Sentences with phrase «at any point in one's pregnancy»

At this point in your pregnancy term, your baby starts to experience hearing that is much more evolved than in previous weeks.
For most women at this point in their pregnancy, their baby will be in an inverted - heads - down position.
They'll give you judgement - free support at any point in your pregnancy experience, no matter what choice you make or how you feel about it.
They'll give you judgment - free support at any point in your pregnancy experience, no matter what you decide to do or how you feel about it.
Yet, it was also at this point in his pregnancy, that he started to show signs of decline.
Those who want to begin mindfulness practice earlier are welcome to start the course at any point in their pregnancy.
Which at that point in your pregnancy you need to try and get as much as you can between the ten bathroom trips each night.
While they can occur at any point in your pregnancy, they're most common in both the first and the last trimester.
You want to feel the baby move so badly to know everything is okay but you realize that you just are not at that point in your pregnancy yet.
Although exercise is probably among the activities you least want to partake in, it is of fundamental importance to incorporate into your lifestyle at this point in your pregnancy.
The baby's not the only one growing at this point in your pregnancy your weight gain is about five to ten pounds.
Here is a list of the most common health problems that almost everyone faces at some point in their pregnancy.
The nervous system is starting to function at this point in pregnancy.
That passenger of yours needs a lot more than just a ride in your belly, especially at this point in your pregnancy.
You may begin your prenatal yoga practice at any point in your pregnancy; however, if you are unsure, check in with your health care provider first.
I would definitely do this smoothie as much as possible at this point in your pregnancy!
And since shopping is pretty much out of the question at this point in my pregnancy, I've started digging back through the closet for sadly neglected pieces.
Although I'm sure I can find some maternity leather leggings, I really don't want to spend the money at this point in my pregnancy!
You should not have to assist her walking (really at any point in her pregnancy).
If you're thinking about adoption, you can choose to place your child for adoption at any point in your pregnancy.
I'm at the point in pregnancy where if I don't have comfortable shoes, ESPECIALLY when I'm working out, then my feet hurt horribly at the end of the day.
You say «it is the midwife's job and responsibility to KNOW when to transfer if necessary, or to transfer care to an OB if there is need at some point in the pregnancy,» and that is exactly right.
NIPT testing can be conducted at any point in the pregnancy after the tenth week — unlike the amniocentesis, which can only be conducted between weeks 14 and 20 of the pregnancy.
The top of your uterus may have reached 2 inches above your belly button by the end of this week and you may have gained approximately 15 - 22 pounds at this point in your pregnancy.
The top of your uterus is approximately 4 - 4 1/2 inches above your belly button at this point in your pregnancy.
While a Lamaze class can be taken at any point in pregnancy, you'll want to wait until you're closer to your due date so that the information is fresh in your mind when you go into labor.
I am at the point in this pregnancy with Baby Girl that I can't fit into regular clothes anymore....
Although you are probably pretty exhausted at this point in your pregnancy, indulging in that nesting instinct will definitely keep you distracted from some of that final - month unpleasantness.
At some point in your pregnancy there may be a call for a night out or special occasion and, even though it may be a little different to the nights out you were used to pre pregnancy.
If you're found to have too much fluid at any point in your pregnancy, it's called polyhydramnios.
An ultrasound will clearly show your little baby's diminutive fingers and toes at this point in your pregnancy
I had severe gestational diabetes, only at that point in my pregnancy, I hadn't realized it yet.
You should inform your health care provider or go to the hospital near you right away if you have any cramping, bleeding, severe vomiting, or any other symptoms at any point in the pregnancy.
Ironically, I found out within a few days of getting it that I was expecting again, and so far, I haven't dealt with any of the normal hip pain I get at this point in pregnancy.
Thanks for following along this week:) This is out of my comfort zone at this point in pregnancy, but it's been a fun challenge to get dressed and enjoy this unique phase of motherhood!
You can always brush off any questions with, «Oh, I'm just so hot at this point in my pregnancy, this seemed like the only thing I could handle.»
You are so right — dresses are really the only thing comfortable at this point in pregnancy, especially in the South during the Summer!!
The defendant denied that the plaintiff had requested a cesarean section at any point in pregnancy.
Incredibly, it is at this point in your pregnancy term that your baby will begin to hear a variety of noises such as the beating of your heart and the sounds that your stomach makes, as well as your muffled voice.
Pregnant women at this point in pregnancy should not climb ladders, use harmful cleaning supplies like bleach, or lift heavy objects.
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