Sentences with phrase «at conception whether»

You said «A person could be opposed to abortion, for example, because they believe that life begins at conception whether they are informed by religion or not.»
A person could be opposed to abortion, for example, because they believe that life begins at conception whether they are informed by religion or not.

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Unfortunately, humans seem to forget this fact when we find ourselves turning to nature to guide us through difficult choices, such as arguments about whether life begins at conception, or over the proper structure of the family.
Clearly we need to look at this phrase «paschal mystery» rather closely, and see if it is simply a new and concise way of expressing what the Church has always held about the Mass, or if it is indeed expressing a new conception of the Mass, and if so, whether this newconception can be justified.
William of Ware, Scotus» teacher at Oxford, devised the argument «it was possible, it was fitting and therefore God did it» in order to defend the Immaculate Conception (an argument sometimes erroneously attributed to Scotus himself) but it is not certain whether this was before or after his pupil had so brilliantly defended the doctrine in public disputation in Paris.
Life - at - conception and clump - of - cells alike are left behind; the woman «gets to», because she has to, decide «for herself» whether or not the embryo she has conceived is a living person, based on a data set officially deemed indeterminate.
Preliminary word - problem — Before taking a closer look at the evidence for Aristotle's own conception of «substance», it is necessary to ask whether that is even the most appropriate English word.
If there is confusion in the conception of the ministry today, whether only among those who once held to the ideal of the preacher or also among those who have maintained the ideal of the priest, that confusion appears at both points — in inability to define what the most important activity of the ministry is and in uncertainty about the proximate end toward which all its activities are directed.
Its chromosomes will heavily influence its destiny until the day of its death, whether that death is at the age of ninety or one month after conception.
The refusal to use this terminology is, therefore, not at this point in itself a prior decision in favour of a Platonic conception of spirit, nor is it a prior decision whether within the world, that is to say within the domain of possible individual objects of cognition, there are any which absolutely and in every respect can be exempt from those «material» laws which we discover in the reality which we empirically experience, or whether this is inconceivable.
Thus Hartshorne holds that there is «no absolute right or wrong» as to whether personal identity begins with conception, or at some later stage.
The aim of the study, said co-author Tamer Yalcinkaya, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist at Wake Forest Baptist, was to assess whether salpingotomy would improve rates of subsequent pregnancy by natural conception compared with salpingectomy.
However, it is not known whether a mother's alcohol use before conception also could have negative effects on her child's health and disease susceptibility during adulthood,» said principal investigator Dipak Sarkar, Ph.D., DPhil, a distinguished professor at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., and director of its endocrine research program.
After casting doubt on whether human life begins at conception (see pg.
«Without saying anything about whether or not we have even considered bringing Derek back, the original conception was at the end of the episode, we were going to get rid of him.
Executives at IBM rarely need to worry about whether employees might disregard their directives as a result of their personal conception of the job.
Any «idea» derived from the propensity can only be the propensity itself at a fainter stage; and between such a propensity and the conception of «nature,» whether as uniform or otherwise, there is a difference which only the most hasty reader can be liable to ignore.
The dialogue around abstraction has at times taken the form of a question about whether it is a formal advance in terms of image making or a critique of representation, a kind of hermetic exercise that lacks connection to any specific conception of the real world.
Thus, for our third hypothesis we tested whether seasonal variation in ambient temperature at the time of conception is related to the proportion of male births [18] using monthly data from 1980 — 2009.
All political ideas — ideas about how society ought to be organised, if it is to be organised at all — begin with a conception of humans, whether that be an explicit or implicit declaration.
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