Sentences with phrase «at each time point»

Compared to the control group, the intervention group had lower depression scores at all time points.
When you look at the time each point takes, you see that it takes a lot more than a few weeks to find the perfect job.
Participants received a $ 10 supermarket gift voucher for their participation at each time point.
Note that the child's reports were for both parents collectively: children did not provide separate information for fathers and mothers at this time point.
The conditions did not differ regarding sick leave and employment status at any time point.
The owner, would need to collect three sets of three fecal samples at each time point of the study, and fill out a daily questionnaire.
Relationship dissolution was measured at each time point by asking the mothers who they were currently living with.
While typically just one measurement is collected for each position at each time point, the team collected multiple measurements, each providing slightly different perspectives.
Average cell numbers and standard deviations at each time point were calculated from three independent experiments.
Clinical studies at this time point to consumption of animal protein to adversely effect our kidney function and decrease calcium content in our bones.
To receive the 30,000 Membership Rewards ® points, your Card account must not be cancelled or past due at the time the points are credited to your Card account.
Nonetheless, it is possible that some children experienced important changes in weight or height that were not observed at the time points measured.
Participants engaged in more relationship work with the partners than they did with their best friends at both time points.
Early academic skills were not related to behavioral adjustment at each time point and over time.
Behavioral ratings were obtained from 800 subjects at both time points.
When I did this comparison I took the 401k 10 years out minus its taxes at that time point.
Clinical assessments were obtained for both groups at each time point, as well as at the baseline before the football season.
You can look at time points, what people ask for in their first week and what product they are using and what is the nature of the question.
Maternal smoking trends postpartum: There were 121 participants with complete data on smoking status at each time point.
The LPS was given at a time point in mice (9 days after birth) that approximates the stage of brain development in humans at birth after full - term pregnancy.
The results show that the probiotic group fussed significantly more than the placebo group at all time points from day seven to one month.
Mothers were instructed to complete the questions with regard to one specific child at both time points, and at follow up they were provided with the initials and date of birth of the child they had initially responded about.
The addition of unnecessary breakpoints (i.e. adding breaks at time points which lack any real discontinuity), should be trend neutral in the fit as both halves of the record would then be expected to tend towards the same!
In the control group, there was no significant change in TEWL at any time point compared with the end of the pre-feed (Watson et al. 2006).
>> The addition of unnecessary breakpoints (i.e. adding breaks at time points which lack any real discontinuity), should be trend neutral in the fit as both halves of the record >>
The LPS was given at a time point that approximates the stage of brain development in humans right at the time of birth, thus mimicking the development of a bacterial infection during delivery.
The team found that patients with more varied types of bacteria in their digestive tract had longer median progression - free survival, defined at the time point where half of studied patients have their disease progress.
In two separate experiments, hGDABMP transplanted animals (closed circles) performed significantly better than hGDACNTF (A) or hGPC (B) transplanted animals at all time points from 7 to 28 days post injury / transplantation.
Note that the performance of hGDACNTF or hGPC transplanted animals was not significantly different from control injured rats at all time points (two - way repeated measures ANOVA, * p < 0.05).
BCR - ABL1 transcript levels at time points within the first year of therapy for CML can best predict the achievement of a deep molecular response.
In the control group, there was no significant change in TEWL at any time point compared with the end of the pre-feed (Figure 4 Watson et al. 2006).
No significant differences were observed between the two groups at any time point for seven - day point - prevalence smoking abstinence.
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