Sentences with phrase «at cold temperatures»

The low thermal expansion coefficient at the cold temperatures of the high southern latitudes, changes in wind patterns and transport of the heat taken up to lower latitudes are all possible explanations.
Some breeds don't tolerate anything below 40 well without protection, while others are good for longer at colder temperatures.
The main technical obstacles to the fuel cell technology used to be range, longevity of the fuel cell and operation at cold temperatures.
Their impact is largest in climates with cold temperatures for many hours, and smallest in climates with few hours per year at cold temperatures.
Methods: Clouds formed at cold temperatures, such as Arctic mixed - phase clouds, contain both liquid water droplets and ice particles.
Earth's first life may have sprung up in ice Pieces of RNA have been made that are capable of copying other pieces of RNA longer than themselves, and they work better at cold temperatures than warm ones.
If the vegetable oil is going to be made into shortening or margarine, is undergoes an additional process called hydrogenation to make it solid at cold temperatures.
Hailingfrom Cologne, the gently bittered beer is fermented with an ale yeast, then it's conditioned at colder temperatures more befitting a lager.
The bodies of water — roughly eight and five kilometres squared, respectively — exist at temperatures below freezing and are not connected to any marine water sources or surface meltwater inputs, but rather are hypersaline, containing water four to five times saltier than seawater, which allows the water to remain liquid at these cold temperatures.
CO2 is dissolved in water at cold temperatures, and the ocean depths hold over 98 % of the world's CO2 sequestered in solution.
After overnight lactic coagulation, the fresh curd is drained in cheese cloth at cold temperatures.
It can be incorporated at cold temperature and allows the reduction of cheese total solids while maintaining the same functional properties as mozzarella's (gratability, spreadability, etc.).
Even if the Coconut Cream Concentrate (for short: CCC) gets completely rock hard at colder temperatures, this is easily fixed by gently heating the entire jar using hot water and simply mixing back in (watch the video below to see how it's done).
Other oils do not solidify at colder temperatures, so the cheesecake would not solidify.
Miriam, many doughs can be retarded but you should not necessarily adjust the amount of yeast if you are going to do so; normally you would just plan to ferment it longer at a cold temperature vs. a shorter time at a warmer one.
A winter storm is a type of precipitation in which the dominant varieties of precipitation are forms that only occur at cold temperatures, such as snow or sleet, or a rainstorm where ground temperatures are cold enough to allow ice to form (i.e. freezing rain).
But biodiesel solidifies into a gel at the cold temperatures found at high altitude, a fatal flaw for any aircraft fuel.
All these atoms form a weak bond, creating a new, exotic state of matter at cold temperatures, referred to as «Rydberg polarons.»
Magnesium chloride (MgCl2), for example, is more effective than NaCl at colder temperatures and additives such as beet juice make salts stick to roads better.
At the coldest temperature tested, -438 °F, the molecules froze, with cyanide pointing its nitrogen end at the water.
Ale yeast ferments best in warmer temperatures, while lagers ferment at colder temperatures.
Now, recent back - to - back breakthroughs are revealing the bizarre behavior liquid water adopts at the coldest temperatures ever achieved, Gizmodo reported.
According to Burgasser, the presence of molecules like methane or ammonia, which can only survive at cold temperatures, suggest an object is a brown dwarf.
All that said, you generally shouldn't worry about the safety of store - bought ice cream; Listeria is rarely found in the sweet stuff because it can't grow at cold temperatures.
Cooler temperatures are best for maximizing the antioxidant content of green tea, as steeping green tea leaves for two hours at a cold temperature yielded the highest quantity of antioxidants.
Being the extremist that I am — I wanted to do the FULL three minutes in the chamber at the coldest temperature.
The RPMs are higher in the cold because engines are pretty inefficient at cold temperatures.
In the journal article, scientists noted that the addition of biosurfactants could make biodiesel a viable fuel option by enabling it to flow more smoothly at colder temperatures.
«Normally dogs like to run at cold temperatures like below zero, so we try to run more at night so they have those nice cold temperatures which they tend to like more with their nice big fur coats,» Strathe explained.
The ~ 26 C threshold for hurricanes exists because at colder temperatures, convection (cumulus clouds) can not get deep enough to sustain such storms.
They are liquid even at cold temperatures, go rancid easily and break down into free radicals when heated.
Hence, the clouds that form at colder temperatures — if any form at all — contain much less suspended water in the form of ice crystals, the starting sites for snow crystal formation.
Unfortunately, this material works best at cold temperatures and might not work well in hot conditions such as those that we would face on Mercury or Venus.
Coconut Oil Make Excellent No - Bake Desserts — coconut oil is solid at cold temperature and makes an excellent ingredient for making no - bake desserts and cookies in the freezer or refrigerator.
All other processing methods are at cold temperature to preserve the native character of the protein (defined as undenatured).
Researchers have found that BPA leaches from containers into food and beverages, even at cold temperatures.
Slowly consuming the iron in a single grain, these bacteria could get by for a million years before exhausting their food supply; at colder temperatures, where metabolic demands are lower, they might survive hundreds of millions of years.
In addition, its «ecofining» process adds kinks in the chains to prevent them from easily stacking — or gelling — at cold temperatures, producing a diesellike fuel with as much as twice the combustion quality of the petroleum - derived variety.
Unexpectedly, CMA also demonstrates thermoreversibility; at cold temperatures and physiological pH, collagen and CMA each exist as macromeric suspensions of triple helical proteins.
Gas hydrates — a mixture of ice and methane — are found only under high pressure and at cold temperatures, and they are expected to make up a significant portion of the energy mix once existing oil fields dwindle, says David Scott, manager of the Northern Resources Development Program for Natural Resources Canada.
At cold temperatures, it would oozelevel on a significant slope.
The gears can function without any sort of lubrication even at the coldest temperatures.
Fruit is great for you whenever you eat it and any irritation factor related to eating it alongside other foods, later in the day, or at a cold temperature will not detract from the excellent nutrition it can provide.
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