Sentences with phrase «at different frequencies in»

The constant activity of the brain is observed as brainwaves that oscillate at different frequencies in different brain areas which keep a steady «beat».
People have either blood group A, B, AB, or O, with each type occurring at different frequencies in populations around the world.
In some cases, we can actually trace that increased risk to actual alleles that segregate at different frequencies in different populations (eg., diabetes in Native American populations).
Each set of diodes flashes at a different frequency in the wearer's peripheral vision.

Not exact matches

A Wavelet Time - Frequency Perspective», Thomas Conlon, Brian Lucey and Gazi Salah Uddin examine the inflation - hedging properties of gold over an extended period at different measurement frequencies (investment horizons) in four economies (U.S., UK, Switzerland and Japan).
At night, the sleeping reptiles» brains produced rhythms that could be separated into two different patterns — one at very low frequency, about 4HZ, and another, higher frequency about 20HZ, the team reports today in SciencAt night, the sleeping reptiles» brains produced rhythms that could be separated into two different patterns — one at very low frequency, about 4HZ, and another, higher frequency about 20HZ, the team reports today in Sciencat very low frequency, about 4HZ, and another, higher frequency about 20HZ, the team reports today in Science.
The fine structure in the burst is the scintillation or twinkling — the rays interfere constructively and destructively differently at different frequencies.
Intestinal bacteria of the donors were detected in the patients, but at different times and in different frequencies.
This sends the crystal into a quantum superposition, in which many thulium ions absorb the photon at once and vibrate at different frequencies.
Scientists measuring brain activity have found that in many regions, such as the sensory or motor cortex, activity sometimes oscillates at different frequencies, forming wave - like patterns.
In a follow - up paper, Halimeh studied cloaks that operate at multiple frequencies, and found that a slightly different effect also prevents them from working at relativistic speeds.
She says it may be better suited to indoor use, such as in a factory with machines that emit sounds at different frequencies.
All the particles and forces in the universe arise from these strings vibrating at different frequencies.
The two structures absorb infrared light at a different frequency, allowing the blood test to determine the ratio of healthy to pathological amyloid - beta in the sample.
Since different atoms cause signals at different frequencies, scientists can use this information to determine the compounds contained in a sample.
The amplification in Steinhauer's model allows him to detect only one frequency of the radiation, so he can not be sure it has Hawking's predicted intensity at different frequencies that true Hawking radiation would have.
They show that as the plasma expands into the surrounding vacuum, the ions and electrons travel at different speeds and separate in a way that creates radio frequency emissions.
To identify gases in the atmosphere, researchers measured the amount of comb light absorbed at different frequencies along the path.
«Children should always be controlled by the pediatric endocrinologist, besides being measured and weighed at different frequencies according to their age, for early detection if the patient has a problem of stunting,» said Maria Dolores Rodriguez Arnao specialist in pediatric endocrinology at Madrid's University General Hospital.
Its audio profile looks different from the whistle they taught the dolphins — it has the same shape but came in at a higher frequency.
Therefore, the results achieved in this study have shown that nonlinear effects in graphene nano - mechanical resonators reveal a hybridization effect at high energies that, if controlled, could open up new possibilities to manipulate vibrational states, engineer hybrid states with mechanical modes at completely different frequencies, and to study the collective motion of highly tunable systems.
The particular interest of this work lies in the fact that by exciting the system at a given frequency — that is, by playing a certain note — the researchers were able to control the behaviour of the membrane at a different frequency, amplifying or suppressing its vibrations depending on the specific excitation conditions.
The MIT team came up with a way to vibrate the cantilever in many different modes simultaneously, and to measure how each particle affects the vibration frequency of each mode at each point along the resonator.
They used a type of atomic force microscopy, in which a vibrating needle - like tip is scanned over a surface, and differences in vibrational frequency due to the presence of electrons below are recorded at different spots.
When the pair put individual termites into petri dishes and made them vibrate at different frequencies, they found the termites only stopped what they were doing and appeared to pay attention when the vibration patterns recorded in the wild were recreated.
At the start of CARDIA (1985 - 1986), women and men were asked about their consumption of different fruits and vegetables and the number of servings they had eaten in the past month using a semi-quantitative interview food - frequency questionnaire.
In this new, unbiased, «trend - in - trend» design, researchers monitor changes in frequency of outcomes as they relate to changes in an exposure to a drug across groups that adopt the drug at different rateIn this new, unbiased, «trend - in - trend» design, researchers monitor changes in frequency of outcomes as they relate to changes in an exposure to a drug across groups that adopt the drug at different ratein - trend» design, researchers monitor changes in frequency of outcomes as they relate to changes in an exposure to a drug across groups that adopt the drug at different ratein frequency of outcomes as they relate to changes in an exposure to a drug across groups that adopt the drug at different ratein an exposure to a drug across groups that adopt the drug at different rates.
