Sentences with phrase «at enormous cost»

Look at the enormous cost of diseases of environmental origin in children — which we've calculated at about $ 55 billion each year for the 4 million babies born in this country.
My blog exists at enormous cost to me in time and effort.
The fact is that the CF article proposes a physical efficiency at enormous cost, so the economic efficiency is low.
The overall economic effect maybe an increase in production, but at the enormous cost of breaking up the community and relationships dependent upon that community.
While I'm not inclined to ascribe motive in this case and prefer to give Ham the benefit of the doubt that he holds his position because his conscience demands it, I think these folks bring up a good point about how we can become so heavily invested in a certain ideology that change comes at enormous cost.
This magnificent motorcar was built at an enormous cost to replicate the great Gulf - Porsche RSR.
The government has ploughed billions into shoring up the banks and big business at enormous cost to the taxpayer.»
Neither Media Watch nor the ABC can pull the plug on the traction given to the crusade for truth in this murky world of public sponsorship of wind turbines which fail to achieve anything but produce profits at enormous cost to health and the right of quiet enjoyment of the great Australian landscape.
All processed using dubious data on energy - sapping supercomputers at enormous cost to the environment and the tax payer.
Oops, better switch right now at enormous cost and much higher electrical and heating rates to «new technology».
Concentrating the trace opiates in breadseed poppy seeds to an active level is theoretically possible at enormous cost, effort and inefficiency; however, the DEA and ONDCP have not attempted to ban non-opium variety poppies based on this highly speculative scenario.
This often comes at enormous cost to all of us, because these far too often go unnoticed; the last several decades of research on human bonding offers powerful evidence that our relationships are based on the success of these many small everyday bids and responses.
This surely limits corporate power, but at enormous cost — namely an enormous increase in the power of the state.
The modern phenomenon of «cheap chicken» has come at an enormous cost to the animal and constitutes the world's biggest animal welfare disaster, with 50 billion chickens raised intensively for their meat annually, worldwide.
They believe CEP unfairly subsidizes the meals of kids who could afford to pay full price, at enormous cost to taxpayers, and have advocated for a 60 - percent threshold to determine a school or district's eligibility.
This white elephant will mean a faster journey for a fortunate few but at an enormous cost to the rest of us; it should be abandoned before too much money has been wasted.»
The Lib Dems are not opposed to a nuclear deterrent per se, but protest the decision to replace the Trident weapons system as it stands, at enormous cost to the taxpayers.
The most obscene examples were in the banking sector, whose huge losses had to be bailed out at enormous cost
The discovery is understood to be behind Gordon Brown's demand this weekend for bankers to come clean about the scale of their «bad assets» - including loans which have had to be written off at enormous cost.
Environmentally speaking, this came at an enormous cost.
According to a study in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, more than 50,000 babies are born prematurely in the U.K. every year, at an enormous cost to the British medical system.
She stands by the promises she made to Filth but at an enormous cost.
If society's utmost desire is a «clean», highly reliable grid, resilient, secure grid — we likely can build that at some enormous cost.
-- Charles C. Mann — «As you stand in endless lines this holiday season, here's a comforting thought: all those security measures accomplish nothing, at enormous cost.
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