest safety standards are provided at all times.
First, you'd have to pay a price that is less than its intrinsic value; that is, the net present value of all future cash flows discounted at an appropriate rate — usually the long - term U.S. Treasury bond plus an inflation kicker.
«Investing is putting out money to be sure of getting more back later at an appropriate rate.
So how is it a sin when you're driving at an appropriate rate for the design & conditions of the road but the speed limit is set artificially low for the purpose of revenue generation?
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) has accepted an offer in compromise from Vermont's Citizen Cider for failure to pay the federal excise tax at the appropriate rate from October 2014 through June 30, 2017.
That makes no sense whatsoever, because I have been withholding additional amounts at my previous job at the appropriate rate all year.
«In the case of gas chambers, [the AVMA stance] comes down to this: In order to properly, humanely euthanize dogs and cats and other animals that are in shelters, the gas needs to be administered at the appropriate rate and appropriate dose.»
Affordability does not sit easily with the principle of full compensation but it is right to explore this area as repeal of this provision could ensure claimants receive appropriate care paid for by the public purse at an appropriate rate.
TermLife2Go will then review your approval and make sure you have been approved at the appropriate rate class.
If a replacement policy loan rescue is being contemplated, though, it's crucial to still thoroughly vet the replacement policy itself — most notably, regarding how the life insurance cash value will be invested, and whether it's being illustrated at an appropriate rate or not.
Lean Bulk When gaining weight, a combination of fat and lean mass will be gained; however, the goal will be to minimize fat gain by slowly gaining weight at an appropriate rate.
Investors want to have an estimate of forward earnings so that they can gauge whether the company is growing at an appropriate rate.
Its main goal is to help children be able to read accurately, effortlessly and at an appropriate rate.
For many pupils, this includes: word level instruction (eg, phonics, multi-syllable reading); meaning level tuition to promote comprehension; and lots of practice to make reading effortless, including learning to read text accurately, at an appropriate rate, and with expression.
Being the smallest puppy in a litter isn't necessarily a bad thing, provided they're still within the healthy weight range for their breed and age, and growing at an appropriate rate.
Kittens who do not gain weight at an appropriate rate should receive extra attention with special focus on feeding.
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