Burwell, Ho, and the group used this capability to alter activity in the PER by pulsing the light into that part of the brain at different frequencies.
For instance, two sounds that start at the same instant in time probably come from a single person, even if they involve several different frequency bands.
In addition to SMRs, other brain waves at different frequencies characterize certain mental states [see illustration on page 81].
In the last 10 years or so, however, it's become clear that even when a computer is handling encrypted data, its memory - access patterns — the frequency with which it stores and accesses data at different memory addresses — can betray a shocking amount of private information.
«4 Furthermore, it proposes that the smallest particles in the universe are not dimensionless points (geometric point particles), but are one - dimensional strings tiny enough to resemble a point.4 Therefore, the superstring theory states that everything — matter and energy — is composed of indistinguishable strings which vibrate at different frequencies.
The model looks at the frequency with which different genomic regions appear in the slice to infer information about the relative positions of genes and regions called enhancers that activate them.
We made the following assumptions: (1) the responses of pairs of units, or of a given unit at two different times, were conditionally independent given the stimulus; (2) the expected firing rate of unit in time bin was a function of the recent history of stimulation — that is, of the spectrogram segment (where is the full sound spectrogram, is frequency, and is a history index, covering 20 bins — i.e., 100 ms); and (3) the observed firing rate of unit at time,, was the result of an inhomogeneous Poisson process, with for some function.
It is basically a nano - device designed in such a way that it can trap and hold incoming light for a certain amount of time, while vibrating at two different resonant frequencies.
It's called optical SETI, and its instruments are focused on a different band of the light spectrum than radio astronomy, looking instead at the same waves our eyes take in, along with infrared frequencies, which are just a smidge longer.
After analyzing 964 sites cleaved in vitro by different 11 sgRNAs and measuring indel frequencies at hundreds of off - target sites in cells, we propose an off - target scoring system of each target site for minimizing CRISPR - Cas9 off - target effects in the human genome.
The results are striking: since the electromagnetic field steadily oscillates at a very high frequency, any noise or disturbance at a different frequency results in a zero net effect.
The time spent by fish in the middle compartment (49.2 s) was the highest when the robot tail - beat frequency was set at 2 Hz and post-hoc comparisons revealed that such time was significantly different than the time spent in the middle compartment for the robot beating its tail at 4 Hz (35.2 s), see Figure 7.
The time spent in compartment B3 (28.5 s) was the highest when the robot tail - beat frequency was set to 3 Hz, and post-hoc comparisons revealed that such time was significantly different than the time spent in B3 for the robot beating its tail at 0 Hz or 2 Hz (24.5 s or 24.6 s, respectively), see Figure 7.
The team analyzed the frequency of different types of immune cells in blood collected from 110 one year - old study participants, the presence of immune - stimulatory components in the subjects» house dust and asked whether any of the factors correlated with an increased of asthma at age seven.
Inhomogeneous broadening is a general term for broadening because some emitting particles are in a different local environment from others, and therefore emit at a different frequency.
However, when looking at indigenous diets, the volume, frequency, and necessity of athletic activity in indigenous cultures is a huge confound, from which we can draw very little useful comparisons to sedentary cultures, where the volume, frequency, and necessity of athletic activity is drastically different.
So, in its place of coaching them once per week at the top of your leg day, target them thrice per week by adding them into different coaching days with other body parts this is termed as high frequency.
Take - away message: In order to answer the question of «How often should I do Power Cleans», define your training goal first, look at the training intensities, training volumes and exertion levels required to target your specific training goal and keep the required recovery times for the different Power Clean workouts in mind to determine the training frequencIn order to answer the question of «How often should I do Power Cleans», define your training goal first, look at the training intensities, training volumes and exertion levels required to target your specific training goal and keep the required recovery times for the different Power Clean workouts in mind to determine the training frequencin mind to determine the training frequency.
The needles are electrically stimulated at two different high frequencies, resulting in relaxation and analgesia of the targeted muscles.
Specifically, to compare net pension wealth across different ages of separation, we measure it at a fixed point in time, and we also estimate the frequency of separations at different ages.
Doing a genetic test and subsequently eliminating an individual from the breeding population may not be the best strategy, as by targeting a particular allele at one genetic locus for removal from the gene pool of a particular breed, breeders may in fact increase allele frequency of genetic variants on alternative haplotypes at the same, or a different locus, that are recessively deleterious.
This is done through a very clever mechanic which listens to the frequency of your voice and based on it the AI reacts to different situations so, for example, if you want AI to put money into a bag at a speed faster than they would normally do so, you'd shout into the mic and say something like «quicker, put the money in the bag» and they move faster.
Given that, looking at changes in frequency of events (or return times, as is sometimes done), is more general and allows different sectors / people to assess the effects based on their prior experience.
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