Sentences with phrase «at an event like this»

I met all different types of really nice and interesting people, as I always do at events like these.
Huge win in my book, as I generally only ever have groups of people to play with in person at events like PAX.
Planning to meet fellow users at events like PAX, or just interested in wearing the site logo?
When I was in the military there was always time set aside for prayers at events like this and I never understood it.
Sometimes I work at events like a model but not a «real fashion model» haha.
, meet online or even at events like ski trips, cruises and so much more..
It's always unclear at an event like this if things like that are just symptoms of an early build or of a problem that'll be present in the final game.
We answer tons of email from small developers and I regularly talk 1 - on - 1 with them by phone and at events like Develop all over the world.
Even «healthy food» can make you feel bad when you go overboard — and I always inevitably do at events like this!
Keep in mind that if you are recruiting at an event like SXSW which kicks off later this week, Twitter is a wonderful way to source new candidates and connect with them on the fly.
Hosts Tom Mighell and Dennis Kennedy have done a lot of public speaking at events like ABA TECHSHOW.
Work with Precursor to DEMO THE GAME AT AN EVENT like E3 (Los Angeles), PAX (Seattle), or GDC (San Francisco).
To get such a positive reaction from gamers at events like EGX really gave us confidence that the game could thrive on Nintendo Switch.
Mark Malatesta scouted for new talent, helped develop new products, and negotiated distribution and licensing deals at events like Book Expo America (BEA), the London Book Fair, and the Frankfurt Book Fair.
When you get a few hundred of the world's healthiest people together at an event like mbg's revitalize (coming up this weekend in the Arizona desert — you can find out more about it here), you're bound to get some great healthy travel wisdom.
Having the game appear at events like at the Nintendo Lounge during San Diego Comic Con, PAX conventions or even at WonderCon didn't seem to help.
If Microsoft has made something truly type - able, that's something we're going to see at events like this in the future.
Soma and Code - Monkeys are award winning shops (including a MacWorld Best of Show award and Best UX in Intel's Ultimate Coder Challenge) and sought after speakers at events like Casual Connect, Serious Play and NRB.
To get such a positive reaction from gamers at events like EGX really gave us confidence that the game could thrive on Nintendo Switch.
We announced support for PlayStation VR a ways back and have shown the game running on PS VR at events like PlayStation Experience 2015.
This makes compiling highlights a chore, especially at events like the ongoing U.S. Open, where TV producers sift through hundreds of hours of tennis play to find the best action.
Ludwin: Because the core innovation in a blockchain — now a blockchain by the way is just a data model; it's being used — to meet — to address a lot of different things in, you know, corporate marketing at an event like Davos.
VR headsets are regularly used at events like CES to demo new products, share visual media, and introduce new ideas to consumers.
Although Max Verstappen said that he understood Hamilton's decision, he also thought that it was important for drivers to make an appearance at events like F1 Live.
In the Traverse City Area Public Schools in Colorado, Food and Nutrition Services Director Tom Freitas is hoping that a school bus makeover will help raise the program's profile, and deliver food to students at events like football games and school musicals.
Here Kristi offers some insight on attending the Coachella festival, as well as some tips for having the best time at an event like Coachella.
Sure it could be a coincidence, but we've got a hunch that Tecmo Koei wants to see Dead or Alive 5 adopted as a major title at events like EVO which has done incredible things for the popularity of Super Street Fighter IV and King of Fighters 13.
While a large portion of my time is still spent working year round on festival planning and management, I also manage our «TCM Presents» series with Fathom Events which brings classic movies to the big screen in cinemas nationwide, help manage TCM's presence at events like the Telluride Film Festival, coordinate the technical preparations for our annual TCM Classic Cruise and I am excited to be taking on a new role in managing our DVD partnerships.
«Doing a book signing at an event like AARP convention gives an author the opportunity to do face - to - face promotion and establish a relationship with potential readers,» Ogerek said.
«Signing at an event like AARP gives savvy authors a great story angle for other publicity.»
He has given over a dozen talks at events like GDC, PAX, and FIG, helping to break down the operations of running video games.
Worked for Arizona Family Events managing the children's zone at events like Payson Arizona's 4th of July festival.
Overview Worked for Arizona Family Events managing the children's zone at events like Payson Arizona...
Of course, this isn't a novel approach, since I've seen folks from sites / services like Upworthy and Crowdtangle talk about tactics like this regularly at events like Netroots Nation.
If you buy new things for your car at events like these, then Essen is definitely the place for you.
A networker looks at an event like a section meeting or the Judges Social or this annual meeting and says «Who will I see at this event?
From a marketing perspective, this meant Pardot needed to go big at events like Salesforce's annual Dreamforce conference.
Hand out koozies, cups, and other useful items at events like 5K runs and fairs.
CEO Rob Wiesenthal says services like Blade help with congestion and traffic at events like Sundance, and reduce pain points.
I described being uncomfortable at events like the Cowboy Olympics, my fears that I would never marry as I was often the only black single in the church, how at times I felt strange or like an alien as well - meaning friends would ask questions about my hair and skin, etc..
It is democratic in the sense that it allows people to «be present» at events like John Kennedy's funeral, the first steps by humans on the moon, and the war in Vietnam.
Mark are gays asking to have a gay parade at the event like religious people are asking to make it all about them and their beliefs?
HD also recognizes outstanding industry professionals throughout the year at events like the Platinum Circle Awards, which honor designers, architects, hoteliers, and restaurateurs at a black - tie gala for their career achievements.
At an event like Natural Products Expo West or Expo East, it's not possible to be everywhere at once.
«Important relationships are fostered at events like Village de Chefs and Lactalis is gratified to be able to support the growing foodservice community.»
A major disadvantage to U.S. athletes at an event like the Pan Am Games is that they have rarely experienced any kind of drug testing while competing at home.
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