Sentences with phrase «at classroom routines»

With your personal world in order ~ it is time to look at classroom routines or protocols.

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For all district schools, safety protocols for routine school operations are being reinforced, including requiring students and staff to wear identification badges while on campus; locking classroom doors at all times; locking and securing exterior doors and gates throughout the day; and being vigilant in monitoring the campus throughout the day.
Ask what songs the children sing in the classroom and bring those songs into your routines at home.
Talk about the classroom snack time routine described in the story and how things they do at school, like washing hands, are also done at home.
This fitness and spiritual routine can be done from a classroom, studio, and gymnasium or even at home.
If you had glanced through the narrow, wired - glass window of Rhode Island College professor Moira E. Collins» Writing 150 classroom here on a cold morning in March, the tableau would have looked utterly routine: college - age students at desks circled seminar - style around their professor.
The principal now plans to address this by having teachers create better classroom routines around organization and working with parents to implement these techniques at home.
As the bulletin boards go up and the chalkboards, whiteboards and Smartboards get dusted and polished for another intense school year, some of the newer teachers (at one point, this was me, too) scramble to remind themselves of the tone they need to set in the classroom, and how their own routines will often mirror students» routines.
As part of opening school routines and procedures, teach your students, as they arrive to the classroom first thing in the morning, to take their clothespin and clip to one of the appropriate mini-posters to indicate their lunch plans for the day which might be: (1) a hot school lunch; (2) a salad from the salad bar at school; (3) a salad that is solely fruit from the school salad bar; and / or (4) the student may have brought his / her lunch from home.
Rules, Routines, and Standards at All Grade Levels «Investing time in teaching classroom rules, standards, and procedures is a classic example of proactive versus reactive management.
Through dozens of classroom scenarios, learn how to use the right approach at the right time for surface, deep, and transfer learning and which routines are most effective at each phase of learning.
The routine for most teachers at the time was: Go in your classroom and shut your door.
Now I'm at the point halfway through the year that these routines are already ingrained in our classroom culture.
Models compress the learning cycle into a predictable set of routines that may be effectively implemented in classroom schedules at the elementary, middle, and / or high school levels.
«Since implementing the read - aloud routine in my classroom, my students» reading comprehension and vocabulary skills have truly grown,» said Amanda Wilkie, a second - grade teacher at Baty Elementary School in Del Valle Independent School District, where Project ELITE has been working.
Just recently, the Journal of Educational Research and Practice at Walden University published a study of the implementation of Visible Thinking routines in ESL classrooms in Palestine.
Curious about the classroom protocols and processes in use in NGLC schools, I asked teachers at CICS West Belden, Thrive, and Whittemore Park this question: If you had to pick 1 - 3 of the best protocols for making learning visible (or entry routines or exit routines) in your personalized learning classroom, what would they be and why?
You will learn to establish routines, build connections with students and parents, create powerful expectations for success, offer challenges at the optimal level of difficulty, connect meaning to learning, take anger out of the classroom, and more.
For all district schools, safety protocols for routine school operations are being reinforced, including requiring students and staff to wear identification badges while on campus; locking classroom doors at all times; locking and securing exterior doors and gates throughout the day; and being vigilant in monitoring the campus throughout the day.
Instead, the consultant supports and empowers caregivers to «become therapeutic» and infuse promotion, prevention and intervention strategies into their everyday routines at home and in the classroom (Hepburn et al., 2007).
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