Sentences with phrase «at elevated levels since»

The concerning thing is that this number has remained at elevated levels since December 6th.
In addition, the share of those who expect mortgage rates to climb in the next 12 months has remained at an elevated level since it spiked in June.

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While looking at the MRI scans before and after the procedures, the UK researchers from the Newcastle University were able to deduce that the fat levels in the pancreas of the individuals who presented with a normal tolerance to glucose remained unchanged, since they were not elevated in the first place; while the participants with type 2 diabetes lost about 1.2 percent of fat from their pancreas.
Pounding away on the treadmill at a steady pace for a full episode of Veep raises levels of the stress hormone cortisol and keeps them elevated; since cortisol encourages fat storage, long workouts might, ironically, make it tough to lose extra pounds.
As for the rack pulls, since it is elevated at knee level, the range of motion and intensity is lesser.
Since 2006, he has worked hard to elevate the middle level in Michigan, including presenting at numerous conferences on teaching in the middle.
Total delinquent and foreclosure inventories remain at historically elevated levels, with Jumbo and Agency prime product experiencing the greatest percentage increase since January 2008.
Adriano Berengo is also the mind and the heart behind the glass factory Berengo Studio 1989 and Glasstress, the exhibition that, since 2009, elevates glass to an unprecedented level by displaying glass artworks by the most important contemporary artists at Palazzo Franchetti.
Especially since 2002 is the warmest (at least globally with the GHCN - ERSST data) I prefer to look at 1880 -LRB--.2) to 2006 (+.3) off global mean for the period and it's clear to see the trend globally going from -.4 to +.3 The only questions then left are what is the meaning (and / or import) of the sudden changes since 1980, what changing a total of.005 C a year during the period means, what impact does increasing urbanization globally and additional industrialization in places like India and China contribute, why the drop from +.6 to +.3, and why not a constant increase from year to year, given the elevated CO2 levels.
If you have seen a physician regularly and have pre-pregnancy or at least early - pregnancy cholesterol tests that the life insurance companies can review, this will help determine your rating since your levels may be elevated during pregnancy and while nursing.
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