Sentences with phrase «at decision points»

Figure out how to get mentioned or noticed at decision points.
«And we are now at a decision point: sustained global commitments and recent funding cuts affect capacity and capability for a full - spectrum fight against a near - peer adversary.»
The number of shares we acquire at each decision point can be penciled in as these acquisitions occur, as well as the total number of shares owned.
At Decision Point Therapy, you'll gain clarity and solutions for your biggest relationship challenges, and support for your biggest decisions.»

Not exact matches

As your business grew, at what point did you realize you couldn't make every decision... and was making the transition to a higher - level form of leadership difficult?
It's a detailed self - examination of how he arrived at this decision, why, and his role within the company from that point on.
They didn't review what decisions were made, by whom, at what point or why.
His question to them: «If I'm completely stupid in a world that is changing beyond recognition, in ways that we can not imagine at this point in time, and we do not take account of it in our decision - making, what is the likelihood that I will end up with value at risk?»
Making an investment in a business is a significant decision that should never be made lightly, but it is not outside of the realm of possibility that you will face this decision at some point.
It was a conscious decision at that point to say we kind of like the funky individual neighborhood bakery thing.»
Too many product or service offerings at once risks overwhelming and frustrating your customers to the point that they regret their decision.
It's not a firm decision at this point; it's more of a statement of intention.
«It may make sense to hire a president or operational person to handle business decisions like payroll and benefits at a certain growth point,» she says.
A decision will be released at 2 p.m. (1900 GMT), with markets prepared for an initial 25 basis point «liftoff» that would move the Fed's target rate from the zero lower bound to a range of between 0.25 and 0.50 percentage points.
More transparency, by simplifying communications and the flow of information, can make your organization more open and connected because people will feel like they have all of the information they need, at all points in time, to make the right decisions for the company.
At the CECP's CEO Investor Forum in February, Polman said — only half joking — that he felt empowered to make this decision immediately because, «My simple point was the day they are hiring you, they are not going to fire you.»
At that point, it was Sony's decision to allow theater operators to opt - out of screening the film.
Most pipeline - management training revolves around technical training on using a CRM system, but what managers really need is training on making better pipeline management decisions — for instance how to determine the ideal pipeline size for each rep. Managers need to know at what point in the sales process their actions have the biggest impact.
«At some point, big wireless companies made a decision for you that you should have to wait two years to get a new phone for a fair price,» said John Legere, moved attribution up president and CEO of T - Mobile U.S., in a statement.
Still, some agents said there is lingering resentment over Comey's handling of the Clinton email probe — not necessarily because of the conclusions he drew, but because of the process decisions he made at various points in the investigation that left the bureau vulnerable to partisan attacks.
The research also points out that Millennials rank their personal values and morals as having the greatest influence on the decisions they make at work.
You've probably called someone you know a psychopath in passing at some point in your life, either in jest as an acknowledgment of a strange behavior, or as a fleeting response to a decision that made you angry.
No need to think about what your decision will be at this point, just explain what's happened so far.
You should avoid doggedly hanging on to a decision even when all signs point to it being a mistake, but also avoid bailing at the first sign of trouble.
The tipping point came in 1917, when President Wilson made the decision to enter World War I. Suffragettes argued that the effort to «make the world safe for democracy» (Wilson's words) ought to begin at home by extending the franchise.
Schafer said the power of marketing directly to consumers at the «point of decision» can be paramount to a retailer's success, as customers begin to get used to the idea of receiving targeted advertisements, messages and promotions while they are shopping.
It might take some getting used to, but taking a more realistic approach to complex projects leaves you open to a wider range of ideas, the ability to better recover from setbacks, and a better point of view from which to make decisions at each new juncture in the project.
If the meeting to review the content of the draft proposal goes well with a person that can make a decision, sellers may be able to close at that point in time.
During Virgin's early years, one difficult decision we had to make involved Virgin Records, which at one point was in desperate need of cash to sign bigger artists.
At the end of the day, Google makes decisions based on the number of links pointing to your pages and the circumstances surrounding such links.
The concepts, methods, and best practices that comprise the core of inbound marketing aren't going anywhere as long as there's a need for marketers to reach prospects and buyers at critical junctions and touch points throughout the buying journey to influence decision making.
A steady stream of it informs much of the decision - making at the Toronto - based company, though Segal is careful to point out that it isn't the only tool Klick uses.
At that point, «you have to make a conscious plan to share as much information as possible — what your sales are, what the strategy is, why you're making certain decisions,» says Roberge.
Worse, they were run by executives who were still viewed as know - it - all baseball outsiders — like the G.M., former management consultant Jeff Luhnow, and the so - called Director of Decision Sciences, the former NASA engineer Sig Mejdal — even though the men had at that point worked within the game for a decade.
And then second, with regard to pricing and also in light of the really short volatility we've seen in the commodity complex the last couple of weeks, should we be thinking of your pricing decisions as wholly decoupled from commodity price volatility at this point or is there flexibility to move within the ranges that you've outlined?
Take the time to deepen your relationship with the SQL, because the quality of their experience at this point could make or break their decision of whether to become a customer.
Lenders will look at a variety of data points when making a decision about whether to extend a loan to you.
The judge's decision will guide dealmakers on how aggressive they can be with «vertical mergers», where one company buys another in the same industry but operating at a different point in the supply chain.
«In light of growing trends, and following the decisions made today, the government of Canada has determined that foreign state control of oil sands development has reached the point at which further such foreign state control would not be of net benefit to Canada,» Harper said.
Thomas E. Perez, the former Maryland labor secretary nominated to lead the U.S. Department of Labor, faced pointed questions at his Senate confirmation hearing Thursday about whether politics influenced his decisions as the top civil rights attorney in...
As a result, vital information for critical decision - making is dispersed across disconnected and inflexible vendor subsystems, making it impossible to obtain a comprehensive, 360 ° view for the care stakeholder at the Point of Service.
At this point I should pause briefly to respond to a possible objection from close watchers of the AER, that this was not their first ambitious offset decision.
Financial markets are best entered at the inflection point, when even if the data that most people use to make their decisions is ugly and the news is not so great, there exists nevertheless a launching point for a new, positive market cycle.
Tribune releases a presentation with talking points aimed at backing up its decision to spurn Gannett's offer.
The markets have been hyper - focused on the US interest rate decision coming today from the new Fed chair Jerome Powell but at this point, I'm not even sure that this is going to be the biggest market mover right now.
By having an implementation intention, you won't have to worry about making decisions when you willpower is at its lowest point of the day.
It is worth pointing out that the move to make bitcoin illegal can also put Colombia's economy at risk, considering the fact that the digital currency is growing in both value and popularity, thus creating a strong market that Colombia will have no access to unless they give up on their decisions.
Yet it is government - created backlogs and delays and tight new rules that are the problem here, even if that very government has pointed the finger at its own employees on occasion to cover up its poor decision - making, and gone after conscientious whistle - blowers who object to being ordered to treat EI claimants unfairly.
You can read about Oakmark Select's new co-managers in its shareholder report, and Clyde will discuss his decision at some point after he whittles down his list.
A better approach to investing is to arrive at decisions based on concrete metrics that point to strong underlying businesses likely to stand the test of time.
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