Sentences with phrase «at an early phase»

It's applied to more patients with more diseases at an earlier phase of their disease.
However, at this early phase in the technology adoption life cycle, schools must carefully consider all aspects of the use of mobile solutions in the classroom before investment.
People forget that the hard work of a lawsuit must be done at the early phases before a lawsuit is filed.
The example clearly indicates that saving at an earlier phase is highly beneficial.
This will allow investors and developers to gauge market interest at an early phase.
Even though most of the above mentioned signs can point towards PMS, these are also the very signs which appear at the earliest phase of pregnancy.
Even though anyone can be gassy for any other reason, gas is also a sign of pregnancy which shows at its early phase.
Mario Livio of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, adds that this is «a wonderful detection,» because it provides new information on cosmic evolution at an earlier phase than previously observed.
They reasoned that if they could interrupt the autoimmune reaction at an early phase, they could stop both the pain and damage to synovial membranes.
ZIKV infection diagnosis relies on serology — which is challenging due to cross-reactions with other flaviviruses and / or absence or low titer of IgM and IgG antibodies at early phase of infection - virus isolation, which is labor intensive, time consuming and requires appropriate containment.
In a new study from the laboratory of Gladstone Investigator Katerina Akassoglou, PhD, scientists reveal in animal models that the heightened activity of a protein called thrombin in the brain could serve as an early indicator of MS.. By developing a fluorescently labeled probe specifically designed to track thrombin, the team found that active thrombin could be detected at the earliest phases of MS — and that this active thrombin correlates with disease severity.
None of the times from the new DPi / LMP2 cars were representative of their true potential, with all teams still at the early phase of development.
Recognition of these melanoma early warning signs ought to assist catch the cancer at an early phase.
I'll end with a look back at an earlier phase of this journey toward a better human relationship with the environment — the first Earth Day:
These attorneys and their firms are benefiting further because CMS does not end at this early phase of litigation.
Mr.Sharma was very much concerned about financial planning and that's why he bought a term insurance policy with a regular lump sum payment option at an early phase of his life.
Cryptocurrencies are also at an early phase in development and adoption.
While some couples choose to retain in - person professional assistance to assist in their research at this early phase of legal separation, in other instances, couples use online resources to determine how to prepare a separation agreement.
Thus, measures of maternal mental health when the baby is almost a year old can be linked to later measures of child development which are not contaminated by the mother's mental health at an earlier phase of the survey.
What China has to do is not so different from what the U.S. had to do at an earlier phase of its development.
Even today, at this early phase, we found some hopeful signs.
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