Sentences with phrase «at balancing in»

And finally, once you've taken care of the above items, you can look at balancing in life events.
This is much easier to calculate — you look at the balance in the bank — but it does mean some element of «true» success is lost.
«However one arrives at the balance in this case, the redemption of captives is a tremendous value,» he said.
That's why we have to look at the balance in terms of what is cheaper: Can we reduce emissions of greenhouse gases today so that we can stabilize the earth's climate, rather than adapt to the impacts of climate change and incur much higher costs over a period of time?
If a look at the balance in your 401 (k) sparks a midlife savings crisis, take heart: Later is a better time than never to get serious about retirement.
So for example: Say I look at the balance in my checkbook today and it's, say, $ 3000.
The seemingly idiosyncratic «face» paintings are like their counterparts, his abstract and systematic perspectival - based «butterfly» paintings, simultaneously mimetic and expressive, but arrive at this balance in reverse order.
Minimum payments chip away at your balance in the short term, but in the long run, it's not enough to keep up with compounding interest, which can push your total debt past the recommended ratio of 30 percent.

Not exact matches

The investment indicator in the Business Outlook Survey weakened significantly from the summer report, as the balance of opinion between firms planning more spending on machinery and equipment versus those predicting less dropped to 17 per cent from 29 per cent in the summer and 35 per cent at the start of the year.
To see this in action, all you have to do is take a look at any of your account balances over the past year, or five years, or longer.
It's a goal that many in the corporate America get behind, or at least pay lip service to; but in practice, progress towards more balanced workforces in many sectors, and especially at senior management levels, has been slow.
Balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes in shareholders» equity and information by business division included in this press release are extracted from the condensed consolidated financial statements at 31 March 2018 reviewed by the Board of Directors of Arkema SA on 2 May 2018.
He added that, if Coinbase decides to support Bitcoin Cash in the future, it will distribute the balances that accrue at the time of the August 1 fork.
S&P said in March a rupiah exchange rate of 15,000 a dollar is «the psychological level» at which companies with weak balance - sheets could struggle with repayments and those with good cashflow might start to proactively restructure their debt.
Geopolitics will remain a wildcard for the Saudi market, Cook said, but at the moment, the market seems to have priced in the risks, such as the recent missiles fired by Yemen, or judged them to be, on balance, not pressing.
«We've been very conscious about going after specific markets to attract the balance that we want in the classroom,» says Greg Richards, director of the MBA program at Telfer.
While he would have liked to have seen more investor - specific changes — «it's always nice to have more rather than less,» he says — he thinks it's unlikely we'll see any reductions in capital gain taxes or major increases in TFSA room until at least 2015, when the government says it can balance the budget by.
However, in the case of the USA the Fed would have to pay about 4.5 % on excess reserves in order to offset the 2.3 % rate it earns on its balance sheet at present.
Stiglitz told us that this decades - old debate about how to balance the creation of short - term and long - term value is recently gaining new life in the US because of the venomous class class tensions and ugly politics arising out of income inequality, and because people in positions of power are looking at the big picture and realizing that something has to change.
You get a $ 1 discount if you make more than 30 trades or maintain an average daily balance of at least $ 100,000 in the prior calendar quarter.
Duong Tri Thanh, and his counterparts at other state - controlled Southeast Asian carriers such as Thai Airways International and Malaysia Airlines, are trying to balance government desires for growth with what is best for the airlines» financial health in a competitive market.
In much the same way that journalists like Chris Wallace have said they don't believe debate moderators should call out lies, because that would be equivalent to expressing an opinion, the Times and other newspapers have always believed that journalists should be rigorously balanced at all times.
At the Svartedalen retirement home in Gothenburg, about 460 kilometres southwest of Falun, managers report that the standard of care has improved since the trial reset the staff's work - life balance earlier this year.
So, ensure that you have enough balance in your account to run smoothly for at least a year.
Balancing personal lifestyle preferences in the present and for the future is important at any age, and will help ensure you retire comfortably.
• Credit card delinquency rates remain low, at only 0.87 per cent of total outstanding balances as of April 2016, while credit card debt only makes up five per cent of total household debt in Canada.
