Sentences with phrase «at an unprecedented scale»

It helps us to learn at unprecedented scale and speed.
The new technique lets scientists analyze the effects of gene mutations at an unprecedented scale and speed, and at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.
These changes are dynamic and happening at an unprecedented scale and speed.
In this connected world, Open cloud technologies will be the vital foundation to support modern data centers to analyse and transform data at unprecedented scale.
The result is that platforms can now facilitate exchanges at an unprecedented scale.
Explored through room - sized installations, Eric William Carroll's diazotypes - a form similar to blueprints - are produced at an unprecedented scale, creating an immersive experience of being in the woods.
At Block One Capital Inc., we believe blockchain technology will radically transform how business is conducted — delivering security, cost savings and efficiencies at unprecedented scale.
But rebuilding energy infrastructure with distributed power in Puerto Rico, with 3.4 million residents, would require deploying these systems at an unprecedented scale.
Relations between minister and their officials have been soured by conflict over the way in which permanent secretaries are appointed, dissent at the unprecedented scale of the reforms underway amid drastic spending cuts and big failures like the West Coast mainline franchise fiasco.
A new project at the Alberta oil sands is part of a $ 2 - billion effort to test the technology at an unprecedented scale
Church's group, however, has developed a machine for «evolving» entire organisms — and it works at an unprecedented scale and speed.
Widely hailed as a socially responsible and «innocuous» strategy of land redistribution, agrarian reform settlements have been created throughout the Brazilian Amazon since the early 1970s at an unprecedented scale.
Widely hailed as a renewable natural resource, tropical timber from old - growth tropical forests is selectively logged worldwide at an unprecedented scale.
«Galactic winds push researchers to probe galaxies at unprecedented scale: Cholla code leans on Titan's GPU power to carry out high - resolution, large - volume simulations.»
Broad researchers and engineers are developing, scaling up, and making widely available these best - in - class tools, including cloud - based platforms and powerful software that can analyze genomic datasets at unprecedented scale, accuracy, and speed.
Last June, in the early days of the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa, a team of researchers sequenced the genome of the deadly virus at unprecedented scale and speed.
Our technology enables us to both identify a wide spectrum of drug candidates and analyze pre-clinical efficacy at an unprecedented scale.
This pathogen is evolving so fast and it's spreading at unprecedented scales throughout most wheat growing areas.
Efforts such as the HapMap Project and 1,000 Genomes Project have characterized human genetic variation at an unprecedented scale.
Their method, called PRISM, uses a molecular barcoding system to test potential drug compounds on cancer and other cell lines at an unprecedented scale and speed.
ISB is one of three organizations awarded a contract by NCI to develop a cloud - based platform that will serve as a large - scale data repository and provide the computational infrastructure necessary to carry out cancer genomics research at unprecedented scales.
«Furthermore, mobile dating has paved the way for analysis of these digital interactions via massive sets of data generated by the instant matching and messaging functions of its many platforms at an unprecedented scale
I dream of a world where we can take our consoles outside, into the wild, both offline and online, to socialize, battle, explore, and trade Pokemon at an unprecedented scale.
WRI: Indian cities are urbanizing at an unprecedented scale and pace.
By focusing at the intersection of key geographies and large managed ownerships, ABC is collaboratively developing strategies to «Bring Back the Forest Birds,» affecting change at an unprecedented scale.
We are tackling climate change, conserving lands, waters and oceans at an unprecedented scale, providing food and water sustainably and helping make cities more sustainable.
The availability and quality of fresh water to sustain a radically urbanizing world is unquestionably a core issue of our time and requires holistic environmental thinking at an unprecedented scale
Thanks to technology, business leaders can now use a variety of digital tools to connect with employees at an unprecedented scale and to quickly assess capabilities, resources and dysfunctions in a matter of minutes.
NexLP's artificial intelligence solution, Story Engine, gives legal teams the ability to apply their expertise at unprecedented scale.
U.S. citizens are being manipulated at an unprecedented scale, and the power struggles have been distracting from the real problems.
«The platform is positioned to dominate a projected $ 3.1 tln market by connecting and coordinating AI service at unprecedented scale,» the company added.
Since two days that Bitcoin price is growing at an unprecedented scale.
«Online dating provides an ecologically valid or true - to - life context for examining the risks, uncertainties and rewards of initiating real relationships with real people at an unprecedented scale,» he told the Times.
Explored through room - sized installations, Eric William Carroll's diazotypes — a form similar to blueprints — are produced at an unprecedented scale, creating an immersive experience of being in the woods.
At Block One Capital, we believe blockchain technology will radically transform how business is conducted — delivering security, cost savings and efficiencies at unprecedented scale.
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