Sentences with phrase «at exercise efforts»

The study, published in the journal Current Biology, looked at exercise efforts and how they affected weight loss goals.

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can be nothing other than an effort at snake - oil seduction of flabby - bodied and flabby - minded people who think of God as a senile Grandfather, by whose indulgent grace they can pray their weight away rather than dieting and exercising.
At worst the effort to exercise this authority becomes a servile representation of old forms, a religious antiquarianism; at its best, however, such communal authority speaks in contemporary language and to contemporary needs out of the long experience and painfully gathered wisdom of the Christian centurieAt worst the effort to exercise this authority becomes a servile representation of old forms, a religious antiquarianism; at its best, however, such communal authority speaks in contemporary language and to contemporary needs out of the long experience and painfully gathered wisdom of the Christian centurieat its best, however, such communal authority speaks in contemporary language and to contemporary needs out of the long experience and painfully gathered wisdom of the Christian centuries.
It is now apparent that this effort was, at least in part, the attempt of a culture whose religious dimensions were fading to find some other area in which the religious passions could be exercised.
Jesus» exercise of his presidency through persuasion and open argument can be a plumbline for judging all presidents, and God's republic can be the ideal for our efforts at participation and public debate.
And he enjoyed a vindictive triumph when Messer Biagio, angry at the laughter of his friends, appealed to the Pope and the Pope replied: «Had the painter sent you to purgatory, I would have used my best efforts to get you released; but I exercise no influence in hell.»
When you get good at curb step - ups, you may want to make the exercise harder and this is a good way to increase the effort required.
At one such exercise on Tuesday with Central Regional Minister, Mr. Kwamina Duncan, the Municipal Chief Executive of Komenda - Edina - Eguafo - Abream (KEEA), Mr. Appiah Koran and traditional leaders in attendance, he lauded the efforts of Nana Condua in ridding the area of filth.
«The value in this exercise is in its ability to look at alternative levels of policy effort and the relative impacts those would have.»
When you are already stressed from work, it can feel easy to avoid eating well and exercising: preparing yourself a healthy dinner or getting yourself to the yoga studio after a long day at the office takes effort.
Better yet, you can incorporate almost any exercise into a Tabata format (as long as you're going at an intense effort), and you don't need weights or a lot of space.
First, maximal effort training involves working at such an intensity that you can not repeat an exercise more than three times.
Letting go of anger can sometimes take a great deal of time and effort, which is why he suggests using emotion - releasing exercises like this one to help you along: The next time youâ $ ™ re at the beach, write any grievances you have in the sand close to the shore.
Sure, you could sign up for a gym membership that you probably won't use (statistically - that is why they lock you into a contract), but you can also get exercise for free at home with less effort and in less time.
In the new study, which was funded by Pfizer and published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, an international group of researchers led by David D. Waters, MD, of the University of California, San Francisco, looked at 9,955 people with an average age of 62 to see if cholesterol - lowering efforts — including taking medication or trying diet and exercise alone — were having the intended effect.
Balancing your diet is crucial if you want to be sure that you're not putting at waste all the effort invested in exercising.
For cycling I exercised at the same perceived effort as normal but at the end my average power up up 10 watts.
If you are working at maximum effort you should not have enough energy to complete 5 × 5 of all five exercises.
My resting HR is still pretty normal, but my exercise HR seems to be higher at a similar effort as in the past.
Because there is so much to cover, I thought it would be best to tackle exercises — in the form of classes or individual efforts — one at time.
I've been using extra virgin olive oil to cook for several years thinking I was exercising a healthy option but it's been at high heat, negating all my efforts!
It requires high effort (on an intensity scale of 1 - 10, at least a 7) of sprints lasting from thirty seconds to two minutes, followed with a different low intensity exercise lasting 1 - 2 minutes.
My current exercise routine includes daily 3/4 hour of maximal weights, plus at least 1/2 hour of maximal effort cardio.
Just keep in mind that while beta - alanine is effective at improving exercise capacity during short bouts of high intensity effort, it doesn't appear to improve performance during exercise lasting less than 60 - seconds.
One of the best exercises to figure out if you are sabotaging your weight loss efforts is to take a sheet of paper and write at the top, «If I was lean...» - and list every negative or difficult aspect that you can think of.
Make an effort to get more daily exercise, with a goal of at 30 minutes, five days per week (under the guidance of your doctor).
Due to the fact that this is a max effort workout, you should rest at least 1 - 2 minutes between sets and at least 2 - 3 minutes between exercises.
Concentric muscular failure is the point at which you are unable to complete an additional positive repetition of a given exercise in proper form despite your greatest efforts.
The main horizontal pulling exercises were the inverted row, suspension trainer inverted row, single arm row, ghost row (one arm row without trunk rotation, and the powerpull (where the trunk is rotated 90 degrees at the starting phase and rotates during the range of motion with a powerful effort).
Many guys spend so much effort trying to find that magical combination of exercises, sets, reps and / or weekly routine splits, while completely ignoring their calorie intake and falling short of a surplus each day (or at least, many times per week).
It can be frustrating to exercise at anything less than your max effort, sure, but gradual is the way to go to prevent injury.
