Sentences with phrase «at fertilization»

And for the majority of embryologists who stubbornly believe that life begins at fertilization rather than implantation, a drug or device whose contraceptive action occurs after fertilization does cause an abortion.
So that means that it is God is responsible for those women being guilty of murder according to «Sanct.ity of Human Life Act: H.R. 212» which says that life starts at fertilization and guarantees that life full protection under the law.
Women's bodies tell them at implantation that they are pregnant not at fertilization.
Thus, the division mechanism of meiosis is a reciprocal process to the joining of two genomes that occurs at fertilization.
At fertilization clinics, for an additional cost, an embryo can be analyzed before it is implanted.
Thus, when a sperm cell delivers its genetic cargo at fertilization, the one - celled egg again possesses the full 46 chromosomes.
gamete: Haploid reproductive cells that combine at fertilization to form the zygote, called sperm (or pollen) in males and eggs in females.
Second, it is typically challenging to identify which male's sperm has been successful at fertilization.
We now know that the majority of miscarriages are due to genetic abnormalities in the embryo, meaning the fate of that fetus was determined at fertilization and would never become a healthy baby.
I don't believe life begins at fertilization... there's a huge process b / w that and when a fetus becomes viable outside the womb.
Not all religions believe life begins at fertilization, some put it later, otherwise there are also issues of even internal to religions there are debates as to when life begins.
The assumptions of these people, -LRB-(who say «life begins at conception», (when they actually mean, «life begins at fertilization»),....
And when I was honest with myself, I had to admit that I don't know exactly when life begins (at fertilization?
As if that wasn't enough, House Republicans introduced HR 586 — a personhood bill that declares that life begins at fertilization, and thus zygotes and embryos have the same «right to life» as human beings.
At fertilization, sperm delivers a structurally distinct genome, along with a complement of ribonucleic acids, or RNAs, and proteins to the immature egg cell.
If that's true, the Catholic Church has a major problem that they fail to face up to if life begins at fertilization.
«That,» he says, «is a kind of new biology that I find a million times more interesting than these specious arguments over whether life begins at fertilization
Researchers can see which human eggs are healthiest by their release of zinc, shown in halolike bursts in timelapse images, at fertilization.
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