Although the FiveThirtyEight founder doesn't mention it (at least not yet), the media's desire for false equivalence or false balance likely played a role in the election's outcome as well.
«Macron has tried to strike a fine political balance to maximize his chances of building a majority, while making sure the new government has enough competent figures to launch reforms,» Antonio Barroso, deputy director of research at Teneo Intelligence, said in a note.
That last line is key: «Increased bank reserves held at the Fed don't necessarily translate into more money or cash in circulation, and, indeed, broad measures of the supply of money have not grown especially quickly, on balance, over the past few years.»
Increased bank reserves held at the Fed don't necessarily translate into more money or cash in circulation, and, indeed, broad measures of the supply of money have not grown especially quickly, on balance, over the past few years.
of the U.S. Code) to mint a coin worth a trillion dollars, deposits it in its account at the Federal Reserve, and continues merrily writing checks against the newly refreshed balance.
Fox News host and former Washington Post columnist Howard Kurtz has already received some better reviews (or at least less doubt in his reporting from critics) for trying to balance gossipy details about the usual suspects (Bannon, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, etc.).
The midsole was manufactured in the U.S. and assembled at the New Balance factory in Lawrence, Mass..
The difference between the two approaches is a subtle one in that the central bank's current policy tool - a 101 trillion yen ($ 1 trillion) program of asset buying and lending - also expands the BOJ's balance sheet, which at a third of GDP is a bigger proportion of the economy compared with those of the U.S. and European Union's central banks.
That's the first finding in this week's economic research wrap, which also looks at changes in the way women have spent their days in recent years and summarizes studies on spillovers from central bank balance - sheet normalization.
Urbaniak says there's a power balance at play in just about every social interaction between the person who's giving attention and the person who's receiving attention.
Walking with that requisite tension in place demands tremendous balance and situational awareness at all times.
At least some households would use the funds to pay down debt, meaning the money would flow to the banking sector anyway, but with one critical difference: household debt would actually decline, leaving household balance sheets in better shape and owing less interest every month.
Williams, who will leave his current job as San Francisco Fed president in June to take over at the New York Fed, also said he expects the Fed's shrinking balance sheet will help steepen the curve by putting upward pressure on longer - term rates.
Some 15,178 U.S. cash - balance plans were operating at the end of 2014, boasting a record $ 1 trillion in assets.
At the time, TD was among the Top 10 banks in the structured - products market, a business built on arcane financial instruments that shift risk between balance sheets and was ultimately a compounding factor of the financial crisis.
That's how you get a more balanced culture as well since Hunters tend to break a lot of china in order to land a deal at any cost while Farmers tend to be far more steady and reluctant to make waves inside the organization.
Net debt as a share of GDP is low (only Saskatchewan and Alberta's are lower), and B.C. has a shot at balancing the budget in 2013 - 14 — along with Saskatchewan, Quebec, and Nova Scotia.
Some stretches include making circular motions with each ankle clockwise and counter-clockwise or standing up in the aisle and bending at the waist to reach for your toes to stretch hamstrings or standing on one leg bending the opposite knee to bring the heel to your buttock and holding for 15 seconds while grabbing onto a seat for balance support.
So you're an associate in the marketing department, look at the VP of marketing and say, «Do I want her or his work - life balance, respect in the community, intellectual stimulation of their job, title, sure, compensation, yes, but sort of the whole package?»
«Particularly with oil prices hitting lows at some point in the first quarter... lots of sub investment - grade firms could be under a lot of stress, and for those with stronger balance sheets, those companies could take this as an opportunity to buy and acquire assets,» Deshpande said in a phone interview.
Without a balanced risk pool, premiums will spike — at least 10 % in most years according to the CBO.
Mr Dawson said the fund was relying on bank balance improvements in the 2012 - 13 financial year to enable it to continue funding subsidies at the current level.
If we want to be excellent at work, we need to be out of balance — and then counter-balance in the rest of our lives.
I see founders who think they can be at every conference, advise multiple companies, do side investments in angel deals, leave the office at 6 pm and have a balanced life.
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