Solid programs include targeted efforts to reduce the likelihood of injury via means like mobility warm - ups, supplemental stretching recommendations, specific progressions, fluctuations in training stress, and alternative exercises («plan B») in case you aren't quite ready to execute «Plan A.» For me personally, I attribute a lot of my progress to the fact that at one point, I actually went over eight years without missing a planned lift.
While this may be over exaggerated at times, there is a heap of evidence to show that caffeine ingestion pre exercise will lead to improvements in performance and reductions in sensation of effort — effectively meaning that we feel as if we are doing less work when we are in fact working harder than ever.
Most of my exercising has been zone 3, but as of lately (past month) I've included more and more reps of maximal effort sprints, and I must honestly say that I'm shocked at how quickly my endurance (both aerobic and anaerobic) has skyrocketed.
Like Veronica Roth's overlong novel, Divergent boasts (or suffers from) a heavy emphasis on the central character's ongoing efforts at blending into her new faction - with the movie's entire midsection devoted to the various exercises and games that Tris and other newcomers are forced to undergo.
The organization is making an increasingly aggressive effort to exercise some measure of control over each of these factors through partnerships with at least 20 colleges nationwide designed to create a pipeline to four - year colleges able to offer the greatest possible commitment and support to KIPP alumni.
Only long - term efforts at exercising regularly and eating well will help me pass the test.
In an exercise to hint at Volkswagen's efforts to explore this practical four - door's sportier side, Volkswagen will unveil the Passat Performance Concept at the 2013 North American International Auto Show in Detroit.
The effort at diversification ended up being an exercise in concentration.
The pimobendan ‑ treated dogs showed significantly greater improvements at day 56 in demeanour, exercise tolerance, and respiratory effort compared with dogs that were not treated with pimobendan.6
Carbohydrates provide energy which can be used quickly at the beginning of the physical effort, while fatty acids are used gradually over the exercise period to maximize performance of sporting dogs with long periods of sustained activity.
my dog dosen't get much exercise since he is mostly tied at his dog house and no one takes him on walks, when he is on walks at times of effort (getting a leg up to pee, squating to take a dump, jumping from a higher to a lower surface or walking down stairs) his back legs fold in in a manner that makes him stagger but he dosen't seem to notice and just keeps walking, I have also noticed he walks slower and has less energy what can these occur from?
If you're at the end of your rope with your energetic pooch and your efforts to properly socialize, train and exercise him don't seem to be helping, it's time to visit your veterinarian for a consultation and workup.
Signs your pet may have heart disease include increased respiratory rate (called tachypnea) and / or effort (called dyspnea) when at rest, collapse or fainting episodes, weakness and lethargy, reduced exercise tolerance, abdominal swelling, cough, blue discoloration of the gums or tongue (called cyanosis), swelling of the limbs or head, distension or pulsation of the jugular veins in the neck.
For those upset at the arbitrary number $ 75B used for this exercise, Lomborg's other effort started asking where to spend $ 50B to «save the world».
As others have already noted, climate models have absolutely no predictiive ability at all, so the whole exercise is a complete and utter waste of time and effort.
Not only is the attribution exercise pointless in our opinion, but it is actually counterproductive in that it distracts from the reality at hand and diverts the efforts of the meteorological and climate communities from actually doing something that might be helpful.
At the group exercise I attended it was difficult to tell the students apart from the trainee solicitors — they'd all made an effort to leave a good impression.
Things like: You can't just watch the exercise video while having your afternoon snack of cheese puffs and Snickerdoodles, going a full mile on your exercise bike in just under 4 hours because you had to stop three times for an ice cream break, and getting up at midnight to finish off the leftover lasagna because you were so hungry when you went to bed, will really dive bomb your efforts no matter how sincere you may be.
• Secured procurement of $ 2,500,000 materiel handling equipment for new 240,000 square foot warehouse distribution centers at Joint Repair Parts Command and General Depot Command • Succinctly managed 71 deployment taskings for Eighth Air Force personnel; always 100 % on - time Deployment Requirement Manning Document delivery to base Installation Deployment Officer • Coordinated with Air Force Global Strike Command on tasking verifications — slashed deployment shortfalls by 50 % • Co-lead with item manager on critical B - 52 brake mission capable issues; production up over 60 % — kept 76 B - 52s combat primed • Spearheaded transfer of 439 Headquarters Eighth Air Force weapons to 2 BW — vital assets valued at $ 290,000 available for redistribution • Remarkable leadership; revamped Eighth Air Force deployment process — slashed late responses by 65 % and reclamas by 25 % • Prepped 175 9MMs and 266 M16s for Combat Arms Training and Maintenance inspection — 100 % compliant for 1st time in 2 years; reorganized annex space — 40 % more • Oversaw 2 peninsula wide Staff Assistance Visits; assessed 5 sites and $ 1,800,000,000 War Reserve Materiel program; 497 findings 98.4 % fixed — Air Support Group prepped to ace Unit Compliance Inspection • Launched premier vehicular support to NASA and FEMA teams during Space Shuttle Columbia crisis • Quickly transitioned flight from Strategic Command exercise to wartime status in aftermath of September 11th attacks — 27,000 gallons of JP - 8 issued to Air Force One and escort aircraft; base efforts lauded by President
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