Sentences with phrase «at an optimal level in»

When you've got cortisol at an optimal level in the morning you can optimize it by doing your closed - door creative items that only you can do then.
I could not function at my optimal levels in other areas of my life.

Not exact matches

There was also an increase in gluthathione, an antioxidant that keeps all other antioxidants performing at their optimal levels.
3) The Hussman Strategic Growth Fund has gradually shifted from smaller to larger capitalization holdings in recent years, not out of any necessity due to Fund size (at the Fund's current asset level, we could easily populate the Fund with mid-caps if it was optimal to do so), but precisely because large stocks generally carry the best relative valuations.
We believe that investing in the creation of long - term value, without the use of performance measures or specific indices, is optimal for Amazon employees, particularly at the executive level, and for shareholders.
If multilateral cooperation were to fail, governments would have incentives to set tariffs at levels which would be «optimal» in a pure mercantilist setting.
«Brand owners are striving to improve all aspects of product safety, and the fact that GRINDSTED ® AR100 can be used at any loading level to obtain the optimal, desired performance and that it is a 1:1 alternative makes it an obvious choice in PP packaging applications,» said Mick Potenza, DuPont Polymer Additives account manager, USA.
At GSSI, we study athletes of all ages and skill levels in our own physiology, performance, biochemistry and exercise sensory labs to make sure the Gatorade is formulated for optimal hydration and performance.
If you have a heart monitor, this can be really helpful in maintaining your heart rate at the optimal level but it is not essential for these exercises.
Maintaining proper levels of an essential helper molecule is crucial for optimal muscle function, according to a study led by Joseph Baur, PhD, an assistant professor of Physiology in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
«We believe that the complimentary roles of the bitter and sweet taste receptors in these SCCs keeps upper airway colonizing bacteria at optimal levels during periods of relative health,» Cohen says.
Most sites will need pumps to control that flow and keep water in the marsh at an optimal level.
They add: «Dietary interventions aimed at achieving or maintaining optimal butyrate production levels might measurably reduce the risk of developing type 1 diabetes, especially in children with genetic risk for developing type 1 diabetes.»
Since the process of producing new brain cells on a cellular level is similar in animals, including humans, Shors says ensuring that adolescent children learn at optimal levels is critical.
Likewise, it would support certain special big tech activities like the European Organization for Nuclear research (CERN), that is, functions that can not be developed in an optimal manner at the level of the individual nations.
In a series of experiments, the team found that when MIEP is activated it not only generates IE2 and spurs replication, but it also cues the virus to stop generating the toxic IE2 protein at the precise moment when optimal levels of IE2 have been reached.
Anyone who needs a help maintaining optimal energy levels in the gym and anyone who's looking to maximize his chances at lean bulking, really.
Keep your pH at an optimal level by eating a diet rich in whole foods, including plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Rather than being stripped out of plants as extracts, you are getting the minerals and vitamins in their ideal combination to work at their optimal levels.
Salads give you the opportunity to flood your system with nutrients and fiber keeping your body functioning at its optimal level and appetite in homeostasis.
More astute practitioners know that supplementing with vitamin D, especially at levels of 5,000 IU per day (which I have seen in pregnant patients) is not advisable unless attention is paid to ensuring vitamin A intake is optimal.
It's been said that in sports that talent prevails, but it's also true that any athlete, at any level, needs to have optimal postural alignment to fulfill their athletic potential.
This workout also necessitates a high calorie, high carbohydrate, and high protein diet with sufficient macronutrients and micronutrients in order to recover and perform at optimal levels.
While it has commonly been thought that Americans» intake of essential micronutrients is adequate, evidence indicates that damage occurs at nutrient levels higher than those known to cause acute deficiency disease and, in some individuals (e.g., those with SNPs resulting in lessened KM), it is obvious that higher than DRI levels of the associated enzyme co-factors are necessary for optimal function.
This type of collagen supports bone formation in cartilage which makes it helpful to prevent normal wear and tear in joints and keep your body performing at optimal, youthful levels.
The essential fatty acids in these foods will help repair your muscle tissues, improve your mood, and keep your brain functioning at optimal levels while you sleep.
At birth, the vitamin D levels in the mother's blood are correlated closely with those in the blood of the baby's umbilical cord.10, 11 The mother must therefore maintain optimal levels of vitamin D during pregnancy in order for the newborn to begin life with optimal stores of vitamin D.
If we put poor - quality gasoline in our vehicles, or let the levels get too low, the vehicle does not work at its optimal level.
LaFlore's ingredients allow the skin to breath and function at optimal levels, improving flow and helping your cells turn over on their own, resulting in collagen and elastin synthesis for skin renewal and improved natural barrier functions.
While I'm not out of the woods yet because my LDL - P still isn't at an optimal level, I'm at a much better place than I was in the past 2 years.
You can bet your bottom dollar that your car will perform at optimal levels when you put that stuff in there.
All the cells in our body are made of water so it makes sense that without water, we are not going to be running at optimal levels.
The nutrients in fruit are absorbed directly into the body's cells, delivering all the body needs to function at an optimal level.
In fact, a cup of pineapple contains your entire day's worth of vitamin C, which your body needs to function at an optimal level.
Anyone who exercises in cold weather needs to take a few precautions in order to stay comfortable, safe, and still perform at an optimal level when temperatures drop.
In other words, beans keeps your gastrointestinal system (stomach, intestines and bowels) working at an optimal level.
Selenium forces toxins from the body which in turn allows all organs to function at a much higher or optimal level.
The objective of the course is to teach you why a whole - food, plant - based lifestyle is the optimal way to nourish your body, and how to apply it on a practical level in your life, as part of your meals at home and outside of the home.
Men and women have different genetic make - ups, but they both need their hormones to remain at normal levels throughout their life cycle in order to be able to function at optimal performance, to feel great and to look as youthful as possible.
Alpha BRAIN gives me that added focus to run at an optimal level and stay focused throughout the day so I can be competitive in every area of my life.
When the thyroid becomes overloaded with these toxins it will not function at optimal level and can result in low energy, weight gain and autoimmune diseases like Hashimotos Disease.
«The bacteria on our skin exist in a very delicate equilibrium — a delicate balance or harmony even — that keeps our skin functioning at its optimal level,» she says.
Looking at my blood work in March, after about a year of the Ketogenic diet (and then having been off it for a few months), my fasting insulin was very low and fasting blood glucose levels were in the low - optimal range.
You will also hear about how your ability to produce muscle at an optimal level and your fitness in general are affected by circadian matches.
The main thing to keep in mind however is that any healthy diet that keeps you performing at an optimal level should be eluding the extremes of taking in too much of a particular nutrient and / or being deficient in another nutrient, as well as meeting your daily calorie quota.
He also pointed to «a decade of disinvestment» in California's schools, and said that the school finance plan still falls short of what many regard as an «adequate» level of funding to ensure that children succeed at their optimal levels.
In my experience, most students choose the easiest path, or at best a more difficult path but one that is still well below the level of optimal academic difficulty.
Especially in off - road conditions a high level of torque at low revs is necessary and can be guaranteed only by such an engine, providing optimal engine responsiveness and efficiency.
It benefits from Toyota Optimal Drive technologies, notably variable valve lift, enabling it to deliver more power and torque than the previous 1.6 VVT - i engine, while at the same time making significant improvements in fuel consumption and emissions levels.
Failure on an investor's part to fully consider their own circumstances and tolerance can severely damage any return on investment as it may result in investors pulling out their money when the market is not at an optimal level for them to do so.
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